4 Reasons Why BlogHer 2013 Rocked
Over a week ago, BlogHer rolled into Chicago for their annual conference and I had to be there. Not only was it on my home turf but it’s one of the conferences I try not to miss every year. This was my 4th time at a BlogHer Conference in the …

5 Highlights and 5 Lessons of my First SXSW
I’m just getting home from Austin from my first SXSW Interactive Conference and I had an amazing time! So much fun in the 5 days I was there and I also learned some lessons while there. Saddown and let me share them. The fun began after I picked up my …

I’m Speaking at BlogHer with Issa Rae, Chescaleigh and Dr. Goddess!
This week, I’m headed to New York City to speak at BlogHer 2012, and I’m super excited! This is my second time and I’m just as geeked as I was 2 years ago. In 2010, I moderated the “Humor Writing Lab” with Lizz Winstead (co-creator of the Daily Show) and …

I’m Going to the NTEN Conference in DC! Thanks to YOU!
For the past 2 years, I’ve gone to the Nonprofit Technology Conference to represent the organization I used to work for as Marketing Coordinator. This conference is an awesome 3 days of panels, networking and just getting to learn more about working in the nonprofit technology field (my specialty). Both years …

Blogalicious and Miami: All TEN Everything!
I’m all tardy for the party, but better late than never, right? RIGHT??? Anyway, although Blogalicious 2010 was a full week ago, I’m just now getting to recapping it. It was awesome! It also ended on 10/10/10, so you know I have to do #AllTENeverything! Here are 10 reasons my …

BlogHer 2010 Was Awesome: My Recap
BlogHer 2010 was THE BEST! So I’m back from the East Coast, and I must say that was the BEST. TRIP. EVER!!! I’ve traveled a decent amount of times this past year but these last 5 days were hands down the best time I’ve ever had outta town. The whole …

All Blog Conference Everything
In the beginning of this year, I decided to set a lofty goal for myself. One I actually didn’t think I’d hit, but like they say, AIM FOR THE STARS blah blah blah fall blah blah moon. Or something. I wanted to attend the three blog conferences I attended last …

Blogging While Brown 2010 Was Awesome
I had A BLAST in Washington DC this past weekend. The Blogging While Brown Conference was super super awesome for so many reasons. So take off your coat and stay a while. There’s much to gist you with. The Conference began on Friday with a game night but Afrobella and …

Blogging While Brown 2009 Rocked!
If this weekend was a dessert, it’d be a Bailey’s Irish Cream Cheesecake with pecans & caramel drizzled all over it. It was just THAT much awesome. Like seriously. I’ve been walking around just bursting out into a jig at random intervals. Talmbout *walk walk JIG JIG JIG walk walk …

Guess Who’s Bizzack?
I been gone for a minute now I’m back (but no jumpoff). Was I missed? Thanks to all my Guest Bloggers for holding down the fort. May your emails be sans Spam. Amen. The conference I went to was THAT BIZNESS (literally & figuratively)! I thought I was a geek, …