Who Should Play Olivia Pope’s Mom on Scandal?
Now that Scandal has made it clear that we will be seeing Olivia’s mom because of this whole Operation Remington thing (at least in flashbacks), I am anxious to find out who will play her. I am not accepting the fact that she’s dead. NOOOPPEEE! I think she’s somewhere laying low and preparing to pounce up.
I’ve been talmbout who I see as Liv’s mama since last season and the FIRST person that always comes to my mind is Lynn Whitfield. But there are others. So join me as I run down the list of possible people I’d like to play Maya Lewis-Pope.
Lynn Whitfield
Liv’s reminder in episode 305 that her mom taught her to be outspoken had Lynn on my mind. Lynn Whitfield is known to play characters that do not bite their tongue and she is about that “snatch your wig” life. I feel like Olivia’s mama would have to be the type of person that could cut you down to size with one very quick look. Plus, she has that edge of crazy that someone will have to have if their husband is the Command of a top-secret assassin group.
Plus, she looks perfectly the part of Mrs. Pope. Hair included.
Phylicia Rashad
I imagine Liv’s mom to be like Claire Huxtable. Because you know Liv came from a Goddess and Phylicia Rashad is just that. Plus, her side-eyes are epic and we learned that from how she used to look at Cliff when he’d do something out of pocket. I can see her shutting down Rowan Pope with the same stares.
Valarie Pettiford
CCH Pounder
CH is one of the most underrated actresses in Hollywood. You might not have known her name but when you saw her picture, I bet you were like “YES!” She’d play Mrs. Pope with that edge. Liv wasn’t raised by no punk, and CCH makes you just wanna act right from her picture. She’s the mama who took you to church and when you started kicking the back of the pew, you FELT her face on your neck and you knew to get yourself together INSTANTLY!
Jenifer Lewis
Jenifer Lewis majors in the art of shade and I can see her being the person who taught Olivia to READ folks like an encyclopedia. I’m always here for Aunty Jeni, her cackles and those side-eyes of hers. Her and Liv could totally wreck shop together. The speech that Rowan gave his baby girl in the first episode of season 3 would be nothing compared to the epic tongue-lashing Jenifer could hand out. Chile… I’m so ready!
Honorary Mentions (But I don’t think they’d work as well)
Diahann Carroll
A lot of people have said they think Diahann Carroll should be Liv’s mom and I saw nah. Diahann is too old to be Mrs. Pope BUT she could be her Grandmother. All that regalness will be perfect as Liv’s granny. I’d love to see that.
Angela Bassett
Yall know I love me some Angela but I think she FEELS too young to be Liv’s mom. Angela is from the “Never Aging Council of Fierce Women” and I think she would come off more as Olivia’s aunty. OOOOO can she have an aunty, Shonda?!? Pleasseeee???
Jasmine Guy
Folks want Jasmine to be Liv’s mama so Whitley and Byron can be together again and I tell all of you NAWL! I will not have that.

We’re learning how Olivia became who she is today and we see half of her is pure GOON blood in Rowan Pope. But methinks her mama is also mostly goon and the ladies up top could totally rock it out. I am THIRSTY to find out who the Matron of the Pope family is and no matter who is picked, I’m probably gon fall out my chair.
So whatcha’ll think about my list? Who would be best as Maya Lewis the Real Goontress? Who else would you add to this list as a great possibility?
EDIT: The person who will be playing Olivia Pope’s mom, Maya Lewis, has been revealed! According to the Hollywood Reporter, it’s Khandi Alexander! I LOVE THIS! She’s an unexpected choice but I think it REALLY works. She’d get Rowan TOGETHER and she’s an amazing actress. Y’all know Shonda doesn’t like being predictable. This works for me!
Umm Lynn. End of discussion. LOL
Yes! They have the same forehead.
Yeah, I said it.
Well ladies, Overall I would love to see Vanessa Williams; classy and cut throat as well.
I agree! I have no doubts Vanessa would slay Rowan Pope and leave him there.
