Ten Lessons in Ten Years of Awesomely Luvvie!
Ten years ago today, I was fresh off college graduation and still jobless at the time but one thing I was doing was blogging. The “weblog” I had created while in undergrad three years before felt stale to me. I felt like it was time for me to start fresh, so I deleted my Xanga blog that was in Comic Sans font (why, lawd?), logged on to Blogspot and started a new website. It was called: Luvvie’s Random Rants. My first post was titled “The Blog That Luvvie Built.” I made a quick intro of who I was. Two paragraphs and that was it.
It was on August 8, 2006. I didn’t know what I was starting with those two paragraphs. I didn’t know that it would change my life. I didn’t know that I’d be here in 10 years, saying “AND I’M STILL AT IT.”
“Luvvie’s Random Rants” got renamed to “Awesomely Luvvie” in 2008. In 2010, I moved it from Blogger to WordPress. And here we are. I wrote a long post about how my dreams have come true in ways even I could not have imagined. Read: About My Epic Week (I Interviewed Oprah), Dreams Realized and Lessons Re-Learned. It has been incredible.
Ten years is a long time, but I feel like it was just yesterday. Along the way, I’ve learned countless lessons. I wanna share ten with you.
Ten Lessons in Ten Years of Awesomely Luvvie
The first doesn’t matter most.
Being a pioneer to some field matters. Being the first does have its’ perks because you can claim OG status and you probably blazed trails. However, being first really stops mattering if people forget your name. You cannot rest your laurels in being first. Who came after you and did it better?
Do something long enough, you will get better.
When people say that they feel like I’m an overnight success, I tell them that it’s been a decade of sticking with it. I am one of the ones who didn’t quit. And because of it, I got better. As a writer, a cultural critic and a professional troublemaker, I started getting attention. Because listen. I came to the party early and I helped you clean up. Of course you’ll notice me.
Anything that you do for a long time will be something that you begin to be a BAWSE at. Why? Because consistency and practice will do that. If I have been blogging for 13 years and I still suck at writing and marketing and all’at, then maybe I should quit.
Let your work evolve.
Honor all parts of yourself and let the work that you do grow. When I first started, I wasn’t writing about race and politics. It was shenanigans most of the time. Had I gotten stuck in that box, not letting myself grow beyond what I initially began with, this site would be less whole and less true to me. This site wouldn’t have what folks have come to love the most.
This blog has evolved with me. And my changed beliefs, my maturity and my growth as a person can be charted through the last ten years. How you start is not going to be how you continue and finish and that is okay. You are human.
Let yourself find some chill.
Also, if you do something long enough, you will need to take breaks from it. There are over 1,500 posts on this site, and I prided myself in being the person who would drop commentary on things as they happened. And no matter where I was in the world, I would make sure I wrote, even if it meant I only got 3 hours of sleep. Lately, I’ve slowed down on that. Yesterday, someone commented on my FB page: “I miss you actually writing instead of posting pics with famous people.” Me: “I miss you paying me to write. Wait…” But the statement irked the hell outta me.

I’m putting this here because: HA! You mad??
I’m sorry that I’m living life instead of being tethered to my laptop 24/7. Wait. NO I’M NOT. I am flattered that people miss my writing when I don’t write often. On the other side, I’ve spent most of last 4 months in hotels/airports. What I used to do was get to my hotel at 11pm. Spend 2 hours writing, some more time checking email and wake up for some event at 7am. I was burning out. I could not keep up the pace. It wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t sustainable long term. Most blogs that churn out content have more than 1 writer. And I feel like I’ve earned the opportunity to take breaks from writing. Plus, I wrote a book (I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual). I did that while traveling to 6 countries across 4 continents. So there’s tons of Luvvie writing to read if folks ever miss my work. But we need to know that it is okay to take breaks.
Expand your team of one.
Beyond blogging, I speak, I run a national nonprofit (The Red Pump Project), I travel, I do a lot of stuff. I am a multi-hyphenate because I’m multi-passionate and what that means is that I’m always juggling a bunch of plates. Some come crashing to the floor more often than I want to admit, and it got to the point where I had to stop being an empire of one. And I needed to do it guilt-free. Why? Because working ourselves to the bone is not a badge of honor. I wrote about this at length on a piece I wrote on Medium called On Firing Myself and Ending the Empire of One. Go read that.
Stand in your worth.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in having this blog and being a writer is how you have to stand in your worth. People will try to de-value your work, because it might not be something they can hold on to physically. Brands will try to pay you in “exposure.” Folks will tell you that you need them more than they need you. The times when I have said “YES” to “no” situations have been the times when I was most mad at myself because I always felt taken advantage of.
There are times when we are just looking to get our feet in the door. But it seems that the people who don’t want to pay us are also the ones who want us to give them everything. Or folks who got dollar menu budgets wanting caviar. It is okay to walk away from short term gains if they won’t be worth it in the long term.
Run your own race.
It is tempting to see what others in your field are doing, wondering if you should be doing the same. But when you look beside you instead of ahead, it slows you down. Folks too often think they are in competition with others, when the only race they need to run is theirs. Worry about yourself and do what is true to you. Because there is no guarantee that you can replicate someone else’s result even if you copy them. DO YOU.
Look back but don’t dwell.
It pays to look back from time to time, though. And see how far you’ve come. Just don’t stay in the past, dwelling on what could have been, what you could have done better or any other WHAT IFs. It will have you beating yourself up. Me, for example. I didn’t attempt to monetize this site until 2011. 5 years after I got started. Why? Because I didn’t think it was worth $$$. I could kick my own ass for not seeing that what I had was more than a hobby: it was a business. But when you know better, you do better.
Do what feels good.
