Dear Lupita Nyong’o, Why Must You Slay Us Completely?
My newest celebrity crush is Lupita Nyong’o and if you have to ask me why, then we have nothing to talk about. I’m here to write her a love letter, because she is everything. I’m not even here to talk about her performance in 12 Years a Slave. No. I’m shallower that that. I am here because she is gorgeous and her style makes me swoon.

Goddess Lupita
Dear Lupita Nyong’o,
So you think it’s ok to just come through and slay us all so effortlessly and so consistently with your beauty? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT IS ALRIGHT?!? My goodness.
You’re just FAHN for no reason. Finer than 3,000 count Egyptian cotton woven by the hands of that old woman who is ageless because folks lost count and all we know is she was here for both World Wars. Shit. As a straight woman, I’m not supposed to have my jaws on the ground every time I see your picture. That’s supposed to be reserved for Idris Elba (and his bow tie).
Speaking of, I saw the picture you and Idrissa (my husband. Did he mention me? He musta forgot.) took together and I’m pretty sure the camera broke right after.

All this chocolate. I LIVE!
It gave up the ghost because never in its life would it witness much sexy again. Not even when it takes a picture of you and Jared Leto. By the way, do y’all go together? If you do, don’t tell me. I’ll get jealous. But whatever. Moving on.
So Lupita. Let’s talk about your skin regimen. It looks like you swan dive in a pool of unicorn tears that the Pope anoints every morning. Gahtdamb! That skin you’re in is so deficient of flaw that I’m pretty sure you’re allergic to blemishes. Blemishes see your skin and say “Nah. We can’t go there.” I need you to teach me your ways, madame! Because I just wanna write you a poem where I refer to your skin as “mahogany silky smooth and chocolate perfection.” It’ll include comparisons to the light of the moon and the ancestral beauty that shines through. It’ll be real Love Jones appropriate and super corny. I’ll even wear a black turtleneck as I recite it to you.
I have PLANS!
As a fellow chocolate lady, your skin is officially my role model. I wanna be like it when I grow up.
Now, about your style. LUPITA, QUIT BEING SO FIERCE ALLATAHM! Seriously. I haven’t seen you in ONE #ALPHET that was a thumbs down. Nope. Your stylist gotchu giving old Hollywood glam, new school gorgeousness and classic realness at the same tahm and I am here for all of it! Especially this awards season. You’ve been winning (even when the awards didn’t go to you).
Every one of those looks is EVERYTHING. And those bright colors against that dark skin is totally right. Whoooo! Come on yellows, reds, whites and aqua. COME ON! I may or may not be asking my seamstress to recreate some of these looks for me. TWINSIES!
I’d be remiss if I didn’t pay #AMISH to that coiffure of yours, which is somehow super short but still super versatile. I never knew one could do so much with a TWA (teeny weeny afro). Yours is straightened, parted, shrunken and colored for different looks and each one works! When I had my short hair, my two styles were twist-out or “washed my hair and got too lazy so I slept on it and just walked out my house looking like STAHP it!” Meanwhile, you’re outchea giving us the fiercest gumby one day, Frederick Douglas’ part the next and widows’ peak adorabo after that. Kudos to Ted Gibson for whipping your hair #BAGGINFOAF.
Girl, WERK. I love it.
I’ll be watching the Academy Awards red carpet this year just to see you come through and make everyone else look like the help. The face stays snatched and the style remains impeccable.
Then you have the nerve to be super charming, humble (but still OWNING your gifts and talent) AND funny. Your Jimmy Kimmel appearance had me cheesing like a fool. You are everything and everything is you. You’re my newest favorite and I can’t e’em wait to see how far you go in your career.
So yeah. You’re awesome!
Yours in adoration,
P.S. Ok fine, you and Jared WOULD make a cute couple. I’ll even call y’all JARITA. I heard about LUPETO but that makes me think of Jepeto and Pinocchio. No lie.
Soooo who else wants to write a love letter to Lupita? I know I’m not the only one who fangirls over her pics.
OH and stans of Lupita. What do we call ourselves? Are we the Lupitites? The top three that people suggested are:
- Lupitians
- Lupistas
- Lupettes
My fave in these is the Lupitians. We can just call ourselves any of the three. Because WHO GON CHECK US?!?
I don die.
