The Fluffer and Mona Lisa of Boom: Scandal Episode 316 Recap
Chile, look. This episode of Scandal was intense! In fact, it was a throwback to season 2 and that I enjoyed. Let’s just get into it. Not Olivia – Abby rolls through the White House in a white coat because she’s there to serve as Olivia’s proxy and Cyrus is …

Mama Said Knock You Out: Scandal Episode 315 Recap
Now that we’ve mourned the first main character who died on Scandal, we gotta deal with the messy aftermath. Typically, this show cleans up some mess before introducing new mess but it’s a mess tornado right now. Everything is topsy turvy and no one is on their feet at the …

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Scandal Episode 314 Recap
We’ve all been playing the guessing game since last week to figure out who got shot on last week’s episode of Scandal. Some theories: * Quinn or Charlie shot the two people who were with David and James and then Jake shot the assassin to save them * Jake shot …
This Scandal Character Has Gone on To Glory So We Gotta Plan His Homegoing
I didn’t wanna put his name in the title of this post because I didn’t wanna spoil it for everyone who hasn’t seen it. I’ve went through many lengths to make sure the only people who know who died are the folks who clicked through to this post. For example, …

No Sun On the Horizon: Scandal Episode 313 Recap
Last week, we were warned that the last 30 seconds of this episode of Scandal would change everything so we all assumed someone would get shot and die. We started guessing who. The names we threw in the hat: David, James and Quinn. Well, Quinn stays on the “gotta die” …

We Do Not Touch the First Ladies: Scandal Episode 312 Recap
Shouting Match – Members of the Secret Service are standing in a hallway as Olivia and Fitz yell at each other, acting like they don’t have an inside voice. President Ghost is mad because Liv got a man (a fake one, but one nonetheless) and he’s salty that it’s Jake. …

Ride Sally Ride. Run Olivia Run: Scandal Episode 311 Recap
After 10 weeks, Scandal has returned to us. How did I #CopeWithoutPope? I kept myself busy with other things and other shows but I missed my Gladiators dearly. To refresh your memory on what happened when we left off, check out my recap of Scandal episode 310. Running Mellie – …

Where Is My Scandal Recap?
I dropped the ball and I didn’t know how much. I had no idea y’all would long for my missing Scandal recap so much. I’ve received many emails, tweets, comments and side-eyes from people because I have not posted my recap to the latest Scandal episode. It is clear that …

10 Reasons Why the 2014 Academy Awards Were the Best EVER
The 86th Academy Awards were the best I’ve ever seen and I am so pleasantly surprised. Could this be the beginning of the end of the snoozefest tradition? Let’s hope so. I said I was only watching the Oscars to see if Lupita won and to see some of Ellen’s …

I’m Live-Streaming the 2014 Academy Awards Red Carpet
Hey folks! Today is the 86th Academy Awards and I’m excited because Lupita Nyong’o might be going home with an Oscar! COME ON, SOMEBODY! In fact, I have folks alerting me of when that part comes on so I can make sure I’m tuned in. I like watching the Red …