I have been team Lynn Whitfield and Phylicia Rashad from jump street. Lynn is my number one because anyone that can beat their self with a bag of oranges and claim it as domestic violence is goon squad #1 to me. Martin ain’t know what to do with his life!
[…] I cannot WAIT to see who plays her mama. I INSIST on Lynn Whitfield. In fact, check out my blog post with my list of who should play Olivia’s mom. […]
I need need NEED Phylicia Rashad to be Liv’s mama for the simple fact that I didn’t get enough of her side eye shade to Gabrielle Union when Oprah had all those lovely ladies together to talk about black women actresses. Phylicia would read Rowan like his Miranda Rights and she just might penetrate through the Grandmaster Goon’s armor. I need it. In fact, I’m writing a letter. Could you imagine her wardrobe too? SICKENING. I just might start taking Theraflu for it now.
That side eye and shade thrown to Gabrielle was epic on all levels. It was so Claire Huxtable in its realness. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Phylicia Rashad!
Ok… I’m gonna get a flu shot and start upping my vitamin C because we KNOW the broaches alone will have us ill for days.
And the side eye she gave little Miss Gabby? *WHEW* Chiiiiillllleeee. LISTEN.
I’m all for Lynn or Phylicia, but I kinda NEED for Claire Huxtable to make a comeback more fierce than ever.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even hit Luvvie on FB asking her to address that epic side eye, but she missed it. Even Oprah’s producer said something about it. YASSSSSSSS
Wait. What? Please tell me there’s video of this.
Team Rashad here!
Yaaassss!!!!! Those side eyes she gave Gabrielle Union gave me all the life I needed and then some!
I am absolutely here for Valarie Pettiford as mama Pope!!!
I agree. Lynn, Phylicia, Jenifer, these actress would be a given/ predicable. Scandal is about the unexpected. My vote Valarie Pettiford
I’d like Jennifer Lewis, but I think too many people see her solely as a comedian. Either Lynn or Phylicia would work for me.
Angela is busy with Ryan Murphy.
Jennifer Lewis has “Black mamas” sewn up in hollywood.
i wouldn’t expect anyone else! lol
While I love CCH Pounder, there is no way that her nose and Rowan’s nose got together and made Olivia’s nose. Nope.
I am personally rooting for Phylicia Rashad because she is my favorite calm and classy lady who can put folks in their place. Yes, she is the one.
I was just going to say that their facial feature are tooooo similar to ever produce Olivia.
I hollered. But you right.
I’m still on my Pam Grier hype. I want her. I want her to be Mama Pope.. with a gun and all bad-ass. But I WILL stay if Jenny Lewis ends up being the Mama. I’m okay with that.
I am allabout Lynn Whitfield! I believe we need to start a petition to get this process expedited. O—-O
Lynn Whitfield!!!
I think it’s down to Lyn or Valarie, because Maya Lewis taught her baby girl how to walk and that’s how Olivia learned to strut, talk in fast forward and be a g.
Lynn Whitfield as Liv’s mama has GOT to happen! Queen Shonda, you simply MUST! But Valarie Pettiford would also be perfect, I think.
Lynn!!! Her and Joe would be complete fire on the screen..I’d have to put on the close captioning they would be rapidly cussing each other out! LYNN!!!
My heart says Claire Huxtable, but I cannot deny the awesomeness that is CCH Pounder. I remember her from ER and she was the only one who could handle Eriq LaSalle’s arrogance. Hmmm. Either of those two divas would work for me.
Team CCH!!!!
Suzzanne Douglas. My original pick will always be Phylicia. ALWAYS I can just see the side eye & grace and the subtle goonery right under the surface. Lynn would be cool. But Suzzanne is a less obvious choice. And we all know how Shonda is anything BUT obvious.
However, I do think Angela would play the hell out of Mama Pope also. Talk about Exhaling. Lawd yes!
Not CCH Pounder. I’ve been watching her throw shade as the ADA on Sons of Anarchy, so she COULD do it… But I don’t think that’s the role for her. Mama Goon’s gotta have a touch of sophisticated glam to her.
I disagree. CCH is different and can get glam under the proper circumstances. I think she’s too slept on and that she’s clearly “not the one”. Olivia is her but younger. Valerie Pettiford could do it too. Cute but gutter like Olivia.