You’re not alone! This woman is Chocolate Supreme Infinity!! Beautiful woman giving little black girls an example of grace and beauty that doesn’t call for skin bleaching and discarded Indian woman hair.
” . . . giving little black girls an example of grace and beauty that doesn’t call for skin bleaching and discarded Indian woman hair.” (and everything else you said)
Girl, YES!!!
Discarded Indian woman hair??? LMAO!!!
RIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“beauty that doesn’t call for skin bleaching and discarded Indian woman hair.” I have been slayed. You just made me snort.
You made my day,”discarded Indian hair”….and you fine yourself.We so proud of Lupita back at home here.
Amazing person. Its a great lesson to fellow African girl!
This letter is awesome & I couldn’t have said it better myself! She makes me SWOON! @chocolate_tenders
I love it. Truly I do.
This sista here! Flawless just dont say enough about her. She is errthang and I’m here for it all!
Go Lupita!
I want to make posters of her and put them in my classroom and point to them every time someone makes fun of a girl for being dark and having short hair.
This. Over and over again.
DO IT!!! Office Depot can make posters from pictures!!!
I like the name “Lupistas” for her stans. Kind of like fashionistas.
Yesterday, I caught the episode of Different World where they tackled the ideas of “mammy”, Aunt Jemima, colorism, hair, and the beauty of black women. It’s amazing how these issues haven’t gone away, but I’m so glad that women like Ms. Nyong’o are getting positive attention for her natural beauty (in addition to her talent and intellect) Lupistas unite!
Wow that so cute,i just love this sister of our Kenyan soil,making us proud why lie?
She is no longer Kenyan……she now belongs to the negroid race,a true african……she belongs to us all.
that is all.
And not nary a word about her fine frame.
I know she has youth (and probably genes straight from the gods) on her side. However, I would LOVE to know about her diet and workout.
I bet she doesn’t workout or diet. Lupita’s frame looks like genetics showing out. Yes ma’am!
Out of lurkage to say “mmhmm. all of that!”
Lupita gives me feels I’ve never had for a woman. I’m questioning my sexual orientation. She is the entire package. I don’t think anyone else can fake a widows peak.
GWIRL! Right?? Chile…
Kenyan in the Area 254
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss she representing making us want to sing the anthem allatym 🙂
This. Right here. Soooooooo proud to be Kenyan right now! The Luo in me claims her to be my cousin! 😀 I got famous relatives – Barack and Lupita!
Kenyan blood only undiluted, proud of her, let Pple know we kenyans are wonderfully made with effortless skin. Luvvie visit we will give you the skin secrets.
Lol, I thought it was just me. I’m amazed at her flawlessness every time I see her!
Y’all know I came all the way here just to preach about her being my Kenyan sister in the blood of the lamb, right?
I don’t blame you. Yall are lucky she’s not Nigerian. I’d be insufferable bout it. lolol
I wonder what you mean by that , what if she was a I am but I celebrate her as a siesta as well? Your letter is hilarious though, loved it!
The skin, the hair, the clothes, the makeup: she is the total package. I’m over here taking notes!
Taking notes and filling up a book w/ em. YES!
I don’t want her w/Jared Leto cuz she’s supposed to be my woman. All that chocolate fineness…yes, Lawd.
I’ve always wished I had that dark, smooth, and beautiful skin. She is just everything!
She has been flawless I mean her beauty radiates from within. My HD TV has not been kind to many celebs skin but Lupita skin is perfection not a pore in site and about her bold color choices snaps YOU.BETTER.WORK. Love her.
Lupita is awesome, humble and smart. She is an great example to all of us, particularly our little ones, that you can be beautiful without being high yellow with flowing silky locks.
I have been following her on Instagram to see those outfits and whew. All that fierceness is starting to wear me out. This girl has me sounding like a drag queen because I am usually yelling “Werk!” whenever I see her.
Her glam squad deserves an award because they have surely outdone everyone else this season.
You have me at my desk smiling! Yes, she is fantastically beautiful and I don’t care that I made up that word.
Dear Pita,
Oh Pita (she the homey and friend I macked on back in high school in my head so her name is Pita to me) let me go head and give all honor and praise to 10 lb 8 oz newborn baby Jesus in the Osh Kosh B’Gosh swaddling cloths with frankincense cologne bathing his body. Also shout out to Allah, Ganesh and Buddha because they had some input on your creation #also #aswell.