What kept me writing through the years is that if I didn’t write, I’d dream words. Or I’d feel slightly cluttered. I just had to say the things I said. As my blog grew, people would suggest topics to me, and I’d take them on too, if I had a strong enough opinion about it. I wrote because I loved it. And no, love of something is not what allows you to make a living at it. But it does help the grind when that thing that is keeping you up at night is something you are really fond of.
Read more than you write.
One of my FAQs is “how do I overcome writer’s block?” Everyone will give a different answer but I make sure I always have something to say by reading more than I write. I read blogs, books, essays. I read my Twitter timeline. I read because it expands my world. I read because AMAZING writers inspire me to be dope at my game. I read because we cannot be creating in vacuums. That helps tremendously.
So. I am celebrating 10 years of this website, and 2 years ago, I did my Awesomely Golden party in Chicago to celebrate this blog’s golden birthday. I told myself that when this site turns a decade old, I would throw 10 parties around the country. I had NO CLUE that it would really be happening because I would be releasing a book. Talk about manifesting. My book comes out in 5 weeks!
I’m just excited that y’all have pushed me forward and upward. Thank you to THE BEST community on these interwebs: LuvvNation. Many of you have been reading my work for 8 years. We go together so tough and I love y’all. There are many newbies here everyday. I appreciate you too. Just know that you won’t be able to quit me now. We got a love thing already. I feel it in my shondo.
Leave a comment telling me what city you’re from, how long you’ve been reading my site annnndddddd your favorite piece of mine.
I first started reading the blog when you “quit BET” for its God-awful tribute to Michael Jackson. I’ve been hooked ever since. I’m so proud of you like I know you and when I see other people sharing your posts, I’m always like, hey that’s MY blogger! Congrats girl!
Congrats on 10 years Luvvie! That is no small feat in itself, and considering all of the globehopping you’ve been doing whilst putting out content… you’re pretty super.
I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading here- definitely since the blogspot days. I’ve sent countless numbers of posts to friends, family, and coworkers. I feel like I should pay rent with the amount of time I spend here.
Hello from the Baltimore area! I first started reading your blog last year (???? late to the party) and have been hooked. Your piece on firing yourself really resonated with me, especially as I struggled to “do it all”. I am currently working on outsourcing parts of my life so I have time to actually LIVE my life!
I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years and I have no favorite piece because they are all my favorite. You tell the truth, and you’re funny as hell! When I’m at my lowest, you will pop up on my timeline giving me a fierce or funny conversation that not only makes me smile – but causes me to think about something or someone else instead of dwelling on my own sh**. Thank you! Keep doing what you’re doing. Can’t wait for the book to get here – (I pre-ordered) and I’ll be checking everyday! Much love and respeck! ???? And lots of blessings – you deserve all the goodness and blessings Hod has in store!
I followed you after something hilarious you said in the VSB comments – can’t even remember what it was, but it was quickly overshadowed once I started traipsing through the archives. ( Don’t remember the date. I do seem to remember a Yahoo avi in an argyle sweater, and her ‘fit would switch up to suit the mood/season.) You are hilarious and watching you realize your dreams inspires me.
When is the Houston portee?
I have been reading you for the past 3 years and I have turned so many of my friends and family on to you! I find myself randomly quoting you and I drive my husband crazy. I currently live in San Antonio, TX but I’m from LA. I’m having a hard time choosing my favorite piece but let’s go with: The Great Candy Debate: Because Sweets Ain’t A Game. I was at work (3am) laughing soooo hard my coworkers thought I was insane. Keep living in your truth and purpose.
I am from Auckland, New Zealand. I originally came to your blog via your post on the amazing Miss Edith Childs. I cry/laughed so hard that my face pretty much collapsed, and I immediately emailed it to all my friends. Since then I visit your site pretty much every day, and have learnt so much from reading your posts, particularly those on white privilege. My country’s history is very different to yours, but it bears the scars of colonialism, as shown in the statistics around educational outcomes, abuse, prison demographics etc. To be able to learn from your perspective has been so incredibly helpful to me. I have two children, and as they grow, I am already thinking about how to communicate to them (particularly my beautiful, privileged white son) the concept of white privilege, and what that means for them, and for their friends of different ethnicities. So, thank you for your intelligence, your tough talk, your patience, and your humour. It is making a difference.
I’m from the Twin Cities, and I’ve been reading less than a year. Picking just one favorite piece is pretty much impossible, but I do love “Winning at SOTU: Miss Edith Childs. Losing: Kim Davis’ Mullet.” Pretty much all of your posts about the foolery of the GOP have had me cackling, which is a welcome relief from all the political angst going on. Congrats on 10 years!
Hey Luvvie from Maryland! Congratulations on 10 years of foolish and shenanigans! You’ve been my friend in your head for at least 8 of those ten years (I used to read you, Naturally Alise and The PBG when you guys used to go in on VSB.com and that drove me to y’alls blogs)…and I finally get to meet you! I’ll be at your DC book signing! Trying to figure out my #alphet now and getting ready to Bro. Franklin with you! See you soon and congrats again!
Well it all started on a streetcar in Nawlins! lol Yes this is your Beignet Boo and I started reading your tweets first, actually! You were speaking on something very personal for me…the Charleston Massacre in Mother Emanuel AME Church. Yup you were challenging fellow bloggers to say SOMETHING beyond the eyebrow arch and outfit of the day. It felt good to know someone cared about what was going on in my city because it was THICK. I chose to ride out for a 12 hour road trip to the Essence Festival for some much needed emotional detoxing and the next thing I know, I’m on a trolley with my cape in the wind to snatch an extra bag of beignets since I was already on my way. Well, because of your kindness, I had THE time of my life at the concert and somehow somebody messed up and had ya girl behind the velvet rope. I was CHILLIN! Do you understand me? Like chillin til frozen! lol I needed that and I appreciate you so much for your wit, honesty, and delivery. You keep me on my toes when I feel like my voice is beginning to fade in my writing. I’m doing ME! SO THANK YOU FOR THAT TOO! When you come to Atlanta for your book tour, we must cook all the rice. I will trade you Red Rice for your Jollof! 🙂 Here’s to 10 more and please include another guest appearance of your father on your timeline! That was my entertainment for at least 27.4 hours! Blessings, Luvvie!!
