The Best Birthday Gift You Could Give Me in 2021 + A Big Podcast Announcement!
Hey, y’all. I am currently chin-deep in some blankets while I prepare for a day of doing absolutely nothing. You know why? Because it’s my birthday! I am so grateful to be on this earth another year and make it to another birthday, even with the continuous dumpster fire of …

It’s My Birthday! And I Come Bearing Gift!
Yes, gift. Just one. So, today is my 27th birthday and I’m thankful for seeing this day and being able to celebrate it. Countless blessings around me and I can’t help but smile. I don’t have much planned, but I am tempted to do hoodrat things with my friends in …

It’s a Celebration on Awesomely Luvvie So Giveaway Time!
I’m always tardy for the party, even when it’s my own. August was insanely busy for me. So busy that I forgot a major special occasion here on AwesomelyLuvvie.com! On August 8, 2006, I launched this blog with a simple post, not thinking it would turn into anything but a …

Whose Birthday Cake is This?
I found my newest guilty pleasure in the website NoWayGirl.com. It is NOTHING but epic foolery in picture form. I came across one of their pictures and my side-eye was so strong my eyes hurt afterwards. Wait a minute. Wait a GAHTDAMB minute. IS that a cake with pistols, shotguns, …

Who’s That on the Birthday Line? It’s LUVVIE!!!
Today is a special day! It’s MY BIRTHDAY!!! *and then I hit my dougie* YES MA’AMS and SIRS! Today’s my birthday! *cartwheels* 26 years ago, the world got a tad bit more ratchet, when at 2:30am, my mama birthed me. TWO weeks late. CLEARLY, I wasn’t on much then either. I …

Happy 50th Birthday, Nigeria! #AllNAIJAErrthang
Y’all will catch me randomly yelling out “ALL NAIJA EVERYTHING” today because it’s my country’s birthday! Nigeria turns 50 today and celebrates half a century without British rule! Naijas everywhere will be rejoicing like nothing else, so excuse any rowdiness you see from us. Nigeria’s the most populated country in …

The Wonderous One turns 60!
So today is Stevie Wonder‘s 60th birthday. We must revel and rejoice in this day. I don’t care how far gone Stevie’s hairline maybe, or the fact that it’s wading in all types of water. I’m always going to be a fan. I’ont care how many tacky blazers his team …

It’s My Birthday! Let Us Rejoice!
One score and five years ago, my mother (and I guess my daddy) brought forth on this planet, a new daughter, conceived in awesomeness and dedicated to the proposition that she shall wake up and piss excellence, phoenix feathers and unicorn tears. This is all to say, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!! …

It’s Nigeria’s Birthday. ACT UP!
YESSSSS!!! Nigeria turns 49 today. It’s Africa’s most populated country. And before the intrawebs, we were known more for our oil-rich land than email scams. Negativity aside, I’m proud to be from the heart of Africa. So in honor of the day, I shall start off by singing our national …

It’s my BIRFDAY!!!
One score and four years ago, my mother brought forth on this planet, a new daughter, conceived in awesomeness and dedicated to the proposition that she shall be IG beyond means. What this means is… IT’S MY BIRFDAY!!! *pops bottles of Baileys* *does jig* *gets sprayed with money* (you know …