When Fairy Baemother Blurbs Your Book And You LIVE!
When I finished writing my book I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual, I was proud of what I did. I was proud of the 75,000 words and I knew I had done something good. The test for me, was if people who I loved and respected felt the same way. Some folks will say they write purely for themselves and do not need the approval of others. I am not one of them. I write for me, but I want smart, thoughtful people to give me high-fives about it.
One of the people whose stamp of approval I’ve wanted on this book has been Shonda Rhimes. I lovingly refer to her as my Fairy Baemother, because since she tweeted me a few years ago, and we connected in person, I’ve felt like I have this mentor in my head.

Us at the ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon in Feb 2016
I only became more of a fangirl after meeting her and realizing that she was everything I expected her to be.
Then I read her book YEAR OF YES in its entirety on a flight (when I typically nap on planes) and I was like “COULD SHE BE ANY DOPER?” That book is so good. Definitely one of my fave reads of 2015.
I have so much respect for this woman, who has single-handedly changed the face of television. She has shown, through her work, that creating content that is reflective of the real world is not only necessary, but profitable.
In June, I got to moderate a panel on “advancing reel change in the media” at the United State of Women conference, hosted by the White House (video here). This panel had some real bawses on it, including Shonda. At one point, I asked her the question “When people talk to you about what you do being revolutionary, what is your response?”
Shonda: I have a real problem with that concept of it being revolutionary. Because I make the world look like the real world looks. I don’t understand why it is revolutionary to portray yourself accurately.
Me: This panel exists BECAUSE it’s revolutionary. The rest of the world is not doing this work enough which is why yours stands out.
But that comment from her captured exactly why she’s the real MVP. It shows how doing good shit isn’t supposed to be the exception to the rule, but it is. And the woman does good damb work. And doesn’t expect applause for it.
This is one of the reasons why she’s bae. And this is one of the reasons why I wanted her to love my book. I see her as GOALS, and to have her like or love my debut book would be incredible.
And she does. So I’m here in my feelings with gratitude. Shonda has shown me such love, tweeting my work and even cheering me on over the last few months.
In fact, she’s the reason I’m in the September issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine. She was guest editor and she chose me to be a part of the 25 Awesome Women of 2016 feature. SERIOUSLY, FAIRY BAEMOTHER!
Getting my book into her hands was priority, and once I did, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. When she saw me in June, she said it was on her nightstand, and she was enjoying it so far.
When books come out, they need to be “blurbed” by notable people. It means that you must ask folks who are considered a big deal to put their thumbs up in quote form. From jump, Shonda was one of TWO people whose blurbs I wanted the most. I wanted her quote on the cover of my book, so when people walk in bookstores, they can know that if Shonda loves this, then it must be legit.
So what happened? Last week, Shonda emailed me (hey, girl) and blessed me with her official blurb for I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual.
When I got her email and saw the subject “my blurb,” I jumped on my bed for a good 5 minutes before opening it. And when I did, I squealed in a voice that wasn’t even my own.
“This truth-riot of a book gives us everything from hilarious lectures on the bad behavior all around us to razor sharp essays on media and culture. With I’m Judging You, Luvvie brilliantly puts the world on notice that she is not here for your foolishness — or mine.” – Shonda Rhimes
She called my book a “truth-riot” yo!!!
This was the best blurb ever! And it is major for me. As a first time author, to have the support of an established, highly-respected media mogul such as herself? Incredible.
THANK YOU, SHONDA!!! Started from Scandal recaps, now we here!
Now I just need Oprah to pick my book for a book club. COME ON, JESUS.
So here I am. Only one week from the publish date (September 13) for my first book, reveling in this, and more excited for what’s to come. All I know is, I’m nervous but the type of nerves that happen when you know your life is about to change.
My book tour kicks off next Tuesday in Brooklyn and we just had to get a bigger space because it was beyond capacity. Every tour stop I’ve announced has been sold out, and I just dropped 3 more on Friday: Chicago party, Atlanta, and San Francisco. You can see a list of all my stops so far at ImJudgingYouBook.com!
The book on top is an advance copy and the ones on the bottom are the final books. This last week is really important for promo and if my book is still sitting in your cart, please buy it now. Every order counts!
And if you’ve read my book so far, please leave a review and rating on Goodreads and Amazon!

I can’t love this enough! I plan to be at your book event in Seattle.
I don’t even know you personally and I am bursting with pride right now, congrats! You do have fans in Canada, just thought I’d mention it ????
I am genuinely happy for you sister. Look what God has done…from those recaps I enjoyed for years to this today. Major! Congratulations. We are all cheering you on. I am getting my copy of the book today!
“THANK YOU, SHONDA!!! Started from Scandal recaps, now we here!”…
From Recaps Luvvie. Recaps.
Look at Gawd!
Keep gettin’ you LIFE, lady!!! I’ll see you when you roll thru Pittsburgh.. (*ahem… insert dates here: ____)
Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please, let her come to Pittsburgh. I will be in the crowd with you!
You deserve it! You have been giving us all life for years now. Go enjoy the spoils, mama! We outchea supporting you all the way over hear on the other side of the Atlantic. Already advance ordered my book.
I’m crying happy tears for you!! And yes ma’am, this book is already preordered. I need the hard copy in my hands so I don’t drop and break my kindle from laughing or snapping my fingers in a circle.
“Truth-riot”. From Shonda Rhimes. Damn.
Can’t wait to read it!!
I LOVE you! I have laughed, cried, jumped out of my chair, high-fived MYSELF, and scared co-workers on the job and the fam at home reading you. You know I just ordered my book and I CANNOT wait. I am so happy for you and proud of you. Let the Truth-Riot begin! !
In my head we’ve been friends since I first read your blog so it should come as no surprise that I am proud of you and for you. You go girl!
Love from the UK
It took me all of 2 seconds to become a Luvvie fan and I am now a permanent fixture in the LuvvNation! Way to show all of us how to make your dreams come true and how to make room for your gift! My BSF (best sista friend) has just earned another 30 days with that title as she couldn’t contain her joy at ordering a copy for us both! I know this book will only further solidify our connection!
Yass, Hunti – YOU DID THAT!! Now go…enjoy the fruits He done promised you!! And don’t worry, #TeamNoChill will be here casting serious side-eyes and all types of shade on da Haters’ & NaySayers!! Let us keep you hyped up with mad-love and positive vibes to help energize you through the next phase of your awesomeness! #moreblackgirlfairydust
this is WONDERFUL!!!!
Me: Yes, Luvvie’s coming to the Bay! [Checks date.] Noo (can’t go because I might go into labor)! What is my life?
I’m crying thug tears right now, but I’ll be cheering you on from my couch–can’t wait for this book to drop. 🙂
Hi Luvvie,
I saw that you are in New York today for your book tour. Where, perchance, might you be appearing? I’d love to see you : )
Just purchased and cannot wait to dig in! Congrats!
I am so happy for you and that I decided to stop by your blog today. I just snagged two tickets for SF. See you there.
I came, I saw, you concurred! I got Luvved on tonight!!!! What an incredible night of judgement and side-eye! #DC leg of #ImJudgingYou! Nuff awesomeness and continued blessings!
[…] ever since. “I lovingly refer to her as my Fairy Baemother,” Ajayi said on her site, Awesomely Luvvie, “because since she tweeted me a few years ago, and we connected in person, I’ve felt like […]