Congrats to my friend (in my head)!!! I’m in Los Angeles and have been reading since 2011 (when you checked Sheila Johnson for shading Oprah and OWN…the nerve!).
Favorite piece? Geez….that’s a tough one. I do enjoy the sternly worded letters though. So maybe I’ll go with the one you wrote to Lauryn Hill. “Island dickmatized” has forever become a part of my vocabulary, as a result.
Here’s to 10 more years of greatness and then some!
I’ve been here since the beginning I think. I remember when you was on Blogger. I followed you after following our mutual e-friend LV when he had his blog Cloud 10. I am no writer but ppl say I should be. I am highly inspired by you, but Nawl, my English is all kinda jacked and my filter is chill-less. But
Love you and this blog! Wishing you tons of prosperous success for the future to come.
Kat ~Atlanta
City: Washington DC (and, YES, I already got my VIP joint for September 22!!! #I’mJudgingYou!)
LuvvNation Born Date: Not sure, probably since 2011 or 2012 (since Scandal recaps drew me to you!).
Favorite Luvv Piece: What a crazy azz question since everything is so smooth. I love it when you get serious. But also when you are crazy. And when you get political. And when you commented on Mother Perfect Hat at the State of the Union!
But I’m going to pick the one that when I accidentally think about it, I still laugh so hard that I almost pee on myself (don’t tell nobody). #Blaxit, followed by the Non-Onyx Folks’ response. I am STILL laughing!!!
I’m here in Bakersfield, CA and I’ve been reading your blog for about 2 years. I think I came over from Kristin Howerton’s blog? And now I am obsessed. I mention you by first name, and now my friends and family don’t even question it. “Well, Luvvie said…”
All right Bakersfield! Hi from the Bay Area!
My little sister in my head! Brooklyn is in the house!
I found your blog via FB sharing of your post “Stern Letter to Lauren Hill”. After I stopped cackling I slowly went through your archives and proudly watched you knock your goals and as yet unnamed dreams one by one. Looking forward to reading your book and supporting your future endeavors!
I don’t remember how I got here, but I’ve been reading for about two years. I came for the foolishness, and stayed for all the other great writing and the excellent LuvvNation commentariat. There are too many outstanding posts but I just have to call out the Whose Is This? series because I just laugh and shake my head if I even think about those poor people whose good-for-nothing friends let them out the house. I’ve been in the SF Bay Area for 10+ years, but grew up in Boston. Thanks Luvvie for continuing to be awesome.
I’m in lil’ ole Macon, Georgia and I discovered the awesomeness that is Luvvie when I happened upon her post about Bill Cosby, “About that EBONY Magazine Cover and the Cosby Conundrum.” She said everything that I was feeling (and then some) and since then, I’ve been addicted to all things Luvvie, including the blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and @mustluvvshoes. So, I’ve been reading the blog since November 2015. Please bring your book tour to Atlanta! I’ve already pre-ordered my copy
Hi Luvvie!
I am from Columbia South Carolina and a proud member of the auntie corner of Luvvnation. I have been leave reading your blog and post for two years. Earlier this year, had to deal with an injury ( that get me out of work for two weeks )the sudden death of both my father and my very best friend , and my brother’s cancer diagnosis. It was your blog about Stacy Dash that kept me laughing during those difficult and painful times. You have also inspired me to start doing some of my own writing is well. Congratulations and keep on being an inspiration to all of us!
PS: when you like or comment on something Ipost on your page it give me life!
I saw that “posing with famous people” post on your FB page. I sat and let it sink in for a moment. I mean I looked at it so long like the words were going to change. I don’t know why, but that bothered me. All I could think was, “Seriously?”
Anyway, congrats on all of your success!
Luvvie! Super Duper congrats to you for achieving so much in 10 yrs.; you are an inspiration. I really don’t remember when I started reading this amazing blog but I do recall some favorites: Dumbest Tweets ever, sternly worded letters, your unique language glossary, your travel adventures all over the globe, and that time when you almost thugged out in someone’s office because they didn’t pay you for weeks after you turned in work to them. You are truly a friend-in-my-head and I applaud very good thing that comes your way. I’ve pre-ordered multiple copies of this best seller and I am patiently (not so patiently) waiting for you to visit the A with the JudgyPops!
Hey Luvvie,
Can’t wait to see you at the Baltimore Book Festival. I’ve been a follower of your shenanigans for about 3 years. My favorite is your piece on shopping at Target. It was so on point!
Yo from Seattle!!!!! ????
I started hanging out here when you wrote the post about how people need to stop naming their kids stupidly. My wife and I howled! It’s also my favorite post.
I preordered the kindle version of your book. When does Seattle get a party?
Hi there!
Came across your awesomeness one day while scrolling thru tweets about Game of Thrones. This was last year and have been a devoted reader ever since.
I’m from Great Neck on Long Island, NY. My fave piece recently was the one about the 15 pound baby. That had me laughing FOR DAYS!!!
As my people say, Mazel Tov on 10 years!
Luvvie! I’m late to the party and have only been your friend (in my head) for about 2 years. I read every post, and share them too, from Lafayette, CA (Bay Area represent!!).
