#LifetimeBiopics and #LifetimeBeLike are the Hashtags You Need After the Aaliyah Movie
The Aaliyah biopic on Lifetime happened tonight and I missed it but it’s coming on again so I’ll DVR to watch tomorrow. Anywho, folks say it’s so bad that the word “bad” is offended that it’s even associated with the movie. And to think. The Whitney Houston biopic is still …

#BlackBiopics: Twitter’s Roast of Bad Casting Choices
New pictures of Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone in the unauthorized biography just got released and folks are mad all over again at the ridiculousness of that casting choice. I’ve already blogged about why Zoe playing Nina was a terrible choice. Of ALLLLL actresses that could have played Nina, they …

About the Relationship Between Africans and African Americans
Last night, @MisstoyaJ sent me a couple of tweets asking me to address the meaning of the word “akata” by Nigerians and other Africans because they had seen it on Twitter. It felt cheap to just talk about the word without talking about the larger dynamic behind it. This led …

About Yoruba Names and their Meanings
As some may know, I’m Nigerian, specifically Yoruba. We’re in the Southwest part of the country, but we’re global because our culture and our people are all over the world. We’re over 35 million strong and we are everything. Yes, I’m biased. Anywho, yesterday, I started tweeting about how important …

#KanyeJobTitles is Twitter’s Latest (and Hilarious) Roast
Kanye West being on this media blitz for his Yeezus album and tour has been a gift and a curse. It’s a gift because there’s no shortage of material from Kanye’s shenanigans (like when he was on Jimmy Kimmel), and curse because of the same reason. No one loves Kanye …

Armani’s Instagram Mistake Led to #ArmaniCaptions, Twitter’s Latest Roast
Tonight, Armani failed with flying colors when they posted a picture of Alfre Woodard with the caption “Idris Elba posing in a gorgeous Giorgio @armani dress at the 5th Annual Governors Awards.” OMGGGG ALL THE FACEPALMS THAT EVER FACEPALMED!!! They took it down soon after when people were like “SERIOUSLY?!” …

#90sRnBBiopics: Films We’d Love to See About Our Faves (Twitter Edition)
Twitter was on a ROLL last night. After Crazy Sexy Cool went off, folks decided they were ready to stroll down memory lane with some of their favorite crooners from the 90s. And some of their forgotten ones. And just some they wanted to throw shade at. So the hashtag …

#ABCReports: ABC News’ FAIL on “Twerking” Roasted on Twitter
After Miley Cyrus showed her (lack of an) ass (literally) at the MTV VMAs, she’s been the subject of everyone’s posts and news reports. It’s been over a day and many of us are over it. However, ABC News decided to do a “scientific” report on twerking and it’s just …

#BlackBuzzFeed is Twitter’s Newest Awesome Trending Topic
I’m an avid reader of BuzzFeed, because their lists are addictive and their GIFs are amazing. Twitter wants to see what would happen if BuzzFeed created a section for topics that Black folks loves to talk about, thus starting the #BlackBuzzFeed hashtag that is now the #1 trending topic in …

#PaulasBestDishes: The Best Twitter Hashtag in a Long Time
So some of us are just finding out that Paula Deen is racist and terrible. She’s losing today and Twitter has made her the butt of its jokes for the past 2 hours, to the delight of everyone. @BrokeyMcPoverty (writer and foolery enthusiast), asked if a hashtag existed yet, and …