You are the true definition of a Godiva Ghiradelli Lindt Dark Chocolate Nubian African Queen.
Beauty, brains and humility all collided to create you.
Yours in standom
I have died at your letter. LMAOOOOO! You pulled out all the stops with “You are the true definition of a Godiva Ghiradelli Lindt Dark Chocolate Nubian African Queen.” YOU AINT EVER WRITTEN ME A LETTER, LV!
Luvvie, you spoke every word that was on my heart. I love she! I fangirl and have tears in my eyes every time I see her in interviews, on red carpets, etc. I freaked out when she won the SAG like a real Jamaican – I mean, I was almost banging pot covers and bussing blanks. I went IN. My sister was concerned…
I haven’t had a girl crush ever, but this is just a real CRUSH. I feel for her some of what I felt for Usher in my teens, and that shit was INTENSE. Lol! I can’t help myself. It’s not all about how gorgeous she is either, but I’m a nerd and the way she speaks has me hanging on her every word. That line in her SAG acceptance speech about Steve McQueen shining a flashlight under the floorboards of the nation? *swoons* I wanted to propose right then and there.
I decree and declare that she will have a long, successful film (in front of and behind the camera) and stage career so that I may continue to fangirl and that black girls around the world may continue to have such a shining example to look up to.
And #Lupeto/#Jupita/#Jarita is way cute and I ship it. If they go together IRL, he betta treat our queen like the royalty she is!
I second this. I actually wrote a letter to my home girls letting them know I girl crush this woman, and my husband has to DEAL!
Not since the 80s when I first laid my eyes on Sade (who I still and will forever bow to her greatness) have I had complete admiration/adoration for another female. Like you my dear Luvvie, I am completely smitten by Miss Nyong’o. I make sure to pronounce her name the way she instructed Jimmy K. (Often surprising people with my passion when correcting them.) She is one of the most amazing spirits I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. This young women makes me so proud. I too want to parade her around for all black women who are struggling with their self image and those who think that overly sexiness is the answer — I want to say LOOK AT LUPITA this is the image you should strive towards, graceful and elegant. [Heavy sigh] Lupita is so beautiful and I hope she already knows that no matter what she is so blessed.
Yessss on the pronunciation of her name! I cringe every time someone in the media says Lupita En-Yong-Go. I’m like, come ON people! She TOLD you – soft G, like ‘song.’
Ati..G is like soft on Song
No hunny, you are not alone. This sista here is my first girl crush and I am not ashamed! Love you Lupita Nyong’o! Keep it coming!!
Just like you I have a complete and total 1000% girl crush on her. Everything about her is perfection! And let me tell you. I know folks are all “girl don’t date Jared!” but I’m SORRY, he’s 50 shades of FINE and he’s clearly going out of his way to get at her. I say GO GIRL!
Yesssss! That pic of them with his hands at her waist… *sighs*
That pic?? There’s at least 3 of his hands on her waist. I’m not jealous but I am. (-_-)
The one from SAG. In the others, they’re usually touching each other on the arm. But this one, his hands were sittin’ on her waist like they belong there, and they were looking into each others eyes… *sighs*
If she ends up with Jared Leto, I will NOT be mad. He is fine AND talented!
I am here for all of THIS!… where’s my re-post button?
She has a body made for clothes and really good taste. I’m glad dark skinned girls have a role model if they need one.
I am just here thirsting for the Oscars. I don’t know how she’s going to top that red caped dress from the Golden Globes, or that turquoise one from the SAGs, but I know she will. All I know is, after Lupita comes through on the red carpet, they better take it up and tell all those other luminaries, ‘Y’all peasants can walk the pavement. The queen has already gone through.’
“Walk the pavement.” ROFL! You better say it!!!
I LOVE my people! Yes, roll up the carpet. The rest of ya’ll go in through the back door.
She is just…I just…I have no words! I am not worthy to look upon her beauty, but I physically canNOT avert my eyes!
Also, that pic of her with Idris Elba should come with a warning label. TOO MUCH!
Teach me your ways Lupita – she is simply divine and she uses style, makeup and dress to enhance her beauty not camouflage it unlike what so many US stars do. Lupita Lesson, dial back the superficial glam and let your natural beauty SHINE!
I’m so far BEYOND Gurl Crush. It’s like she’s not even real. She’s made of dreams and hopes and rainbows, she came to save us all from the nastiness created by reality TV and the Kardashians. Praise her! She looks like someone turned a prayer into a statue of the perfect person.