It’s hard to pick a favorite post, but one that keeps me cracking up every time I think about it (even had me thinking about I could sneak away with y’all one night when I couldn’t sleep- must have been half sleep, because I thought it was really happening in the morning) is #Blaxit.
Congrats to you for 10 years- here’s to ten more!
I’ve only been following you on Facebook for a few months, (and for some unknown reason, I haven’t added your blog to my Feedly yet, but I did sign up for emails. That is…inconsistent with my usual behavior. But, lately, I’ve taken to being inconsistent, so…) but friends have shared your blog posts off and on for the last couple years. While I love your Game of Thrones recaps, I enjoy most things you write.
Columbia, SC. Ive been following you in Facebook for a few months. One of my co-workers told me to check out your comments around the time Beyonce’s Lemonade dropped. I was tickled at the way you numbered your points and ive been reading your stuff ever since.
10 years girl. DAMB!!! That’s half my life. Jesus.
I’m from Cincinnati and was sad I missed you at the festival. I’ve been reading since January, so I’m relatively new, but its been a hilarious beginning. Your posts always make my day and the shenanigans on your Facebook page get me through work. I’m pumped to read your book and I’m so happy that God is bringing all these wonderful things to fruition in your life.
I started reading a couple of years ago when you wrote about playing spades with people over 40. A friend of mine shared it on Facebook. I laughed so hard, I cried. I kept reading after that day. I don’t think I have a favorite, but that piece on spades holds a special place in my heart for getting me hooked on your blog.
Congratulations from north of the border; Calgary. Been e-hanging with you for 5+ years now and I think one of these days we’re going to meet and I will totally embarrass you with my fan girl mess. ????
It goes without saying, watching you ascend makes me so proud
I’m a newbie. I’m not sure how I stumbled onto your Facebook page but I did and I love you. I’m like who is this brown girl giving life to my thoughts and shenanigans. She understands me. SHE GETS IT. She’s sophistiratchet too. The Celie to my Nettie. Yessss we definitely go together now. Congratulations on 10yrs. Now that I’ve found you I’m never letting go. ????????
I’m in Wilmington, NC, and I’ve been reading your blog for about a year. My favorite thing is always the most recent thing you wrote, because that’s what I think every single time.
And thank you for the “stand in your worth” paragraph. You are an extraordinary person.
Barbara from your part of the world: Chicago
I don’t know when exactly I started reading your blog but I started with your tweets around the time you went to see one see Holland Taylor in Ann. I started following you through your conversations with her.
I don’t think I can pick my favorite blog you’ve done. Your GOT recaps have me in tears, the Republican Debate entrance fail still makes me chuckle when it randomly pops in my head and the Edith Childs/Kim Davis is one of legend. And let us not forget the recent but also legendary #Blaxit.
Congrats on all your success and can’t wait for the book!!!
My little sister sent me a link to your blog about winter in Chicago. I live in Toronto but you were preaching to my soul. Couldn’t stop laughing and I’ve been following you ever since. You’re incredible and inspiring and I thank you.
I’m new to the LuvvieNation, been reading this blog and following on Twitter for about a year and a half,straight outta Locas…Chicago born and raised but living in Jacksonville, FL after getting out of the Navy.
My favorite Luvvie post has gots to be the shellacking of Jermaine Jackson’s wig. Every time I see a guy in public with that super duper Just for Mens hair do I think about that post lol!
I live in Evanston, IIlinois, and I’m looking forward to your upcoming Chicago book party & signing events. I’ve been reading your blog for 3 yrs and my faves are your Scandal recaps and your posts on politics. Congrats on 10 yrs !!
Congratulations! I’m a big fan of your work and so proud to see how you are growing! I’ve been reading for about 3 years. It’s too hard to choose just one favorite, but your pieces on kale and yellow Starbursts are definitely high on the list! I like the serious pieces too. Thank you for making me laugh, giving me things to think about, and being an Internet friend (in my head, anyway). We do go together!
Hilary – Delaware
I’m from Long Beach, California ..I started reading your blog about 2yrs ago when I saw something you wrote about scandal..it just cracked me up so much I decided to look you up then I found more funny and eye opening topics you’ve written about..my goodness to has been recap of GOT..too funny..I enjoy your random thoughts ..keep doing you!!!????????????????
I started reading your blog in earnest because of Scandal (yay Shonda for bringing us together). I stayed and became devoted because you’re brilliant! I loved the cycle of celebrity internet grief piece the most because it really helped me with processing in this instant news environment we find ourselves in. Also, the glossary of Luvvie terms makes me cackle!!! And LuvvNation is smart and funny and sensitive and wonderful.
I can’t remember exactly when. I remember people sharing it years ago. Then, I went, and started laughing my fool head off and bowing at your exquisite word sorcery.
Signed, your future political correspondent, Ty from Chicago.
As for my favorite piece? That’s hoard (tm – O-Dog, Menace To Society). That’s like picking your favorite dinner… they’re all good, and a favorite is subject to change minute by minute.
Hello from Pueblo, Colirado! I started following you about a year ago when one of my Sorors of Sigma Gamma Rho would repost fierce clips from your blog. I had to start following and subscribe to your newsletter My all time favorite is the Blexit posts! I couldn’t stop laughing and couldn’t go to bed for reading them! You are a blessing and I’m so glad I started following your blog. I’ve recommended you to so many people because of your real, WOKE, fresh outlook. Keep on keepin on!
Hello from Pueblo, Colorado! I started following you about a year ago when one of my Sorors of Sigma Gamma Rho would repost fierce clips from your blog. I had to start following and subscribe to your newsletter My all time favorite is the Blexit posts! I couldn’t stop laughing and couldn’t go to bed for reading them! You are a blessing and I’m so glad I started following your blog. I’ve recommended you to so many people because of your real, WOKE, fresh outlook. Keep on keepin on!
