Let My Helpers Find Me: My Favorite Prayer
It’s a prayer I say, especially when I’m in new seasons of life. Because that prayer is allowing you to be a magnet to receive what others have for you on God’s behalf. It’s asking God to invite ease to receive what others have that aids our purpose. What is ours seeks us out; we don’t have to chase it.
And then I double down with the companion prayer: “Let me be be able to receive their help.”
It’s important for us to be vulnerable enough to be able to RECEIVE help offered to us by those who are holding blessings for us. Many of us love to GIVE but we don’t know how to TAKE, and it stops us from receiving LOVE, in it’s entirety.
My success is from my hard work and my gifts. But it is also from the times I’ve been able to receive God’s grace in the form of other people’s service to me. I am really thankful to the lessons I learn and keep learning. All of it is serving me right now. In this moment. In this season.
I was on a call with someone who took ONE HOUR of their time to give me extra insight and when we got off it, someone on my team said “Wow, you are blessed.” I said, “RIGHT?? Ain’t God good?” My helpers ALWAYS find me. All I have to do is receive what they were sent to bless me with.
Thank you to YOU all who buy my books, share my work, and support me. You are some of the helpers I pray about. Y’all are the ones who supported me and allowed my books to be New York Times bestseller.s Y’all are who show up for me, letting people know I walk into rooms, never alone, but with the strength of 300,000.
May YOUR helpers always find you. And may you receive their help, open-handed and open-hearted.