My vote is for Jenifer Lewis because she is fierce, but I know that will never happen. Pam Grier would be great too! I am hoping that when Fitz went to shoot down the plane, that he saved Olivia’s Mom and that she is hiding somewhere, alive & kicking, waiting for the right time to show up and make Rowan poop his pants!!
I’d love to see Lynn Whitfield even though I love love love Mrs. Rashad.
All great picks but I’m torn between Lynn and Phylicia. But BOTH would kill it!!
Valerie Pettiford or CCH Pounder for me. Both underrated as hell and each a very spirited actress who from their bodies of work both remind me of Olivia. Someone we seldom see (in truth, that’s any black actress) would be shocking and make me even more interested.
I think Vanessa Williams, Lynn Whitfield or Angela Bassett could play her Mom with ease.
Why I need her mom to be Angela Basset:
1. Name a more versatile actress. Go ahead, I’ll wait… See it’s got to be layers to Momma Pope.
2. As far as her looking too young, Angela can’t help that she was blessed by the GAWDS. I want her to roll up on Daddy Goon like
3. Talk about side eyeing and reading a bish? Oh you must’ve forgot about Waiting to Exhale. “It would be better if you were!”
4. Name another that is FIERCE enough to WALK next to Olivia Pope? I mean you know there will be a moment with they both strutting down a hallway and really who gonna have a gait that matches? chile…
Angela would be good, but I think she’s still working on American Horror Story.
Your #2 LMAO! *Just bury me in a casket with crushed velvet and make sure my hair is laid*.
I agree though. She can’t help it one of her closets in her house leads to Shangri La where she bathes in the waters of every youth.
*ever youth*
“2. As far as her looking too young, Angela can’t help that she was blessed by the GAWDS. I want her to roll up on Daddy Goon like
Dead. Someone bury or cremate me because I AM DEAD!
I can SO see this happening. The royal Angela Basset certainly has access to the fountain of eternal youth. She takes black don’t crack to a wholeeee ‘nother level.
I’m here for Valarie Pettiford simply because I’m not that familiar with her acting.
Mama Huxtable is too…I don’t know
Lynn Whitfield chews the scenery but that may be how Tyler Perry has been directing her
See my above comment on Facial feature and CCH Pounder still love her as an actress though.
I’d choose Jennifer Lewis as second place since she can do serious roles well when they are sent her way. she’s been type cast for too long (However I do recognize that this role wouldn’t be a stretch)
Diahann Carroll is already Burke’s Mama on Grey’s and there is enough crossover casting in Shondaland with Cyrus , VP Sally and Jake not to mention Cooper from Private Practice joining the crew. That also crossing Miss Rashad’s sister Debbie Allen off the list since she’s Pretty Eyes Avery’s Mama on Grey’s.
Let’s pick Harrison’s family since we have no clue who is included. I’d like for him to have a twin brother but that is just my fantasy life wishing and hoping.
Alfre Woodard would be good too
Liv’s mom has to be classy, but brassy and bold when she needs to be. She has to have married down and be bitter as she’s lived to regret it. The only two, in my humble opinion, who can pull it off are Phylicia Rashad and CCH Pounder. Genetics are quirky. Lots of offspring are throwbacks to previous generations. Also, the fact that Liv looks nothing like CCH opens up the possibility of even more intrigue.
Lynn or Phylicia doesn’t matter which one to me because they both will get the job done. Phylicia has the grace, Lynn has the class with a touch of crazy.
Angela is busy ruling the cobblestone streets of New Orleans as a voodoo priestess and she is slaying!
I really don’t care who gets the part. All of these women are beautiful, talented, and sophisticated enough to play the part. But, I’m literally torn between Lynn & Phylicia. Love all these women.
How come I’m high-fivin’ you right now?
My starting lineup were CCH Pounder, Alfre Woodard, Ella Joyce, Anna Deavere Smith, Valarie Pettiford, Lorraine Toussaint and Jennifer Lewis.