Hey Luvvie! I’m from Detroit and I’ve been a part of LuvvNation for about a year now. I kept seeing my friends on Facebook sharing your posts so I started reading and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s hard to say what’s my favorite piece by you but I’ll say I love your commentary on the recent political nonsense and I love the Scandal recaps. Happy 10th blogiversary!
Hi Luvvie Mae! I’m originally from TN, but live in Columbus, OH. I’ve been a fan for 2 years and got my aunt and one of my dear friends – “hooked on the Luvv!” My favorite: G-ma Shade at the SOTU. I’m giggling now thinking about how you broke that “hat of her’s” down like a fraction. Whew….YAAASSS!
Congrats on 10 years Luvvie from the DMV! I came to you thru my adult daughter turning me on to Dumbest Tweets. Been here ever since. I have quite a few favorites, but of the older ones, I love the Spirit Airlines and UPS posts, since I hate bad service! Can’t wait for the book. Keep on being true to yourself and growing and evolving!
Hey gurl!
Cleveland, OH here and I showed up for a Scandal recap 2 (?) years ago and have been hooked ever since. My good Judy and I do reader’s theater with your posts, much to my husband’s delight.
Fave posts: off the top of my head, the white party, Miss Edith and them, Zola and them and Writing While Loving Blackness.
Super looking forward to reading the book. Thank you for sharing your gift with us all.
Faithful reader from your hometown Chicago. Been following since late 2013/early 2014 when my org, Networking in High Heels, adopted The Red Pump Project as our charity for March. Your partner, Karen, graced us with an enlightening presentation about HIV/AIDS statistics among women then I officially met you at your Rock the Red Pump fashion show at Alibaba. We have the same attorney and many shared creative friends so are paths overlap a lot!
I live in Oakland, CA and I’ve been reading your blog for 5 years now! I don’t have one individual favorite post, but the political pieces tend to be my favorite.
Oaktown here. I’m a newcomer – I first got into this potato salad when someone forwarded me your piece on the State of the Union and the All The Time Goodness that is Miss Edith Childs. Grateful that you share your gift with us – makes me laugh, think, and cry in turns n
Hello from Boston! Congratulations to you on your 10th anniversary. Came across your blog back in 2013 while searching the interwebs for old scandal episodes b/c I had just gotten hooked. Your recaps were fresh & had me in stiches since then Friday mornings after Scandal Thursday have never been the same! Luvv all your posts but my fave to date is the one where Kerry Washington (AdeKerry OluWashington) became your cousin by way of Nnamdi. I was having a lousy day but by the time I finished reading it, tears were rolling down my cheeks.
I also live for the naija shade in some of your posts (am from Uganda so I can relate to some of it)
P.s I ???? the Luvv Nation community!!! The fb comments are the only ones that usually make me break my social media fasts!
Keep being AWESOME & I hope you come to the Bean during your book tour 🙂
Hi, Luvvie!!!
You are the best and I am so excited for you! (And your forthcoming book!) I first noticed your work a while back with The Quarterlife Crisis. I don’t remember who shared it, but it spoke to my SOUL. Now that I keep up with you more regularly, my favorite by far is the Melanin-Deficient #Blaxit negotiation. Priceless.
Congrats on 10 years and being true to yourself through it all! Much love from Dallas! 😉
Girl, looking at the archives (I have no memory), I think I joined you in 2009/2010. Matter of fact, I remember thinking I was gonna get fired laughing at my new desk so that was definitely late 2010! I believe I first found you via Twitter (Bassey and XD would retweet you). There’s been so many posts that have given me life – all the videos you introduced me too, all the foolishness, all the dumbest tweets (especially Tyrese), all the show recaps, all the sternly worded letters, all the vocabulary words (#ALPHET is my fave). Girl you’ve brightened my day for years. Then there was that day I’ll never forget… The day I walked past you at the March on Washington and didn’t realize it until an hour later…. All the fails. Oh well,, one day! Cheers to you and all your success! Can’t wait to read the book!
Happy ten years! We started at the same time but I didn’t discover you until about four or five years ago. If I absolutely had to choose… no. Nope I cannot choose. Too many of your posts have had me shaking in silent laughter, tears running down my face, and your commenters are no better. Usually I say “NEVER read the comments” but this is the one blog where you absolutely MUST read the comments to bask in the true appreciation of your writing. I love every bit of your writing and I’m glad we have you on Twitter for when you’re running on all pistons and can’t write a post. Looking forward to your book!
I found you in January this year. The first post I read, Winning at SOTU: Miss Edith Childs… is still my favorite. I knew, in reading that post, I found gold!
10 years?! I am so late to the party, but def glad I made it!! Here’s hoping the lights never go off on this party!!! I’ve been a fan for about….a year I think? Stumbled onto your blog after a GoT tweet and I’ve been addicted since. I love the way you write (it’s like having a conversation with you in my head and it makes me feel like we’re friends!!), what you stand for and the way you do you. It’s so inspiring.
I feel your post “loving blackness while hurting white feelings” is one for the ages. That post was everything! I have re-read it at least 5 times and sent to my family and friends. As one of your melanin-deficient readers, I’ve been in conversation circles where people like that email writer feel totally comfortable saying things like that….and I have stopped trying to rationalize that ignorant ass thinking with “well but she means well”. NOPE. you do NOT mean well when you say those things. And I know for sure I have messed up and said the wrong thing, I’ve felt that knee-jerk defensive reaction when people speak uncomfortable truths to me but everything you say in that post is so right – we can’t get anywhere until we have those dialogues and acknowledge those uncomfortable truths and just…LEARN from them. And every time you speak on your experience, I feel like I’ve had another lesson and I came to learn!!! So thank you. THANK YOU.