I love this thought! 😀
This made my day! I love her too!
I vote for Lupistas! She is living proof that there is a God and man originated in the Motherland. She is flawless, talented, educated, insanely gorgeous, funny and humble. My man is getting a little annoyed at my lady crush because whenever she is on tv I tell him to be quiet because Lupita is speaking, walking, being photographed, in the background to the left.
I am here and forever a Lupista… She looks like the motherland wrapped her in a blanket, and said go share my goodness with the earth. Everytime I see her I can’t help but smile and say that is how you properly slay them at EVERY EVENT! Don’t even give them a chance to say she could do better… No I do the best in my sleep and you better recognize! LUPISTAS for the WIN!
**SIGH** I really don’t ‘preciate having to share her with all you people!
I swore I would never have a “girl crush” I thought that was just so silly. Ms. Lupita just made a complete liar out of me! I am so in like with this beautimous (beautiful+fabulous) life size barbie, I don’t know what to do with myself!!!
P.S. Her in that blue gives me LIFE!!!
All of this. She is EVERYTHANG and then some. She makes me want to get all of the M.A.C eyeshadow colors and just play. She is representing for us darker-skinned ladies and I am here for it.
My vote for our stan name is Lupistas.
I swear this woman makes my 40% gay act all the way up…yes you read that correctly 40%!
Why is no one commenting on how she looks like Omar Epps beautiful lil sister? I can’t be the only one who see this?
Her skin is FLAWLESS (which is how she woke up!)
The only thing I hate is how everyone (the media) is oohing and ahhing over how these white celeb men are flocking to her side for hugs and smooches! Like that validates what WE are already know.
SHE IS EVERYTHANG! We don’t need white folks to tell us that!
Hahaha, yes you are so on point…white celeb men are falling all over themselves. She makes me even more proud to an AA woman rocking my short natural boy-cut!
Thank you for this and great letter to our new found flawless favorite (NF3 to me). You basically said what I think almost every time I look at her. She is beauty.
I said to myself, “Diane (I call myself Diane), can you imagine what Luvvie would have written if Lupita was Nigerian? It would be this piece times 100.”
Oh, I like Nyongang.
LuLu (’cause that is what I call my bestie in my head) is really on serial killer status. Slaying daily.
She is truly lovely!
I forgot to vote. I’m for Lupistas!!!
I am officially obsessed with Lupita! She did waltz in and took us all by storm with her effortless grace, beauty and her dope body! Errythang she touches turns into red carpet HAUTENESS! I have created a pinterest page dedicated just for her….I don’t think I’ve ever had a crush like this before!
I love your letter….I am a Lupitas!
YESSS to this entire post! Lupita is everything!
I vote for Lupistas!
This fellow African woman is infatuated/obsessed/entranced/mesmerized by Lupita. She is gorgeous and exceptionally talented in the theatrical sense. I mean, please! I saw the movie and that performance, for a big-screen debut was ridiculous, it was that good.
Her poise, elegance and humility have inspired me to clean up my act a little bit, shoot! On top of that, it is wonderful to see a dark-skinned lady look so beautiful and feminine in the public eye. She is shattering stereotypes one goddess-like step at a time. Why wouldn’t Jared Leto be so smitten…
I vote for “Lupettes” cause it sounds like a singing group from the 60s. LOL…
And she is everything. She makes me so proud to be a brown, natural girl. So unashamed in her cultural walk and awareness!
Let me tell you something RAT NOW……SHE IS BAD! LIKE SUPER BAD! LIKE I wish my skin was dark like hers bad……wish I could afford and wear evening gowns to work BAD…..rock my fro in a Fredrick Douglas part BAD….She could do no WRONG BAD! I don’t have many people I would be a groupie for….it use to be one Kanye West(Sorry, I’m not sorry I have been down with my man since 04 and praying for change) and now Lupita! Chile, if I could live in her closet among those gowns…all I need is a hot plate, pillow and blanket! YASSSSS!
SHE IS LIFE (I am a scientist, so I can say that).
I don’t know how many pounds of Kenyan Shea butter I need to go through to get that skin, but you best believe I will find out.