Oooo I didn’t think of Alfe Woodard!! She would perfect if playing a meeker character
Yep. She plays the under-dog that you root for very well.
But don’t sleep on Lorraine or Anna…those ladies are bad ass, too.
Thank you for mentioning Alfre. She has my vote all the way. Hands down.
Perfect casting choices
I am going to go with Phylicia Rashad or even Debbie Allen.
Debbie is already a part of the Shondaland universe with Grey’s. She has incredible range, moxie, has a beautiful strut and a major side eye.
Phylicia for many of the same reasons. I mean, her side eye is legendary, but her rants are legendary as well. Think how many times she told off her kids, or the many times that she told off Elvin when he tried to put females in their place. She can KILL a monologue.
SAME THING I SAID! I would LOOOOOVVVVEEE For Phylicia Rashad to play as Liv’s mother. All of the times she told Elvin off on the Cosby Show was done in a blunt, fast pace monologue. She can keep up with the speed of the normal Scandal dialogues.
So… I’mma go out on a limb here and say the role of Liv’s momma should go to the royal highness Momma Dee! #BOOM And In That Order! well… being a A former pimp aside she’s a shoe-in! She shades like no other and will ride or die for her chirren!
I think any of those ladies would be great except CCH Pounder. I’m a big fan of hers but I don’t know if she would fit as Olivia’s mother for me. I would love to see her in another role on Scandal though. Valerie Pettiford would be perfect for the role as well as Victoria Rowell also. It has to be someone who is believable at taking on Rowan and his megalomania. If Lynn Whitfield channels a little bit of Brandi from Thin Line she’s perfect. I want to see Diahann Carroll as Liv’s grandmother. If Shonda manages to get any of these ladies on the show in any role, I won’t know what to do with myself….lol.
Victoria Rowell, oh yes I can see that!
Soooo many sistas that need that top dollar billing right now. whoever it is will lay us out!!! My top pick is Valarie Pettiford.
How about some new blood? There are fabulous actresses out there whose names aren’t household who need some shine too! Ok Oky off by #babygirlplay media soapbox and on to Hollywood Stunt Casting Reality: My vote would mos def go to Lynn Whitfield.
If Lynn Whitfield were not such a hateful person I could see that.
Jenifer Lewis, my personal fav of all these mentioned; however,
Lonette McKee, classic.
I actually believe the Mama is not going to be Black, so Lonette is a good compromise, because you know Shonda is not going to let that bi-racial couple thing happen again. Remember Taye Diggs on Private Practice? Nonononono, not again. IJS
I NEED it to be Phylicia Rashad!! I would love to see Diahnn Carrol too (maybe grandmother role?) it CAN’T be Jennifer because she’s ALWAYS the country ig’nant mama and I don’t see Olivia coming from that.
But, remember Jennifer’s character, Dean Davenport, on A Different World? Very non-ig’nant. Plus, her voice is commanding and oozes, “I am not to be played with.”
Yaaaaaaaaaaaas my favorite Dean “You’re on my LIST!”
A friend of mine was saying that what if the mom is not black?? Hmmm….
Interesting … I would like that better …
Why would that be better? Olivia is black so her mother should be a black woman….or is that too much to ask?
Because it wouldn’t be so predictable.
Nope. I want a black woman.
All of this begs the question; why did Rowan want to off Liv’s mom anyway? Was she B613 gone rogue? Did she find out about who he really was and was about to blow the spot? Or did Rowan find out that Liv wasn’t really his biological child? (That would also explain why he doesn’t care about hurting Liv). If it’s the latter, whoever plays Liv’s mom doesn’t really have to look like her. CCH would be the logical choice.
I love all these actresses, but I think either Lynn or Phylicia Rashad would be the best suited. Can you imagine Lynn’s wardrobe?? *Dies* I.am.HERE. for Phylicia’s epic side eyes. Damn, I love Angela Basset too doe. As for her being busy on another show, they can always make it work…
I’ve seen Alfre Woodard being mentioned as a possible candidate also, and I’m a big fan of Alfre..I am…but she plays ERRYBODY mama so I’d like to see another black actress being give a chance.