Meghan (Bay Area, CA)
Oi mate! I read your blog from Australia. I honestly cannot recall how I came across your blog. I just know I’ve been crying (read laughing) ever since, and I’m convinced you’re in my head. You’re amazing, and you inspire me to be amazing. Bless
Hi Luvvie!!! I have been following you for the past 2 years or so.. I ran across a Scandal review that someone shared on Facebook, and I have been hooked ever since! I find myself using some of your unique vocabulary, like alphet, allladem, I done die etc, at random times and cracking myself up! Anyways…. My favorite of all time is your piece on Davonte Swing’s struggle ponytail at one if the awards shows!!! When I tell you i was on the floor???
Unbelievably funny! I’m always touched by the passion in your writing.. You can make my day by giving me a good old belly laugh, and then you can turn around and make me spring into action over the latest injustice! What a talent! What a blessing!
Hi! I’m Mary (Mary Notgonnatellya on facebook) I live in a suburb of Portland Oregon (is your book tour coming here?). I started following you a few months ago, a friend shared your post about the kitten heels, it was just so funny I was hooked. It’s hard to pick a favorite but I think it’s the Skinny girl problems are real, cuz I’m skinny too. I wrote a lot more on a comment there too. Congrats and here’s to many more years and maybe more books? 🙂
Hey Luvvie! Congratulations from Nairobi! I have no clue how I found you or when that was (a coupla years ago – time flies when you are having fun 😉 ). To ask me to choose what my favorite piece was is practically impossible. Probably the “who’s relative is this” series. Or the sternly worded letters. I can’t pick one.
Congrats on building this wonderful space over the last 10 years! One of my Facebook friends shared one of your “Scandal” re-caps and it was witty and hilarious. I started glancing at some of the other posts and saw a “Game of Thrones” re-cap. I think I stayed up for hours reading re-caps on episodes I had already seen for the sheer comic entertainment value! I’ve been hooked ever since. I love your style of writing and can’t wait to judge, I mean read your book! Congrats again from The Bay Area (northern California)!!!
It’s been 6years,I discovered your blog back when I was in law school in England. Now based in Johannesburg, South Africa I still read your recaps on everything. GOT fan here!! Every week I had to come here after game of thrones for the recap.
Hey Luvvie! First of all can I say a huge congrats on all the success coming your way of late, it’s amazing to see good things happen to deserving people:) I’m from Nairobi, but now based in London and I started reading your blog back in my sophomore year of college (2011) when I got into blogging myself.
Love love your posts, always so hilarious, so witty and informative all at the same time. I can’t even pinpoint a favourite because I’ve read so many I’ve lost count. When you came to Nairobi I was so irked I missed meeting you esp when I had a ticket too but I got stuck at work:( hopefully you’ll be back and I’ll get lucky the second time around haha.
Once again, congratulations on 10yrs and keep being the amazing magical black girl that you are!
Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been here since your 2012 Scandal recaps and I’ve really loved all the getting real about what your work and writing is doing posts. Especially the book proposal one, because I’m definitely between your two major posts on that.
I have moved from Xanga, to Blogspot, to WordPress, around the same timeline and my current primary iteration of my blogspace is 6 years old. It’s a bit more serious, but has just as much heart and I definitely imbue it with myself. And it’s going to the first grade, so I don’t expect it to know everything, but I am working on making it and it’s related properties stronger.
Looking forward to the book and whatever is next in this space!
I’m also in the Boston area (and now will be stalking every woman with awesome hair in the hopes it’s you). I only just found you this summer through your Blaxit post, which I tried reading aloud to my husband but I couldn’t because I was hyperventilating with laughter. This article is fantastic- I’m a new blogger and trying to find my feet, and your advice is so helpful. Thank you for persisting and being such a great model for the rest of us!
Congratulations!!! I feel like your blog is a birthday present to me (yesss! August 8th). I’ve been reading since 2011 – it was the Juanita Bynum article – still cracks me up – it has been bookmarked in my favs ever since. Glad you’re expanding and doing great things. Thanks for sharing and continuing to be an inspiration!
Newbie here. Just became aware of your blog when the hilarious piece about Dubya dancing at the funeral came across my feed. You have been cracking up this old white lady ever since! I can’t pick a favorite because I’m still reading all the archived posts that I’ve missed, but Bernie’s hair comes to mind! Keep pounding on that walking Cheeto!!
I have been here for about 2 years. I have to go back a remember how I stumbled upon you face book page and I AM NOT EVEN ON FB but i stay there lurking and laughing and consider myself luvnation even though I cant comment. I only started watching GOT because I started reading your recaps first and I was like ok let me watch so I would know who the character are and once I started i wondered what took me so long! My favorite are your GOT recaps and your face book page. I am major proud of you and I am excited to be a part of your community. Keep shinning Luv bug in front of our eyes because we are shinning right along with you because we go together. Where are our Luvnation t shirts
I live in Los Angeles and I Discovered you this year through your GOT recaps. I wondered how I Didn’t know about you until 2016, and I shared your recap about the episode where Jon Snow came back with Tina Andrews who is now a fan of yours too.
I fell in love with you after reading the 50 ways to say fix it Jesus. I was like I rock with her. I’ve been reading a few years now between 4-5 years and love it, love you. I live in Birmingham, AL but was born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA. I’ve already pre-ordered your book and a friend and I are going to have a book club of 2 lol. Congrats on your continued success!
Kimberly – Atlanta
Happy 10 years! I feel like I’ve been reading since the beginning. I do remember when you were on blogger. I honestly don’t have a favorite post. Your recent one about this election being so critical ranks pretty high though.
