How to Write a Book: A 10-Step Guide
Writing a book is both an art and a science. It’s a journey that demands creativity, discipline, and strategic planning. I’ve written 4 New York Times bestselling books in 8 years, and I’ve used the same formula to make each happen. And now, I want to help more people get …

Are Aliens Real? I Believe So and Here’s Why
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but do I believe in aliens? I do. Lemme tell you why. There is no way that human beings were God’s best work. The God that I serve, the great God that I serve…. the Alpha and the Omega. The King of Kings. The Lord …

Skincare Essentials: My Guide to Flawless Skin
I’m Luvvie Ajayi Jones, and I’m obsessed with skincare. But check it out, though. It’s because I wanna be able to walk out the house, doing minimal things and still look semi-decent. I don’t wanna have to wear foundation every day and I don’t wanna look like what I’ve been …

About Ketanji, Sonia and Losing Affirmative Action
The Supreme Court struck down the use of Affirmative Action in higher education, with an overwhelming vote of 6-3. There is so much to say about it, and so much rage. The world is far from a meritocracy, and the smartest, most hard working people are people whose names we …

Denial of All Things Unseen is Caucasity at Work
I think that to not believe in a higher power or the universe being connected or energy or spirits or whatever science says it cannot prove, is truly an Anglo Saxon trait and privilege (?). It’s eurocentrism. It’s Westernized blindness. It’s Caucasity at work. I don’t think it is a …

Big Heart, Big Personality, Big Mess. Little Troublemaker is Here!
You know that kid, who is a tiny rebel with a cause, with a strong side-eye and a giant smile and a kind spirit. They’re confident (sometimes to a fault. HA!). Big feelings, big personality, small package. I was her. I am her. You might be her. You might be …

An Oriki Tribute to Harry Belafonte: In Memoriam
Harry George of House Belafonte (Bellanfanti). Second of his name (he was a Jr.). Sultan of the Silver Screen. Champion of Calypso. Humble Humanitarian. Truthtelling Titan. Justice Juggernaut. Resistance Revolutionary. A true multi-hyphenate. A legend. An activist. The most PROFESSIONAL of Troublemakers. A man who epitomized the adage of “leave …

Letter To My Younger Self – Episode 1 of the Little Troublemaker Special
This week, I kick off the return of the podcast with a Letter to my Younger Self. I’m telling her 5 things to remember as this journey of life flows. The lessons that she would have wanted to know early, and not just from trial by fire. And to do …

Help Us Bring Little Troublemaker Books to Students
Books have the power to help us dream, give us an escape and teach us valuable lessons. That is especially true for children’s books, which can instill a love of reading and learning for young’uns. Unfortunately, not all children have access to quality books that reflect their own experiences and …

Let Them Choke! We Will Not Be Humbled
People have a problem with confident Black women. And an obsession with trying to humble us. When we walk in rooms, heads held high, assured that we belong, folks are rooting for us to fail. But we win. We win anyway. 😤 This is present on my heart as Angel …