I’m At Essence Fest Speaking and Shenanigansing
Yes, I just said “shenanigansing.” I made up a word AND turned it into a verb. HOW DARE I? Ha!
Anywho, hey people! I am spending this weekend in New Orleans at ESSENCE Magazine’s annual turn up jubilee, Essence Festival. I went for the first time last year and I wrote a guide to Essence Fest afterwards, from the lessons I learned. This time, I’m not quite a seasoned pro but I know some thangs.
Either way, what am I up to while here? Today, I’m teaching a bootcamp at the Money & Power Expo for Sam’s Club on Social Media Strategy. That’s from 12-1pm at the Convention Center. I’ll drop some tips on how to maximize these digital tools we’re all loitering on everyday.
Walmart is doing the Money and Power stage at Essence Fest, which focuses on careers and entrepreneurship. Tomorrow, I’ll be speaking on a panel on that stage called “Between Us Girls” where I be talking with Wendy Raquel Robinson, Beverly Bond, Kim Fields about Black Girl Magic. What do we see as challenges, and how do we get past them? How do we continue to stay empowered?
ANDDDD I’ll be at the Walmart VIP lounge in the Superdome tomorrow taking selfies with my fave celebs. Keep track of my adventures through Instagram (@Luvvie).
By the way, folks, if you see me in these NOLA streets, ask me for a side-eye lollipop. I’ll be carrying them with me until I run out. They’re my calling card. Also, I do not feel like dressing up this weekend. If y’all see me wearing a tank top and jeans for ALL occasions, don’t judge me. There will be no slay cuz I used it all up at the BET Awards. I didn’t even bring an all-white #alphet, which is customary for Essence Fest. Why? Because where 3 or more Black people gather, there is guaranteed to be an all-white shindig of some sort. It’s science.
If you need me for the next 4 days, I will be eating all the beignets, all the seafood and all the rices. YES, I SAID RICES. My first meal included gumbo so you know I’m about this life.

My first meal here was a flight of gumbo, crawfish bisque, turtle soup.
Thanks to Walmart for having me be a part of this ESSENCE Fest! Let’s do this! Everyone will have run themselves ragged by Sunday. Whew.
1 Comment
Wish I was there! My first time at EssenceFest was when Janet Jackson was headlining. My sister and I joined a throng of other black women and the atmosphere was so…SO…sista’ly with all of us looking fly and friendly and happy, I coulda pinched myself. This was before we all got hip to blackgirlmagick, but it was there. I felt it. Ooh, I wish I was there! I love me some us!