I pray your tour comes to Atlanta (and that I’m in town when you come)
What’s up! Houston here. I’m a Cincinnati transplant though, so I especially appreciated your write up of my home town music festival! I’ve been reading you off and on about 3-4 years.
Hey LuvvieLady,
I’ve been a fan for quite some time, 3-ish years or so. It’s to the point that I’ve claimed you as my baby sister, because of: 1) your oh-so-clever writing; 2) your Chicagoan sensibilities as a NaijaGirl; and of course, 3) the Dolphin-esque Loveliness that errybody ain’t able to possess.
ANYWHATS – it’s hard to nail down a favorite post, but I’m gonna go with the one about the Aphrodisiac Onesie because FASHION. Now at the time that was posted, I had also discovered an SNL skit with Zach Galifinakis as ‘RJ Sizzle’ and he was wearing – *wait for it *- a white onesie jumpsuit, with matching, off-white fancy hard loafer shoes. I was not ready for all that seventies-segzyness coming at me at the same damb time. I’m jussayin’ – between that and your post, I got all the laughter-based ab workouts I needed in 2014.
All that written, many congratulations to you! You are a joy, and I wish you so much more success!
Oh yeah…I’m in the ATL, Shawty. I hope that book tour make its way down here!
I’ve been following you since your piece about the Hat Lady at Obama’s 2016 SOTU. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe! You’re the best. OH – and I’ve pre-ordered your book and am SO excited to read it!
Hi from the Bay Area! I can’t remember when I started reading this blog. It feels like as long as I’ve been paying attention to blogs! As for favorite post, I don’t know that I can pick one but the Scandal recaps are golden.
More recently, I cried laughing over the post on what was going on with W at the funeral in Texas. Specifically, the captions with President Obama.
And I will always love that classic with the list of #FixItJesus hashtags: #MendItMoses, #GorillaTapeItGanesh, etc etc. I cried laughing so hard.
The 1st post I remember reading was the one on the 1st lady of the DRC(???) and her peak level of side-eye ability. I sent that article to everyone, email, fb, whatsapp, etc. Laughed for 3 days straight cos I just kept reading more n more who’s family member is rhis n been hooked ever since. I don’t know how long ago that was but u’ve been there for everything since, the good the bad and the WTF. Thanks for putting my thoughts to words in the worst of times n for the constant laughter. I’m now in Monrovia, Liberia but I’m gonna be seeing u in DC!!!!!!!
Dayton, OH here. Can’t remember how long I’ve been reading and def can’t name one favorite post. BUT, the one that still makes me uncontrollably? The Whose is This post about the wise baby. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I started reading only a month ago with your post on Day 1 of rinsicle (WTF?) because the title by itself helped me not to feel alone in trying to understand how in the world….. And everything in the post echoed my thoughts about the RNCinCle & OrangeJulius! It’s still my fav although the one about Prince wanting is to be petty is a close second thus far! I don’t understand how I could be 10 yrs late to the party, but I made it! Congrats on 10 years! Keep being awesome!
Maya ~ Philly
Hi! I’m from Barbados and I can’t remember exactly how or when I found your site but I feel like it’s somewhere around 3 years and some. Don’t have a fave post but I do love your recaps (Scandal & GoT) and those snarky posts on the folly people be getting up to. I will be ordering your book because I need to have a prolonged piece of your writing with me.
Congrats and best wishes from Grenada, West Indies! I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 or 6 years now. Your posts are so entertaining and informative as well. I am most tickled by your “whose (fill in the blank) is this” and your fashion and celeb posts . I can’t quite remember how I came across your blog, but could have been via a link from Afrobella.
Many blessings for continued success
First congrats!! And 10 years!! Waa! ???????? Started reading your blog at the beginning of this year, and as you have said there is no quitting you! Once you’re in your in all the way ???? You have also been an inspiration, you stay true and do you, which I love. One thing I know, I’m guaranteed for the best from you in the years to come. Also I learnt how to just let out my chill deficient self hiding in these here somewhere from you and LuvvNation, it is a blessing ???????? And this is my favorite piece lol ????
I hail from Nashville TN and am a newbie. I got hooked last month from your Donald Trump description as “Tangerine Douchecanoe.” I had to pop two aspirin & lay my head down on my desk after reading that article because I had laughed so hard! Now I feel incomplete for having missed so many past posts and having been digging in the Archives catching up. And you have the BEST comments! You’re truly a gifted writer and I wish you all the best things in life.
Hey Luvvie,
Sending love from St. Louis. I’ve been rocking with you since the beginning on Blogger. You have been an inspiration since day one. I have and am enjoying the journey vicariously. Thank you for sharing your journey with us (and the shenanigans). Happy Anniversary!
I’m Mimi of MimiCuteLips.com in the DMV (DC) area and I started reading your blog in July 2014.
I met you at BlogHer because you were looking for a place to sit and eat lunch. The seat next to me was open so I offered it to you. I had no idea who you were or anything. We chatted casually and that was it.
Later that day you took the stage and folks went crazy. I was all like WTF, this lady is a big deal and I just sat and had lunch with her. I’ve been a fan ever since.
Congrats on 10 years Luvvie!! I have been reading from Detroit ever since a friend of mine shared your post on the stages of what happens when there’s an injustice against black people. I forget exactly when that was, not sure if it was the original post or a repost, but it was so well written and spot-on that I looked at some of your other posts and now I follow you on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You always inspire me and make me laugh, and I love the environment/community that LuvvNation is. Also, your Scandal recaps made me finally understand why sports fans watch the live replay after the game.
Hey Luvvie! I’m in Atlanta and I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 or 4 years. I would have to say Blaxit has been my favorite piece to date. I also love ALL of your Scandal recaps!