But Luvvie, what if she REALLY IS dead?!
Sweetie, its night time drama, nobody is dead until you see the body go in the ground-and even then it’s questionable.
Lol oh ok … carry on
I’ve been saying from the get that I want Jenifer Lewis on my screen! No one knows how to shade with as much precision and no chill as she does. And I’d really like to see her break free of that type cast role she’s in now. It’d be nice to see her balance the serious scenes with her knack for comedy.
I didn’t think of Lynn but now that ya’ll mention it?!?! OMG. That would be perfect too. Lawd.
Anyone on this list would be AMAZING. seriously.
I think Victoria Rowell would be great for the role.
Didn’t Kerry Washington and Diahann Carroll present an award at the Emmy’s together? Maybe that’s a precursor. But, I think she would do better as her grandmother…and not mother.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when someone told Victoria Rowell she’d be playing Kerry Washington’s mother.
Why? Victoria Rowell is in her 50’s (although again pudding pop proof that Black don’t crack) and Kerry is in her 30’s. That’s the perfect age difference for Victoria to play her mom.
I don’t think there is a closer match of grace and sophisticated goonery than Phylicia Rashad. I think Olivia as her offspring is perfection.
I like that Lonette McKee suggestion… ‘sister can’t fly on one wing’… that would be interesting to see. I also thought of Ella Joyce too. But it would be fun to see Lynn Whitfield chew the Scandalous scenery – Oh man… CCH would be fierce as the Mama Pope… thinking about it is just going to put me back in ‘Scandal Rehab’ – right where I was last season when I heard… “Daddy?!”
CCH Pounder is busy trying to bust a motorcycle club for selling guns that were used in a school shooting on Sons of Anarchy. And Angela Bassett is on American Horror Story.
I’m liking Lynn Whitfield for the role although I would LOVE to see Phylicia Rashad on the show and I agree about the physical resemblance between Olivia/Kerry and Valarie Pettiford.
Lynn Whitfield is dat baby momma..plus she has that jungle fever history with Tony Goldwyn. She done had her a piece of the POTUS before Olivia was potty trained. lol
Hey you’re so right Scandalfan101, I’d forgotten that little movie with Lynn and Tony. Nope, I can’t see Lynn being Olivia’s mom now. I love Alfre and Angela, but I think Valarie would be a better fit. Woo Hoo!
*goes to IMDB*
This role is for “black” actress so why is Valarie Pettiford on the list? She is such a racist women who hates anything black. I would love to see any of the other women in this role, but please let it go to one of the proud, and black actress.
Valerie is not back?
MimiLuvs, she is black. Mya James drank several glasses of HaterAid this morning. Pay IT no mind.
B!tch, boo, bye! Get a life. You don’t even know her. And you post on social sites with a made up name. Try spreading love, you and your life would be better. #HaveSeveralSeats
She is a racist! She is only black when it comes to flims! Why you mad? If the bitch is racist she is racist! That BITCH would hang ever black person from a tree if she could. Like i said this role is for a “BLACK” actress.
I’m not mad. You’re the one that’s mad. You took the time out of your common life to berate someone you don’t even know. Bitterness is a disease and you are the epitome of that. Furthermore, I don’t even know why I’m having a conversation with someone of your ilk. In the grand scheme of life you are irrelevant. If your job offers therapy, you should seek it. Your life would be way more rewarding if you do that. I feel sorry for you, boo.
Stay mad! You are just mad that someone is calling Valarie out for her racists ways. If anybody needs therapy it would be your beloved Valarie. If a person who is living their life as a white women who is clearly black is not crazy, than i don’t no what crazy is. Call me whatever you want,that still won’t change the facts the your beloved Valarie is a self-hating racists. Stay Mad!
But you haven’t stated why you believe that she is racist.
Her interactions with other blacks. She treats black people just like any other racist white person would,and she would have absolutely no problem discriminating against you. If it gain her points with white people.
Janet Hubbert; Fresh Prince Auntie of life. She can GIVE side eye. I’ve worked with her. She is verrry cool/nice.
I would like to see Lynn Whitfield play her mother and Jennifer Lewis could be Liv’s auntie. She needs an auntie.