I’ve re-baptized myself Kenyan (because you can do that) and all I need her to do is kick off her shoes at me like Patti Labelle and let me kiss her feet! I KNOW IF I JUST TOUCH THE SKIN OF HER HEELS I WILL BE WHOLE!
We have Lupitaosis, its our stan disease. Let us pray it becomes contagious to all young black girls.
Lupita….is the truth! I’ve been following her since her days on Shuga. I can’t wait to see what she will do next.
As a fellow dark skinned Kenyan girl,it feels good to see all the love and admiration for our home girl Lupita,who most people dnt know has struggled to get to where she is today. She has been an actress all her life back here in Kenya,so fo her to be in Hollywood is just amazing.I realised this girl was destined to become something great after doing the movie Shuga (y’all should try and check it out btw)
we dark skinned women dnt have it easy and thanks to Lupita and all the love she is getting out there,the next generation of dark skinned babies will have an easy time worldwide not just abroad and Kenya. I am very proud to be an african dark skinned woman and with her slaying it ALL the time, we is here to stay 😀
Yes Shuga was a remarkable performance by her. She really localized the epidemic that is HIV for me. It used to seem like something so far away, but she brought it to my level.
Talent, brains and beauty, this girl will conquer the world!
OMG I love Shuga soooo much!! I remembering seeing the first episode and wanting to name my daughter Ayira immediately lol! Have you guys watched the new Naija version?
If I had her face, I would rock a short crop forever. She serves ALL face, ALL THE TIME!!! My GAWD that woman is just… just… friggin gorgeous!!! As a friend of mine said, she’s a “supreme life being from a much better planet”. Her beauty is quite other-wordly!
She’s the epitome of class and grace.
I must say I don’t even read blogs like that but you just became my favorite blog on the interweb. The minute I saw that you mentioned Lupita Nyong’o(The woman who makes all the atoms in my body vibrate even though I’m as strait as an arrow.) I became instantly enamored.
Yes to all of this! I love her too. She’s a wonderful breath of fresh air.
I vote for JUPITA….sounds astronomical.
I was JUST talking to my boyfriend about my woman crush on the perfection known as Lupita. This woman is EVERYTHING!!! I’ve always loved my dark skin. However, seeing what the gods have done with hers make me want to find the nearest sunny beach and sunbathe for a few hours. I want that dark chocolatey glow. I may not be that patient though. The tanning bed may have to do for now. I am almost certain you can’t look at her straight on. That glow has got to be blinding.
Lupita, keep doing what you do!!! We are constantly bombarded with ignorance that wants to teach us that our dark skin is everything but beautiful. Miss Lupita has proven that ignorance wrong, and she didn’t have to say a damn word. All she did was show up, be fabulous, and breathe.
♥a proud “Lupette”
Lupitas for life!
YES!!!! We needed Lupita. I NEEDED LUPITA. She is just the breath of fresh air that was looooong overdue. Its funny how her natural, effortless beauty is what makes her stand apart from the rest. To this I say, YESSSS!!!
You have a new subbie because this post straight cracked me up! And yes, Lupitaite ova here!!!! The woman is too, too flawless!
Dear Luvvie –
I am officially a fan. This letter has me slayed and laid all across my desk at work (literally, facedown in dis Subway sammich). I swear, your vernacular and idioms made me wonder if you listened in on conversations I have with my gurls. I mean, your letter expressed err emotion and feeling containable in my being about this gorgeous goddess. Yaaasss! And I certainly can’t wait to see Ms. Lupita’s alphet at the Oscars. I suspect I will need some medics on stand-by.
Yours truly!
P.S. I hear you are local, from the Chi. If so, I hope that we cross paths someday soon. XO
And the Universe is all about it.
Fellow Lupista over here and she is just what we needed right now. I will be rooting for her during the Oscars but she is WINNING!
I am unable to articulate how I feel about Lupita’s exquisite presence, she renders me speechless. Luvvie, your letter is superb and one hundred percent accurate…and that pic of Idris with Lupita…Girl WHAT? And I’ve had an ongoing crush on Jared since My So-Called Life days, so I am here for that romance…
I stan so strong for this women. As a life long hetero, I would leap over the fence with the quickness if she just winked in my direction.
I vote for “Lupistas.” I love her and she is my new BFF forever and always.
