Where is Hillary Clinton? Hopefully Taking All the Naps She Deserves!
People really have some nerve. I keep seeing folks asking where Hillary Clinton is as everything goes to hell and it floors me. People are really wondering where the woman who won the popular votes by 3 million but still lost the highest office of the land is hanging. Folks …

I’m Not Playing Nice with Donald Trump
A week ago, the United States of America reminded the world that is has a lot of stupid people in it. And a lot of people who would put their race over their genders because they’ve internalized patriarchy. And a lot of people who are raging racists. And a lot …

About Harmful Traditions and Why I Celebrate The Indians Losing to the Cubs in the World Series
First, I have to say how proud I am for my home city! The Chicago Cubs came back from a 3-1 deficit to win the World Series! They haven’t won since 1908. The last time the Cubs were Major League Baseball’s champions, no World Wars had happened yet, women couldn’t …

Bailout Bae Has Spent $21 Million of her Lottery Winnings on Bond
A woman named Marie Holmes, won $88 million (after taxes) in the Powerball in February 2015. Her boyfriend, Lamar McDow (nicknamed Hot Sauce), has been arrested multiple times since then, for crimes ranging from drug trafficking. Marie has put up $21 million bailing out her boyfriend, Hot Sauce, in the …

#ThanksgivingClapback Hashtag is the Hilarity You Need Right Now
There’s so much turmoil and chaos happening right now in the world. It’s been on DIS TEW MUCH levels for weeks, and the release of the LaQuan McDonald execution video took it over the edge. What Twitter does very well in times like this is serve as a distraction. This …

About Mizzou, White Supremacy and Freedom Fighting
The state of Missouri has been a racial hotbed in the last year and a half, starting in Ferguson with the killing of Michael Brown Jr., in August 2014. The Black students at the University of Missouri have been protesting the mishandling of incidents on campus, and the football team …

#NigeriansAtHogwarts Hashtag Is Brilliance and Hilarity You Need
I don die. Seriously. I logged on to Twitter and was told to check out the #NigeriansAtHogwarts hashtag. I have spent the last hour in TEARS laughing at the shenanigans. I am a PROUD Potterhead and super fan of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series and I am unashamed of my …

The Time Amber Rose Ethered Khloe Kardashian on Twitter
This whole thing started because Amber Rose went on a show and talked about how she is not feeling the idea of Tyga’s grown ass at 26 years old, dating Kylie Jenner, who just turned 17. It is ridiculous that it’s happening and Amber was right to call it out. …

I Am Not Charlie. Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie.
On January 3, 2015, Boko Haram men went to the city of Baga and killed up to an estimated 2,000 people, mostly civilians. They ravaged the town, burning down buildings and leaving the largest body count they have yet. This is their deadliest act in their reign of terror in …

#ThingsMoreHurtThanDarrenWilson, Like Papercuts and Ovulation: Twitter’s Roast
Yesterday, I cussed more than I ever have in my life. I was dropping all types of F-bombs. I kept yelling “FUCKKKKK” at random intervals after learning that Darren Wilson would not be getting indicted. FUCK EVERYTHING. FUCK IT ALL. ALL OF IT. I mean, I KNEW it was coming. …