I vote for either Valarie Petiford or Victoria Rowell, only because the flashbacks would be 20+ years old. I love Lynn & Phylicia, but they are mature, seasoned vets. Valarie can pass with the right lighting & Victoria is still in range.
Jenifer Lewis would act a damn fool, she would be checking folks and snatching wigs left and right. Maybe even CCH Pounder cuz she getting on my nerves on Sons of anarchy, lol.
What about the original Vivian Banks? Janet Hubert? I loooved her on Fresh Prince and was sad when they changed her for the second VB
If I can’t have Mother Lynn, then I will only accept Valerie Pettiford. She and Joe Morton just give me that chocolate, middle aged Mr. & Mrs. smith vibe and I want this to be a thing.
Also, like you said Luvvie, in a perfect world, Joe and Valerie really could have birthed Kerry.
Team Valerie Pettiford. She brings pure fierceness to every role she plats. Period.
How about Vanessa Williams as Mama Pope?
Yessss! And she has a contract with ABC.
Phylicia or Lynn.
As for Liv’s mom, I’m for Lynn Whitfield or Phylicia. I really like the idea of Gina Torres, but she may be a bit too young.
I think Diahann Carroll and Morgan Freeman should play Rowan’s parents. It would be nice to see how Rowan was raised and what happened to make him become a government-approved sociopath.
Angela Bassett is my choice, along with Phylicia Rashad.
Valarie Pettiford from this list.
I refuse to give up on my choice of Lonette McKee or as was mentioned in another post: S. Epatha Merkerson.
Lynn’s version of crazy borders on psychotic and unpredictable. Maya Lewis-Pope is cool, calm, and calculating. That’s where Liv gets it from. Same explanation for Jenifer Lewis.
Diahann and Phylicia are a bit too old.
These women are phenomenal.
I never thought about LT Van Buren, I can see that!
It’s going to be Khandi Alexander. I do like her, but would have also loved the aforementioned Angela Bassett, Phylicia Rashad, and another who I think would be kind of bad ass as Momma Pope–Viola Davis (but she might be a little too young). Wasn’t Lorraine Toussaint already on an episode in season 2 as another character? I think she was the wife of the preacher that died when he was in bed with Elise Neal. And I have to take a second to BOW DOWN to Ms. Angela Bassett who is totally KILLING IT as Marie Leveau on American Horror Story! YOU GO GIRL with your dookie braids, Angela!!!
Dead on. You win the whole thing!
You called it, fleur! Way to go!
#TeamAngelaBassett! I was skeptical at first when my Scandalicious fb group threw her name in the hat a few weeks ago. But just saw Olympus Has Fallen and hands down Angela STILL gots it!!
Queen Rashad. She is more versatile than we’ve seen. Her theatre work on August Wilson plays in the past ten years has show her true fierceness. or Khandi. what’s Debbi Morgan doing? BerNadette Stanis?? Where she at? Tamara Tunie?
Where is Irene Cara?
But unfortunately she is on AMerican Horror story right now, giving them FEVA!!
A lot of people are saying that Diahnne Carroll is too old to play Olivia’s mother….Did you all see her and Kerry present at the Emmys?! Ms. Carroll looked absolutley fabulous!!!! Besides, she is the first black actress to have her own dramatic series which was “Julia” and she has similar physical features to Kerry that would be convicing. On top of that, she showed that she can really play a force to be reckoned with when she portrayed Dominique Devereaux on Dynasty.
There’s a difference between being too old for the part and looking too old in general. There’s no question that Diahann and the others mentioned have aged so gracefully. (Good) Black don’t crack. But then there’s the age range of the role to consider. Depending on who is cast and how Shonda has considered the role, this person has to be able to play younger (in flashbacks, like Joe Morton did in a couple of flashbacks already done) and then play the current age. There’s only so much that makeup, prosthetics, soft lighting and filtering that can be done to make someone look younger on camera.
I love the idea of Lynn Whitfield or Angela Bassett. But doesn’t the mom have to be younger if we are seeng her in flashbacks and Liv was 12 when she died? Now if she is not dead and we are seeing her now then someone older works.