She is stunningly beautiful! Happy Woman Crush Wednesday
She has me speechless every time. And you have expressed all of my feels into words, and I thank you for that. All the Yeses in Yesland go to Miss Lupita. I will stan for no one else but her. I would kiss her Converses with no hesitation. She is rocking that TWA though, which makes me feel like a winner as I rock mine. She is just…. smh. Queen Lupita, everybody.. #carryon
Sidenote: I like the Lupettes the best. And I am living in jealousy that she tweeted back. If yall become bff’s, can you tell her I said Heyyyyyyy!
Lupita Nyongo is a wonderful looking female and I am happy to see her doing big things. We need more dark skinned females in the mainstream. This was a great post, thanks a million for sharing.
You DID see that she also shared your letter on her FB fanpage, right?
What is there left for a Lupista to say at this point.
Bowing. Down.
I wish i can smile too at that letter on this cold a…sss day…. but some of the words you used????…..
you need to put the definitions for at the bottom because i didn’t know what the shhhhhhhht they meant…
oh and Lupita is beyond fierce!!! not even fire is hotter!..
I love that Mexican chick!… ctfu….
be blessed
Here’s Luvvie’s glossary, explaining those colourful terms:
CTFU!!!… Thank you so much for the translations… Now i can re read the love letter to Ms. Lupita with a better understanding and feelings!.
be blessed.
I am a dark skinned woman who has always been proud of my skin color tho I have faced the prejudices of it. Ms. Lupita Nyong’o is a Goddess in her own image of the beauty of an African woman. Through her I see from whence we came to where we are to to be, ON TOP. We came from kings n queens, our race runs through the blood of all mankind. It was from the sands of the land of Africa that our body were first formed. Lupita is the pure TRUTH of a perfect imperfection. Even those that are prejudice can’t deny the essence n flawless beauty she possesses. To see her stand on stages receiving rewards in front of white people who ancestor treated us like animals. To see the looks of AWE as she stood there made me feel even more prouder. She is so beautiful I don’t even think they could even concentrate on what she was saying lol. I wrote this and many other poems inspired by her. I was having writers block but seeing her broke the seal on it. THANK YOU LUPITA
I Remember
I remember
When dark skin
Wasn’t in
Treated like a sin
Being called African
Was used as a way
To break the confidence
Of women
And weaken the strengths
Of men
Because white was right
And black was wrong
The darker you were
The lower you belonged
For Black was conversed
To be a curse
From Mother Nature
Set upon
The darkened ones
By the sun
But now the lies
With those that despise
The truth that we know
Black is beautiful!!
1/17/14 SMJ
Awesome poem, Shiquita. I love it!
Love your post. Glad Lupita is inspiring women of color to continue to embrace our natural beauty, natural hair, natural hue, reach for the stars all with grace and elegance!
Great poem!
Simply beautiful. Lupita has won the hearts of many. Black is beautiful!
When Beyonce wrote her song Bow Down Bishes, Lupita comes to mind…She is all of that and a bag of chips with hot sauce and red kool-aid!
She is flawless, I follow her on all social media and she is very humble and that is an attractive quality for any woman to have.
She is the epitome of beautiful, inside and out. My mother would always tell me….Pretty is, is what pretty does. (meaning acting pretty is better than having a pretty face)
OMG! The fact that she wrote back via Twitter is everything…EVERYTHING. And yassssss to this love letter!
Please can someone tell that woman to stop being so classy/stylish/flawless/effortlessly beautiful. I mean, she has to give me my life back, so I can actually do something other than pore over all that gorgeousness every single chance I get.
She is so stunning it’s like she’s not real. I haven’t seen 12 Years a Slave, but I saw a photo of Lupita in that red dress go across my internets and was like WHO THE WHAT THE HOW IN THE WORLD DID THAT HAPPEN?!!! No seriously.
look up her craig ferguson interview!
I love this woman in all of her stunning glory. But I feel like I’m cheating on my girl crush, Kerry Washington, with my adoration.
I feel you Olivia is all greatness. But right now, my chocolate is all about AYIRA (MTV Shuga. Google it)
This woman is the epitome of deep Hershey Special Dark chocolate personified. OMG!!! She is … there are no words for her. Exquisite wouldn’t be enough. Graceful wouldn’t be enough. Flawless wouldn’t be enough. I think she is everyone’s dream come true, manifested, in what our beauty looks like. Natural, supreme, perfection. I love the colors on her skin . OK I am getting off now. I’m straight too… and mmm… ok.