Hey Luvvie! We’ve been going together for about 7yrs now. We started in Manchester, England and now I’m in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Congrats on 10yrs!!!! You and LuvvNation have been my saving grace on so many occasions… Yep, we go together for forever and a day.
P.S. No favorite piece mentioned because there are so many, and it’s unfair for you expect me to choose… -_-
Hi Luvvie,
I forgot how I ended up as a frequent visitor to Luvvnation from New York City (Brooklyn and Manhattan) a little over a year ago, but I’m glad I did! I think it might have been your Scandal recaps that led me here.
I do love that Eulogy post for James Novak, but not sure if it beats Petty Confessions. 🙂
Congrats on 10 years (all the way from Columbus, Ohio! 10 years is no small feat! I started reading your blog 4 or so years ago. Initially it was very sporadic, but I became a dedicated reader 2 years ago – I would literally get to work, get coffee and then pull up your blog ???????????? (you see my life). You are an inspiration and I literally feel in awe of you. Every time I meet a new potential female friend who’s black, I’m like “do you read awesomelyluvvie?” Because this is almost like a criteria for friendship for me now alongside “must love shenanigans and people watching!” More power to you. Abi shey na grease to your elbow. Please pick Ohio for your 10 city party na, abeg – what we lack in liveliness, we make up for in Luvvieness cos we luv Luvvie!
Hey Luvvie! I am from Gary, IN and been reading your blogs for about three years! I am so proud of you and wish a continuing overflow of blessings!!
Your brain and awesome personality shines through all the posts!
I’m in Eugene, OR and a complete newbie – only been reading for a couple of months, and now I wonder what the hell took me so long! I love your words. Your post about George W. swaying during the Battle Hymn had me shaking with not-so-silent laughter in my cubicle. TEARS. Congrats on 10 years!
Hi Luvvie!!!
I’m in Arlington, VA and been reading your site for about 4 years now, don’t even remember how I came across but so glad I did. I actually got my hands on an advanced copy of your book which has me cackling daily, can’t wait to read the final version.
Much luv to you and keep going, you’ve got so much more in store :*
Hi Luvvie,
I think your funny is awesome! I “rediscover” you every few months via the internet somewhere (I think you might be stalking me) and enjoy your wittiness!
If 1 of your 10 parties is in the DC area then I’m there to par-tay with you!
Keep on keepin’ on!
I can’t even begin to choose one of my favorites, but the Whitney Houston mom blog had me laughing out loud. I saved it, and I still watch it from time to time cause…hilarious shade! The Kitten Heels had me and my daughter laughing out loud for days, and the all white party was truth. So, so many girl. congratulations and best wishes for ten more and ten more and ten more. Can’t wait for my book to come in the mail. You’re the best and I see many more great things in the future for you. mmmwahh!!! 🙂
One of your Scandal recaps from Season 2 crept across my Facebook timeline back in 2012 and we’ve been going together STRONG ever since! I was in a major transitional period going from employed to unemployed to semi-employed graduate student to employed with another degree (Hallelujah!) and AweLuvv has helped a Scholar keep her mind together.
I feel pressed to name a favorite because I get some chortles every time I roll through. The Luvvie Glossary is up there, though. Scandal recaps got me hooked, but everything else you write keeps me coming back for more. Congratulations on 10 years of success and here’s to many more of you building the LuvvNation empire!
Hello from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 🙂 Found this blog a few months ago while looking for Game of Thrones recaps. Soon I was spending lots of time catching up with your posts and before I knew it I was hooked.
Loved the post about that blue chicken abomination, but my favorite is probably your tribute to Muhammad Ali. Congrats, and keep up the good work! Love from Rio.
Hi Luvvie!!
I first started reading your blog consistently this year and like many people, I have no favorite article. You continually amuse me and help me see things differently. I am most grateful for the article you wrote in response to the email criticizing your for writing about Black folk and culture too much. It really helped me be confident in who I am and not be apologetic. Here’s to 10 more years!
I NEVER comment, but no one else named the post that got me hooked on Luvvie. Been a regular ever since the post about the Trey Songz fan who went off on Chris Brown on IG for not finishing his community service and messing up the tour.
Lawd! You parsed that comment hilariously and I died and shared and then me and my friends died again.
Another post widely shared was Eddie Long on a boat.
Saying Hi from the UK. Don’t remember the first posts I read but came to your site via twitter share about 12 months ago. Then I got hooked on the “stages of grief” series which had me laughing sooo hard that I was getting evil looks from my colleagues. The glossary finished me off. Plus everything else mentioned above – +1 million.
(Pro-Tip: Do not, under any circumstances, read Luvvie’s posts at work. Just don’t.)
My fav, at least for 2016 has to be “Blaxit”!
My city: Loveland, Ohio. (Yes, Loveland!)
I just started reading your blog TODAY, believe it or not.
So I’m gonna have to say this blog post is my favorite…I think I picked a great post to start with and I look forward to reading past posts and catching up!
I was in/out of your blogs in the early years, but my Canadian born, Chicago bred behind couldn’t comprehend the blasphemy of a blog that you posted in December 2011. I mean, really Luvvie!?!?? I started judging you then as I was reading “The Time Michael Jackson & Eddie Murphy did a video”. How dare you pass such tank top n dress shoes filfth!! How dare you burn my eyes and throat muscles from laughter from passing on such tomfoolery! I’ve been in love, judgments & following your chocolate goddess self ever since! #clickclack ????
I’ve been reading for over 4 years! I’m Nigerian and I live in Lagos Nigeria. I was like…this site is awesome! *bookmarked! Your sense of humour is top notch. You are inspiring !
I have been reading so long I cannot remember. I am from Nairobi and it is so wonderful to see you achieve your dreams.
My favorite post has to be the one on names. I stay laughing at it and it is how I introduce people to your site.