Black Velvet Napoleon Failed
I went to a part one of my fave DJs (Dee Money) was throwing the night of Thanksgiving. I was minding my own business (as I always do O_o) when some short dude in a velvet blazer approached me.

Whose Dumb Idea Is This? Kohl’s Failed!
Ladies and gentlefools. You know when I post back to back in a day, I mean business. Well I had to post about this as it came across my gchat. Afrobella sent me this link and I went AWF!!! Like cussing tourette’s. A “Ghetto Fab Wig?” You have GOT to …

Chingy’s Album Sold 683 Copies and Went Credit Score
Classic albums go gold, platinum and diamond. Michael Jackson’s albums went plutonium and sh*t because they ran out of metals awesome enough to describe their level of DOPENESS. This was in the past though. It seems that albums don’t fare as well nowadays. Not even close. First, Kelis dropped an …

Doing the Dougie Can Be Dangerous
This whole week has been an abundance in ratchetness. Online and offline. Foolery has ruled everything around me (FREAM). Anywho, folks have been tryna murk my soul, sending me a bunch of foolishness they’ve found on YouTube. Well, someone sent me this video below and I realized I first saw …

Amtrak Failed Us: An Overnight Trip Gone Bad
I got a tale to tell about my how Amtrak failed us! I had to travel to DC this past weekend to speak at the Blogging While Brown Conference. What had happened was: Me and my homette Patrice (aka Afrobella) decided to travel to Washington DC from Chicago on Amtrak. …

Whose Aunty is This With the Windshield Wiper Brows?
I was on MissJia.com when I saw this picture below. And I was forced to save it and make it my Twitter background. I think at least once an hour, someone tweets me talmbout “WHAT IS THAT?!?” I don’t even… I just… *facepalm* WHAT (not who) is this? Where do …

I’m Wack on Wheels
I’m one of those folks who’s better on solid ground. I’m a GREAT walker. I can walk with the best of them. I can power walk, strut, skip… all’a that. Just don’t ask me to run or nothing. I’m allergic to that. It’s when you ask me to do stuff …

APimpNamedSlickFront. Whose Uncle Is This?
I introduce you to Allen E. Brown aka APimpNamedSlickFront aka The Pimp Who Murked Me. He is actually a pimp in New Jersey who was running a prostitution ring, and ended up being sentenced to 18 years in jail. I took ONE look at this picture and had roast tourette’s. Let’s make a list of ALL the things that are wrong with this picture. I’d probably save time if I listed everything that was right = NOT A DAMB THING!
I Don’t Wear Makeup Enough
Kindred: Tryna step my accessory game up since I’mo be rocking a TWA (teeny weeny afro) soon Me: Earrings is the game that matters the most with a TWA Kindred: oh yes I know. Earrings and eyeshadow Me: Eff eyeshadow Kindred: I don’t want anyone to be like “Oh sir, …

Fall Heard ‘Round the World
Okay so I’m not the most graceful of people. It’s part of the reason I’m not a dancer (that and my lack of talent. But semantics). There are countless F My Life tales from high school of when my feets failed me. Picture it, Chicago 2001… A young Luvvie was …