You coulda warned a goon I was finna see my ex (Idris) and my current boo (Lupita) in a picture together, right from Jump Street! I was tempted to be petty like a side piece on IG and comment “Oh.” but the Lawd is workin on my heart. Lupita is what God meant when He sat down on a cloud and decided to play “Earthlings” that fateful sunny day. I’m finna buy me a tanning bed, I see now I’m not nearly dark enough.
OMG, co-sign. She makes me feel all the feels. In fact, at this point I think she and Jared Leto MUST be together, because I cannot stand to see either of them with anyone else, unless it’s ME ME ME. So fine.
I keep track of her fashions at Tom & Lorenzo. And, their love letters to her is how I feel.
She’s beautiful.
From every angle.
She doesn’t have a bad color.
She can wear freaking ANYTHING.
has the nerve, when she opens her mouth to be intelligent to boot.
I always have known life isn’t fair..
it’s tougher when it’s live, in living color, and just keeps on taking beautiful picture upon beautiful picture that makes you know you’re not worthy.
I can’t stop looking at pictures of her, because she can wear literally ANYTHING..and it looks fabulous.
I can’t breathe when I see her.
This was hilarious, but perfectly encapsulates what all of us LUPITA-DIVAS think. I mean, we all love her. Secretly want to be her. Damn sure want her closet, skin and hair… But then again maybe we love her because she reminds us of that perfect little brown doll you had growing up. The one you put in pretty dresses and treated very special. Dunno.
We are just all glad she’s here to make us feel pretty, unique, and proud of our beauty whatever shade of brown we are. She’s our little queen.
She’s my “lesbian gf in my head” in I ain’t even gay. Beauty, brains, body, and humility. Jared better get it together.. Lol
Luvvie, your letter was hilarious, but so on point! Lupita is so lovely and so worthy of our admiration. It’s such a pleasure to see someone who is beautiful, talented, and intelligent and all of that rolled up in fantastic dark chocolate package. Her grace and class assure that she will be respected and her intelligence guarantees her longevity. Rock on, Lupita!
Thanks Luvvie for perfectly capturing the crush that has been driving me N-U-T-S since the day I saw her. She needs major skin care and makeup endorsements ASAP! Can you imagine all that perfection all over Times Squares Billboards? I will bow down!
I love Lupita. I keep on checking her timeline so that I get a hint on where she is going on that particular day, and I make sure I get tuned in. Represent area code 254 and more so represent who you are, and above all show the world what you have in store for it. Wish you all the best, and God bless you as you make life choices.
Luvvie, I want to thank you for providing a space for us “Lupistas” to gush over her awesomeness in peace.
Btw I don’t think that your article had enough pictures.
damn I so love lupita the proud luo from Kenya…….. n her dressing is dopest I should contact her designer
Just say Kenyan. Or African. Dont bring luoism here. She is now a world figure from Africa and not under the small luo cocoon.
Soo happy to know that it’s not just me who feels this way! (frankly I was beginning to become concerned about my self o_O). Lupita giveth life and taketh it away at the same. damn. time. #thatisall
LOL you were so awash in girl-crush that you had to go on an alternate spellings spree (LMAO @ #Bagginfoaf &# alphet) but girl I understand! I second your heroine-worship and share in your complete and utter admiration of this goddess!! OOOOOOOOOOOH she makes me so proud!
Now the sales for bleaching stuff will go down and our Kenyan girls will appreciate themselves
If I thought that I could come out with a Lupita I declare before GAWD that my 63 year old self would find that doctor that cut and burned my tubes….retrieve them from the pickle jar, and have her sew them back together and give me some kinda hormonal shot to resurrect my powdered eggs and birth my very own Lupita!…..I don’t have a girl crush….I am just so proud of the beautiful black Queen that I want the experience of being her mother……and that’s coming from a mother of 2 sons and grandmother of 4 grandsons…..that never ever wanted girls! Yes….I want to be like SARAH and birth my own!
Wow, thats Nyakodongo from Seme in kenya, surely that girl is real, have been telling any girl who can be closs to me that you can tream your hair and dress desent then u r real. but they dont care. fuck
She is sublime. A real joy to the eyes and a lesson to all that dark skin AND natural hair is GLORIOUS! I hope the brothers aren’t giving lip service to “the darker the berry…” but at the same time not trying to pursue this goddess.
