Where is Hillary Clinton? Hopefully Taking All the Naps She Deserves!
People really have some nerve. I keep seeing folks asking where Hillary Clinton is as everything goes to hell and it floors me. People are really wondering where the woman who won the popular votes by 3 million but still lost the highest office of the land is hanging. Folks …

Dear President Barack Obama, So This Love is Just Over?
Because we’re having a rough time with the end of this relationship. I just wanna write him a letter, because he is not. Ain’t nothing worse being the only miserable party, cuz the way my petty is setup, I want us to wallow together. BUT NO. Barack outchea flourishing. Dear …

Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer on SNL is My New Favorite Thing
The administration of Tangerine Voldemort are doing one good thing: giving us ample material for jokes. In fact, they’re making SNL great again, because those writers are now having a field day with Habanero Hitler and his Troop of Trifling Troglodytes. Everyone who works closely with him is a bumbling …

A Comprehensive Guide to Going to a Lauryn Hill Concert
I was gonna have this post be one word: “DON’T.” But I’m trying to change my peak petty ways in 2017. LMAOOO. No, I’m not. Lemme not even tell that lie. Look, I love(d) Lauryn Hill and all her gifts but she is perpetually flagrant and people still hold out hope …

On the First Day of Black History Month, Beyoncé Gave To Us… TWINS
Listen. We needed something good. We were all in dire need of some news that will lift our spirits and make us SANG. Yesterday, the Matron Saint of Being EVERYTHING, Beyoncé, broke the internet. She has been laying low for months and minding her business. But yesterday, she made her …

Kirk Franklin: The Christian Goon We Need
People are gon get their asses popped in the name of Cheeto Satan. After the UNCONSCIONABLE and UNJUSTIFIABLE Muslim Ban that Tangerine Voldemort ordered, folks found themselves feelin froggy. Christians who actually want to be Christ-like renounced it loudly, and that included Kirk Franklin, gospel singer and pocket preacher. He …

Can We Drunk Text Our Bae, Barack, That We Miss Him?
The New Yorker published an imaginary text conversation between Barack Obama and someone who represents all of us still in our feelings about him leaving the White House. Here’s a snippet: Barack: You knew this would be tough at first. Transitions are never simple. Me: I miss you so bad …

I Got Questions About The New Edition Story That Kicked Off Last Night on BET
Yesterday was the Black event of the month: the premiere of BET’s The New Edition Story. A TV series about the come up and break down of Ricky Bell, Ralph Tresvant, Bobby Brown, Mike Bivins, Ronnie DeVoe and Johnny Gill? I’m in there like a wedgie! It was no game. …

A Handy Guide to Disrespecting Donald Trump aka Cheeto Satan
In 2 days, the mascot of white supremacy and proof that God sometimes rushes through the creation process, Donald Trump the Dusty Degenerate, will be sworn in as president of the United States. And the four horsemen of the apocalypse will ride in as Jesus emerges behind them with a whip …

So I Took a Work Break and Now I’m Back!
My people! First of all, happy 2017! I’m saying this and the year is 16 days old and this is my first post. But what had happened was… in mid-December, I went on work hiatus, cuz I was more tired than whoever Chris Brown’s PR person gotta be. The only …