The 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011. Part 1
Last year, Miss Zindzi and I collaborated to bring you the 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010, summarizing a year’s worth of stupidity on Twitter into 25 highlights (or lowlights, depending on how you look at it). It was so well-received that it spurred me to create DumbestTweets.com to chronicle the …

My 10 Favorite Soulful Christmas Songs
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas season! I actually do think it’s the best time of the year. Everyone is in great spirits. Being jolly and ish. Plus, my favorite color is red, so I’m thoroughly enjoying rocking it on most days without folks’ judging eyes on me wondering why I’s …

The Time Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy Did a Duet
Man, I be minding my own business when y’all bring stuff to my attention that I was previously oblivious to, thereby ruining my innocence and making me roast into oblivion. My homette, Veronica Marche, tweeted this link to me yesterday talmbout: “Where’s Luvvie? I need to know if she’s ever …

Who You Calling a Niggabitch, Jackie Magazine???
See? I wasn’t even gonna post today. Until I saw The Fashion Bomb’s post about a Dutch magazine that has given Rihanna the title of “De Niggabitch.” I wish I was lying. According to Claire, Jackie said Rihanna’s “ghetto ass” and “street cred” earned her the title of the ultimate …

Whose Baptism is This?
So this video came across my attention. And I hollered. The video is only 36 seconds, but it is full of awesome. *howls to a blue-corned moon* Pastor shoulda used his knees better. It’s easier to push than pull. That dip into the water wasn’t a problem but bringing him …

I’m Going to the 2012 Academy Awards!
If you’re part of my Facebook fam or follow me on Twitter, this is probably not new news. But last week, I got GREAT news that I (and Afrobella) have been credentialed to be on the Academy Awards Red Carpet, on February 26, 2012! We’ll be doing press coverage and …

True Life: I Found A Gray Hair
In less than a month, I turn 27, and last week, I found my first gray hair. I was pinning up my locs, and I was looking in the mirror to make sure I got the style right. I was placing a pin in my hair when I saw something …

Dear Men’s Health Magazine, Your List Sucks
The other night on Twitter, I saw folks slandering Jennifer Aniston heavily and wondered why. They informed me that in a list that Men’s Health Magazine released, rating the Hottest Women of All Time, Jennifer Aniston was listed as #1. I asked for a link to it and what met …

Funniest Rap Battles EVER. DeShawnRaw is Hilarious!
I tend to avoid Youtube sometimes because I know I’ll get sucked into the black hole of endless videos and never leave. But the day I found DeShawn Raw’s videos, I really won. Him and his crew of dudes have taken on doing rap battles that are parodies of real …

Whose Touchy Family Portrait Is This?
I can’t remember where I came across this picture but the interwebs is full of foolery so it coulda been anywhere. Ok what the deuce? I understand emotional closeness and all that good stuff, but whose idea was it to take this portrait looking like a human 5-layer yellow cake? …