Hi Lupita, I will say you’re a very humble, respectful, outstanding, and talented young lady, i say all this because i have a kenyan girlfriend… Your kenyan land is blessed with success… i’ve watch all your movies… you really are a good actress, you are an inspiration to us actors… May God continue to bless you so that we can follow your footsteps and learn from you… 🙂
We love you Lupita! Go girl Go!
How much do I adore this woman? Since she’s 30 (?) and I’m in my early 40s (my 90s girl crushes included Nia Long and Sanaa Latham), Lupita is like a “niece in my head”. I’d like to think I’m her cool Auntie (pronounced “aintee”) who she calls for advice on love and fashion. LuLu (my pet name for her) and I meet for Pilates, shopping and tea and she tells me all about Awards Season and I tell her how proud and happy I am that she’s living her dream.
Chile I am here for everything she’s got!!! Her style is simply beautiful and seemingly effortless (as you so eloquently stated). Tailor-made just for her!!! I’m so smitten.
Lupita hope your feeling the love!!!!
complete package and we are just enjoying it!
Luvvie everything you just stipulated makes me melt, how am jealous of Lupita (In a good way) I know every girl would like to be on her shoes, she has really inspired lots of people regardless of nationality or even her hot looks. Proud of u Lupita.
PS: Luvvie can i get a letter too lol
I am here for Lupita right now!!! I agree 1000% with you Luvvie, she is gorg and she read your letter! Yassssss!
Dear Luvvie,
As the foremost citizen of planet Lupitarth, I am breathless from your most accurate presentation of our goddess. She is, without a doubt, the loudest and latest thing to shatter the silence on our bounteous black beauty. I know she will do it permanently. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Lupita and adore her grace and poise, she is for me a lighthouse that leads all Afro artists home. I wish her great success in her journey to the Academy Awards, may she continue, not just to drop jaws with her beauty, but to yank more awards from the jaws of prejudice. Her talent raises valleys and levels mountains, she has made it rain on a dry and thirsty land.
She is…the truth. Nothing but the truth! Love her and I am rarely starstruck but I think I would be rendered speechless around her.
I’m convinced there’s nothing she can’t rock and look completely flawless in. I’m not into award shows, but I watch the red carpet programs JUST TO SEE WHAT SHE’S ROCKING. She is beautiful in every sense of the word. I absolutely adore her (and Luvvie!!)
Happy Day 🙂
above all that beauty, she has brains. good ones like her father Senator Prof.Anyang Nyongo
She is everything that is right about Black womanhood. Whatever she does, I’ll support her in it. She has made me even prouder to be a dark skinned Queen.
Keep winning. Keep winning!
AS a proud citizen of “Lupitastan”, I want y’all to back up off my play cousin (cause that’s who she is in my head)! She’s mine,ya hear me?!! :0) Seriously, I want Mattel to make a beautiful doll in her likeness and make it available for free to every little dark skinned black girl out here. When my baby granddaughter, who I nicknamed Lulu, gets older, I’m going to show her all of ‘Pita’s pictures and say “THIS is who you’re named after! Go forth and do likewise!”
[…] features Lupita Nyong’o, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Jared Leto, Julia Roberts, Idris Elba, Michael B. Jordan, Naomie Harris, Brie […]
I’m ALL the way here for you with this one Luvvie,..
I haven’t felt this way about a celebrity since I was 13!
Everything about her amazes me..
I just want everything good to happen to/for her
She makes me happy 🙂
[…] about Lupita Nyong’o at the Oscars was a complete win and she continues to slay effortlessly. First of all, she had the nerve to show up in cotton candy blue, looking like a fairy tale and […]
[…] allergic to these feels I feel! GOSH! There’s just no way not to love and respect this woman. Lupita, why must you ALWAYS slay us so effortlessly, with style, with talent and with such […]
[…] subsequent heartwarming speech, that girl has me validating all kinds of dreams, one of them being flawlessness. I had harbored dreams of becoming an astronaut but gravity kinda fizzled that light out! […]
[…] at the altar because my heart just couldn’t take the awesomeness. IndieWire confirmed that my main boo Lupita Nyong’o optioned the film rights for my other boo and Naija sisthren Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s book […]
Octavia Butler’s “Wild Seed” needs to be made into a movie with Lipita starring as Anyanwu.
I really enjoyed this writer and even laughed out loud. Great writing