Jennifer Lewis…ALL day er’ryday. Whew Lawd the world is not ready for Mama Goon.
We keep talmbout how Daddy Goon killed her, but IF she is a Goon herself (and I BET she is) perhaps she and Daddy Goon were in cahoots TOGETHER to shoot down that plane.
We keepin’ Daddy Goon in a nice little “crazy muthafuqqa” box but me thinks he had some REAL love for his family at one time. So mayhaps the plane going down is NOT what we think. I’m calling it. Mama Goon got caught up in some real Goon shit and she and Daddy Goon hatched this plan.
*I see you tryna to get us Shonda…I see you*
Valarie Pettiford HANDS DOWN!!, Her body of work is not stronger than her talent which makes her perfect for blending into whom we think this character will be. Classy, elegant yet vulnerable to by damaged by this awful man of a husband PERFECTLY portrayed by the great Joe Morthon!
I wouldn’t mind seeing any of these women playing this role, but this rumor about Valerie Pettiford is really making me give her a serious side eye. This is not my first time hearing about this kind of behavior from her. I have heard this several times before,and just brushed it off, not so sure if I can do it this time.
““Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.” ~Benjamin Franklin
I’ve worked with Valarie. I’ve known Valarie for years upon years. I know her parents and sister (her father when he was alive) I’m not sure who this person is talking about her, but clearly he/she doesn’t know Valarie. There is nothing racist about her. She doesn’t “live like a white woman”. She is a very giving person. An easy, fun person to work with. And an excellent, loyal friend. There are few genuine people in this industry. Valarie P. is one of them.
“The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
― Maya Angelou
“Unhappiness is often caused by tendency to find fault with others.”
― Toba Beta
“Three things cannot be long hidden the sun, the moon, and the truth.”~ Buddha
“I don’t know Karate, but I know Ka-Crazy…”
James Joseph Brown, Junior
The Payback, circa 1973
I know I’m late but I love your Scandal re-caps. As for Olivia mom my vote is for Phylicia Rashad
Two words: VIVACA FOX!!!
The devil is a LIE! Vivica Fox?? Girl, bye!
LMAO vivica fox is ratchet i don’t know why people like her soo much she plays the same parts all the time…
I think Vanessa Williams (first Black Miss America) is a great choice to stand up against Daddy Rowan. She’s played all kinds of roles, and I think she and an adult Olivia would form an impenetrable bond that not even B613 could break. Also, they made point of the fact that Mommy Pope didn’t use the Pope name, which tells me two things: She’s strong and independent, and Fitz may not have realized, by seeing the plain’s passenger list, that she and Olivia were related. Just saying….
Liv’s mom died when she was young. If it’s all flashbacks, these women would all be too old.
My vote is for Lynn Whitfield all day she and Liv look like they could be mother and daughter…. Def Lynn I hope (if she is alive) they go with Lynn.
There are numerous possibilities, but I am thinking of Jada Pinkett Smith, Vanessa Williams, Alfre Woodard……
You know I’m thinking a little outside of the box because for the most part we know most of the time some of our powerful black men are married to white woman and no I’m not prejudice or a racist but just follow me for a minute. Two actress come to mind, Julia Roberts and Meryl Strep but the Meryl from the Devil Wears Prada.
I don’t think this show has “Meryl Streep or “Julia Roberts” type of money.
Lynn followed by Vanessa Bell Calloway.
OMG! Definitely Lynn Whitfield!
I think Lynn whitfield would be perfect but I think (though I hate it) she’s really dead and its gonna be a younger character doing the fllashbacks… I think becuase we want a mother figure for Liv we are counting out alot of younger actresses that are dope… I also have a funny feeling harrison is gonna tie into this story cuz Shonda has been avoiding telling us about him… what ever his story is gonna be itss gonna be crazy…
Ok, I like all the women who are options. But Daddy Goon is not the most handsome man and Olivia is GORG! So CCH Pounder and Daddy Goon would not produce an Olivia Pope. (not saying she’s not pretty) but…….. LOL! Mama Goon gotta be hot! Phylicia Rashad or Lynn are my choices. And if it IS Phylicia Rashad I will be on the floor with you!
