Rising Troublemaker: The Book We All Needed at 17
As teenagers, while we were learning about isosceles triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem, folks weren’t being fully honest with us. We were being taught how to be amazing test takers, but nobody was telling us not to sign up for that credit card in college and ruin our credit for two …

About Kim, Kanye and Who Deserves Abuse
To be a woman who is worthy of being abused or harmed, you need to be pious, flawless, perfect. You need to be a saint whose never worn skimpy clothes, cussed or made a mistake. Kim Kardashian is none of those. Yet and still, she doesn’t deserve the harassment and …

An Oriki Tribute to Sidney Poitier: In Memoriam
Sidney of House Poitier. First of his name. Bahamian Baron of Hollywood. Trailblazing Thespian 🎭. Duke of Our Grandmother’s Dreams. Earl of Ease. Sultan of The Silver Screen. Liege of “Lilies of the Field”. An author. An activist. An advocate. You truly walk amongst Kings. May your legacy live on …

An Oriki Tribute to Betty White: In Memoriam
Betty Marion of House White. First of Her Name. Glorious Golden Girl. Viscountess of Variety TV Laureate of Laughter. Princess of Poker. White-Haired Wonder Woman. Comedic Centenarian. My fellow Capricorn. Not just a goat but THE GOAT. A pioneer that outlived so many of her peers. A legacy full of …

Everything Gonna Be, Okay?! – Insecure Season 5, Episode 10 Recap
This post is in partnership with HBO. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own. Not Okay – Nathan and Issa pull up to her house. She asks him to come inside and talk but he says he has nothing to talk about. What happened at the party wasn’t good …

Out, Okay?! – Insecure Season 5, Episode 9 Recap
This post is in partnership with HBO. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own. Moving On Up – Issa and Nathan are checking out a new apartment together. It’s close to his shop. Two bedrooms. She thinks it’s perfect. He thinks it might be too big. They ask for …

An Oriki Tribute to bell hooks: In Memoriam
Gloria Jean of House Watkins. THEE bell hooks. Second of her name (Bell Blair Hooks was her great-grandmother). Stupendous Scribe. Fearless Feminist. Conscious Critic of Culture. Sage of Social Activism. Towering Thinker. Prodigious Professor. Originator of The Oppositional Gaze. Author of “Ain’t I A Woman”. “To be oppressed means to …

Choices, Okay?! – Insecure Season 5, Episode 8 Recap
This post is in partnership with HBO. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own. Sharing – Issa and Nathan are laying in bed at her place and she’s thinking about how Tiffany is going to be moving away soon. He says they’ll have someone to go see, as he …

Chillin’, Okay?! – Insecure Season 5, Episode 7 Recap
This post is in partnership with HBO. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own. In for the night – It’s girls’ night, and Issa welcomes Molly, Tiffany and Kelli into her apartment for a full evening of activities, which includes a group massage and dinner at one of their …

Tired, Okay?! – Insecure Season 5, Episode 6 Recap
This post is in partnership with HBO. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own. Left Unsaid – Leaving off from the last episode, Issa decides to make her presence known to the new parents, and it is the most awkward thing. She looks at the baby and says he’s …