Lil Kim’s Baby Shower Registry Info is on Instagram. What Are We Getting Her?
Kimberly Jones aka the Queen Bee aka Lil Kim aka Mulan is many months pregnant, expecting a baby girl. Her baby shower happened this past weekend and it was star-studded with the who’s who of Black music and TV’s C and D list.
Wells before the shower, she had her assistant post the image below to her instagram.
Girl, good day! I SAY GOOD DAY! Why does she need fans to send her gifts for her baby. doe? That doesn’t e’em curl all the way over. Plus, why isn’t Target on this list? BOOOO! She knows that’s the spot. If times are hard and she’s really in need of help to get the baby things, wouldn’t she put stores where onesies don’t cost $90? Chile… Ennehweighs, I asked my Facebook fan page family about what we gon give to Kimberly. The answers got me outchea cackling like a fool.
“Her old face.” – EVERYONE
“Not a damn thing! I didn’t see common sense on the registry” – SA
“How much does dignity cost?” – PGY
“A photo album so she can keep track of the baby’s physical changes. Better get her two so she can also keep track of her own.” – DC
“Class. Was class listed?” – DH
“A framed picture of herself before all the surgery… so that baby won’t think it’s a part of the wrong family.” – JD
“A reloadable gift card to the therapist of her choice (meds not included).” – TM
“Seats! So she can have several!” – KA
“I’m going to buy her a Big Mama so there is someone in this child’s life with some damn sense. She comes complete with a switch tree, pound cake, plenty of elder slang and life lessons.” – MB
“I’m buying the baby a lacefront wig. He/she is bound to wear one eventually, especially w/ Kim being the mama:)” – JD
“Her 1997 credibility…and nose.” – CLS
“A newwww faaaacccceeeee (in my gameshow host voice)” – KK
“A clue. Ma’am, posting your baby registry on social media as a “celeb” is hella tacky.” – JC
“Condom with cement in tip with rhonestones around the band” – JJ
“Infant wigs and silicone lips pacifiers” – MGP
“A f**kin clue off of Groupon.” – AO
“A collage of her old face pics so that later baby girl can figure out who she looks like…We can totally do this at Walgreens!” – NR
“A carton of truth and a packet of decency.” – JM
“A Thunder Cat action figure since that’s what she strives to look like.” – KD
“Blue contacts, cheap lace front wig, a coupon for Dr Curves, and a lifetime of therapy” – CNH
“A Bible. Contemporary English Version.” – TJ
“Miss Potato Head toy. Seems fitting…” – KL
“Biggie’s greatest hits” – SB
“my gift of choice would be that lovely card in the monopoly game that reads: “Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.” – SR
Everyone is terrible and I’m the worst for laughing so hard. I hate that I love y’all because you ain’t got NO behavior whatsoever.

This is the best she’s looked in a while, though. All props to the pregnancy glow.
So whatchu gon get for Lil Kim? Don’t be stingy.
Everyone is terrible and I’m the worst for laughing so hard. <=== This. Yep, that about sums it up! LMBO!
Y’all have it covered! LMAO Where do I send my $5?
I got $5 to put with yours! Maybe we can get a couple more people together and send her the $50 gift card!!!
I’m witchu! lol…
Put me down for $2.50
I’m in for 75 cents. Can I pay via Paypal?
#dead….—-> heads back to the afterlife
yall are the absolute worst lmfaoooo
We are all out of behavior! I’m going to the store to get some…. Or maybe not
Um…did y’all take a look at any of the registries?
Here’s the one for Tiffany’s.
I’m trying not to laugh at how many of these items have not been purchased yet (all’o’em)
No you did not look up the registries….OMG thank you.
Not only did you look up the registry…so did I LMAO. Didn’t see anything to buy in my $4 price range so I hope Kim gets this crap from someone else lol
Somebody did buy her some of the things from Petit Tresor. I ain’t even mad at the breastfeeding set. Give baby girl the best, mama.
Nuh uh! She’d be pumping that baby full of silicone and saline. Can she at least wait til the child’s 18 to start that nonsense?
A big box of I Can’t!
Some weave that doesn’t mat up like this mangy mess here!!!
So many Can’ts…like all of the can’ts in Can’tVille.
1) Real celebrities don’t register at Baby’s R Us…I mean you can’t register at Bergdorf and Dollar Tree.
2) Mail it “Attn: Kimberly Jones” Really? How many people are getting baby gifts delivered to Queen Bee Entertainment right now?
3) You need new people in you life Lil Kim…starting with a new hair stylist & a new assistant. No way on earth my multiple registries would be under two different names…get it together people.
A big box of I Can’t!
^^mam to the corner is calling your name!!!!
Also, I wonder what Diddy is going to send her….maybe hand me downs from his little girls?
So how you gonna ask for a gift from Tiffanies and Buy Buy Baby in the same breath? Really? They send everyone coupons for diapers all the time! My people, my people.
Given her love of plastic surgery, I’m looking for folks to go in on one those vajayjay tune ups. Anyone??
you are totally killing me today. i am so glad you are alive.
Hold up: Luvvvie, boo, I thought we were talmbout little Kim. You done gone and posted the wrong pictures with this entry…
I will send her my new product! Is the address legit?
*sigh* She’s so deformed that her nose can’t even spread. Stretch marks probably look like a bubbles from a bad tint job on the back window of a ’96 Maxima.
I’m getting her the number to the Poison Control Center. If she breastfeeds, she might accidentally embalm that baby with all the chemicals in her system.
I JUST DIED. I. AM. DEAD! WHY MUST YOU SLAY ME SO?!?!?! “Stretch marks probably look like a bubbles from a bad tint job on the back window of a ’96 Maxima.” I CANNOT.
LOL, Oh my i just shed real tears!
This is called “When Being Engaged Via Social Media Goes Wrong!” Po lil tink tink.
In my * lil black girl on sesame street voice* a loaf of bye felicia, a container of class and a stick of behavior!
In case y’all forgot…
Watch “Sesame St – Loaf of Bread, Container of Milk, Sti…” on YouTube
Sesame St – Loaf of Bread, Container of Milk, Sti…:
I would give her an opportunity to tell me what a baby needs with a leather bib.
Can you imagine taking that mystical leap through the birth canal into the big bright world and this being the first face you see?
Between Li’l Kim’s baby shower and Kanye Kim’s bridal shower, I should just collectively buy some tablets of Heffa Sit Down Some Damn Where.
[…] like “SAY WUT?” now? Kimberly Jones gon quit embarrassing herself one day (like when she asked fans to send her baby shower gifts) but that day is not TOday. How you just gon throw yourself on the song like a grieving […]
[…] like “SAY WUT?” now? Kimberly Jones gon quit embarrassing herself one day (like when she asked fans to send her baby shower gifts) but that day is not TOday. How you just gon throw yourself on the song like a grieving […]