Because the Only Thing Chip Readers are Good For is Embarrassing Us
Remember when chips were placed on our credit and debit cards? And financial institutions were all excited because this would make checking out much faster? And we were like “but I’m fine putting in my pin” and they were all “NO NO NO you are not. That takes too long …

Tax Season is My Dementor: Who Needs a Soul and a Savings Account?
Today is tax day. It is also also known as “the day when I’m so unable to CAN that I refuse to CAN and my accountant already knows so she filed an extension for me.” I hate tax season with the intensity of 1,000 papercuts. HATE HATE HATE. This is …

About Crowdfunding, How It’s Jumped the Shark and Why I Can’t Promote Your Campaign
Six years ago, after I got laid off my full time job, I was invited to speak at a conference that was respected in the nonprofit industry. I needed $700 to get there, and at the encouragement of a friend, I got a ChipIn (now defunct) page up at 10pm. When …

Dear Brands, Exposure is Not a Real Form of Payment
All that glitters ain’t gold and a lot of bloggers have prestige without matching pockets. Many of us are fighting an uphill battle because we constantly have to prove that we’ve earned a seat at the table. And far too often, brands do not really value us like they should, …

About The Time I Staged a Mini Sit-In To Get My Money
This freelancing life ain’t easy, man. Contractors and non-traditional employees know how that 1099 struggle is real. Net30 and Net45 is the devil but we just gotta deal with it because it’s either we wait orrrrr just don’t do any work and get put out. So we wait. It sucks …

Google AdSense is a Hater And They Disabled My Account
So a couple of weeks ago, I got an automated email from Google AdSense saying: “After reviewing our records, we’ve determined that your AdSense account poses a risk of generating invalid activity. Because we have a responsibility to protect our AdWords advertisers from inflated costs due to invalid activity, we’ve …

$100 Million ATM Receipt. *cries*
Mannnnnnn listen. I’m secure in my brokeness. If someone was to ever sue me, all they’d get is my collection of 130 pairs of shoes and 2 sacks of long-grained white rice. I got a pot to piss in but the window to throw it out is nailed shut. And I’m …

So I Got Kicked Out of a Cab
I am notorious for never carrying cash. I mean, I could go weeks without ever touching paper money. My debit card IS my cash, and is swiped often enough to just really quit working one day. I realize this isn’t good, because often times when one does literally hand over …

I’ve Gone Shopping Crazy
*Stands Up* “Hi, I’m Luvvie and I’m a shopaholic.” Everyone: “Hi Luvvie!” Yeah I’ve admitted this problem but I’ve been stuck on Step 1 since forever. I have been acting a good fool for the past month, ever since Black Friday. I’ve bought 3 pairs of boots, countless shirts, many …