Surely you have seen pictures on FB – every so often 2 wrongs do produce a right.
But I disagree with Joe Morton not being handsome. He’s no pretty boy but he is a good looking man. Ya’ll better recognize the man that keeps a tool belt in the house and not always have to call on someone else because he’s afraid to mess up his manicure.
My vote is for Phylicia Rashad!!
Lonette Mckee from the Original Sparkle
My suggestion is a little outside the box but what about Mo’Nique? Yes she isn’t a size 2 like all the others women suggested but so what? And we all know she can play mean and hard. For the show, it would be a major get to have a Oscar winner on. Mo’Nique has done any acting since “Precious” and this would be a nice transition for her to get back into it. Also, I think for the story line of Olivia’s father needing a patsy for a wife so that he can pretend to be a ordinary guy, someone like Mo’Nique could fit the bill.
Nope nope nope. It’s not about her size but no. She doesn’t have the UMPH needed to be Liv’s mama. She’s just loud. So no.
1) Lynn Whitfield
2) Phylicia Rashad
3) thinking outside of the list, Vanessa Bell Calloway
CCH and eli pope look like brother and sister so #nah i’m not here for that
Luvvie, what did you think of the opening skit for SNL when Kerry hosted and they addressed not having a black woman on the cast? I just caught it today…
Luvvie…you are hilarious! Phylicia Rashad is my choice. So demure and her personality fits perfect. She could scratch Daddy Goblin’s eyes out with half a side-eye.
I would like to see Phylicia Rashad play Liv mom. Liv needs her mom and Phylicia Rashad is perfect. She loving but will put you in your place if you step out of line. Remember, when Vanessa went all the way to Baltimore to have biiiiig fun!! It was the first time that we all saw Claire raising her voice. Most of the time it was her fast talking when she would cut you with her words. She would be perfect. If not Phylicia then her sister Debbie Allen.
Khandi Alexander is the new rumor now…didn’t see that one coming. She can be goon though.
It’s not a rumor! It’s very true. She’s already filmed scenes for it.
[…] Ajayi, the mastermind behind the uproariously funny blog, AwesomelyLuvvie.com and a purveyor and connoisseur of all things Scandal, created a list of who she thought should […]
[…] Ajayi, the mastermind behind the uproariously funny blog, AwesomelyLuvvie.com and a purveyor and connoisseur of all things Scandal, created a list of who she thought should […]
Ok. I’m not in love with the pick of Khandi (probably because I didn’t think of her first! LOL!) but I’ll still watch and see what they do with it and this leads me to believe that Mama Lewis-Pope will have flashbacks along with a present-day presence.
[…] Ajayi, the mastermind behind the uproariously funny blog, AwesomelyLuvvie.com and a purveyor and connoisseur of all things Scandal, created a list of who she thought should […]
I like Khandi, but not feeling her as Maya Pope at all!
[…] Ajayi, the mastermind behind the uproariously funny blog, AwesomelyLuvvie.com and a purveyor and connoisseur of all things Scandal, created a list of who she thought should […]
[…] blogger Luvvie, of Awesomely Luvvie might disagree. Following last week’s episode, she listed veteran actresses like Lynn Whitfield, Phylicia Rashad, Valarie Pettiford, and Jenifer Lewis as strong candidates for […]
[…] blogger Luvvie, of Awesomely Luvvie might disagree. Following last week’s episode, she listed veteran actresses like Lynn Whitfield, Phylicia Rashad, Valarie Pettiford, and Jenifer Lewis as strong candidates for […]
[…] Ajayi, the mastermind behind the uproariously funny blog, AwesomelyLuvvie.com and a purveyor and connoisseur of all things Scandal, created a list of who she thought should […]
Phylicia Rashad I was hoping for but Khandi aint bad either…
newsradio days anyone remember? lol
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[…] about Khandi as we threw around names but when a little birdy told me about it on Friday (after my Who Should Play Olivia’s Mom? post went up), I was actually […]