
We’ve Failed at Quarantine Because People Don’t Wanna Wear Masks

I just have to say that I’m tired of people. Humans, I am tired of us. We are trash. Why? We have wasted three months of sitting our asses in the house. Three months of quarantine. Three months of shutting down the economy. Three months of people almost losing their minds isolated. Why? Because we were finally allowed to leave the house and we lost our shit. We ran outside with no masks on, because people thinking masks somehow infringed on their raggedy-ass rights. So, here we are.

Florida, which is clearly America’s dick, has 9,000 new coronavirus cases overnight. Italy, remember when Italy was doing bad and everybody was like, “Oh, my God, Italy’s in trouble. Oh, my God.” Italy’s worse day doesn’t even touch what we’re doing and going through right now. Italy now has like 109 or 190 coronavirus cases, when one state here, Florida, has 9,000. Why? We did not do our parts?

Florida FAIL gif

Y’all, we wasted three months of shutdown. We have nothing to show for it because American exceptionalism, ignorance, stupidity, just pure brutes, machismo, and dumbassery got people thinking somehow science is a fantasy. Somehow us not acknowledging COVID means it’s going to go away. So, here we are, having wasted the last quarter of a year.

People have lost their jobs, restaurants have closed permanently, and we have nothing to show for it. Yeah, and right now it’s summertime, so you can go sit in your yard, you can go sit on your porch, you can technically social distance with your friends in their backyard or do whatever. What happens come December when you can’t go bike riding, when you can’t go to the park, when you can’t go for a leisurely stroll because you’ll freeze? Now you really got to be in the house.

We’re gonna have to be in the house for the rest of 2020 because folks don’t want to do what they’re supposed to be doing. And I get it, our government is just raggedy, right? We’ve been led astray by the idiot, the Cheeto satan that we have running this country. But when we know he’s an idiot, what do we do to make sure that we’re fine? People are dying every single day and folks ae mad because they’ve been told to wear a mask. And this is why I’m tired of humans.

Also, I’m tired of everybody who’s not a Black woman. I said what I said. Black women, I love us. Everybody else, I’m tired of them. Honestly, Jesus needs just come collect us at this point. We are just a disappointment of a species. Jesus, just come and collect us. We are done. We are finished.

We have murder hornets, we got meth gators, we got a global pandemic, we have civil unrest. Everything is trash. Start us over. Jesus, you can flip the switch. Just start us over because this time, this experiment, it went badly. I don’t know where it went badly, but it went badly and I don’t know how to fix it. So, everything is trash. Bye.


P.S. Get your “I’m Judging You” Mask at SHOPLUVVIE.COM!


This post is a transcript of my rant on IGTV, below.

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