Shelter Each Other From Chaos
CultureFamous folksLuvvLetter

On Fraudulent Fame, Fulfilled Feelings and Floral Flourish

Last week, I told you I made Angela Bassett cry. Well, it was at the Leading Women Defined Conference and I was chosen to be one of six people to do a short tribute to her. ​ I had 2 minutes, so I talked about one of my fave on-screen quotes from …

3rd Anniversary - PT
BookLuvvLetterMy Life

On Blazing Blazers, Better Bonds and Bold Books

I’ve been in California for this last week and lemme tell you. Being in PST (Pacific Standard Time) has me feeling behind the world. Cuz it’s 2 hours behind Chicago, so every morning that I’ve been waking up, it feels like I’ve overslept. 😴 ​ And this last week has …

No Time For That
LuvvLetterMy Life

On Foolish Forms, Finding Fellowship and Feminine Florals

Happy Leap Year Day! Just like that, February is about to be out. That went quick AF and the fact that we’re 2 months into this year is blowing my mind. TIME is acting like it stole something so it’s hauling ass. 🏃🏾‍♀️💨 Speaking of TIME, last week, I was …

Where are they - Library
BookLuvvLetterSocial Media

On Book Crisis, Bold Convictions and Boss Chicks

I’ve been sharing that this is my year of being committed to my mental health and creating space for new things in my life. One habit that I started in January that has been a game changer for me is putting my phone away an hour before I go to …

Boss Baby - Jermaine Dupri

On Cold Callers, Crossroads and Coiffure Cream

I’ve spent all week cackling about the fact that folks said Jermaine Dupri showed up at the Usherbowl dressed like “Boss Baby.” 💀💀💀Like… it’s been almost 5 days and I’m still unable to can. I CANNOT. The times when I love the internet, it’s usually because we’ve all gotten together …

Carmela Soprano

On Costume Controversy, Calculated Confusion and Culture Tags

This week kicked off with a bang, as I pissed off all the Swifties by pointing out the unavoidable reaches of whiteness when it comes to success. But I stood on business and I said what I said. It’s actually right on time because Black History Month is HERE and …

Snooz white noise machine
My Life

How to Sleep Better: Essential Habits and Things

I am committed to sleeping well and more this year, because I know how critical sleep is for our well being. For years, I haven’t created a good sleep discipline but I committed to changing that last month and it’s already made a HUGE difference in how I go about …

How to Write a Book: A 10-Step Guide
BookTop Posts

How to Write a Book: A 10-Step Guide

Writing a book is both an art and a science. It’s a journey that demands creativity, discipline, and strategic planning. I’ve written 4 New York Times bestselling books in 8 years, and I’ve used the same formula to make each happen. And now, I want to help more people get …

Take Trash out

Are Aliens Real? I Believe So and Here’s Why

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but do I believe in aliens? I do. Lemme tell you why. There is no way that human beings were God’s best work. The God that I serve, the great God that I serve…. the Alpha and the Omega. The King of Kings. The Lord …

You cannot and do not have to save the world

On Crazy Times, Callings and Categories

So what had happened was… 😅 I took the summer off the LuvvLetter to give myself time to slow down after Little Troublemaker came out. I was thinking it’d be super laid back and chill but then I felt like I had an assignment I had left behind. So I …