Why Was Mickey Rourke on Jimmy Fallon with Pigeon Hair?
Mickey Rourke doesn’t curl all the way over. He hasn’t for a while. Homeboy was on Jimmy Fallon’s show last night and his hair was utterly tragic. I didn’t watch the show but I saw this picture and that is all I had to know.
Unless he was in character as a man in the middle of a wind tunnel that blew his hairhat back, then there’s no reason for him to appear on national TV (or in public. Or outside of the room he first placed this wig on) looking like this.
Oh wait, this isn’t a wig. This man grew this shag. WHY, LAWD???
I don’t know what is happening here. Why is his head wearing a gray cape? Because this hair starts smack dab in the middle of his scalp. I know his forehead ain’t that tall all by its lonesome. His edges are nowhere to be found.
It might not make sense that I called this pigeon hair but it surely made me think of them city birds that stand in the middle of the sidewalk and act like they got pedestrian rights too.
Mickey must not have any more dambs to give because why else is he on television looking like he forgot to remove his “I get nervous” towel from his scalp? Yall, some of our celebrities of relevance past gotta figure out how to go out gracefully because this is a mess.

Takes one to know one.
Where are Mickey’s people? Can’t one of you pull him to the side and let him know that his hair shouldn’t pay #amish to rat birds? Showing up looking any old way. Between him and Jermaine Jackson’s scalp paint, hair is having the worst time of 2014.
So a woman celebrity goes out after having gained 3 lbs and everyone is like OMG SHE’S GONE OFF THE RAILS, PUT HER ON THE MAGAZINE COVER WITH RED CIRCLES AROUND HER CELLULITE and he can go out like this? Even without the hair, we have the 3-day beard, which on anyone older than a 22-year-old rockstar looks kind of like a scary street person and that doesn’t even mention a plaid vest buttoned all the way up over a shirt that is NOT buttoned all the way up…Damb, weird old famous dudes get away with a lot.
Not here he isn’t! I exist so they don’t. lol
He looks like the white bully bird from rio smfh
That is what Angelenos call “virgin hair.” As in not laid. RIP Mickey Roarke’s dignity and self-respect.
His hair is truly tragic but can we admit that whatever conditioner he is using has his hair glossy?
U just killded me dead…im on a bier surrounded by flowers and family
You just killed me all the way dead. That hair does have a natural-looking gloss to it though… Blue Magic?!
Not even gonna lie, that was my first thought, too. Well, the second after “what in the hell . . . ?”
I can’t with Mickey Rourke and this 50s inspired bouffant.
Mickey is giving me BAPS realness right now.
now you KNOW Nisi and Mickey (a.k.a. the other chick) had to hook him up at their soul food hair salon (don’t judge me on how i know that…i loved that movie as a kid lol)!
I love the ending where everyone was doing the cabbage patch for no reason.
This is really is indefensible and it’s sad because back when Micky Rourke had his original face, he was hot.
Yes! 91/2 weeks Miickey Rourke was the business! Sadly 2014 Mickey is not.
Because Barfly is one of my favorite movies, I forgive Mickey a lot of things. I am still pissed that he thought boxing and then plastic surgery to fix his face was a good idea and now he looks like this.
9 1/2 Weeks…Babbbeeeeeee!!!!
I love you for this and all your posts! my daughter came out while I watching this and we spent 10 mins clowning! Mr. Jacksun has fallen to #2!
Jerry Lee Lewis was resurrected, slain, and re-buried by this ‘do.
It is rather unfortunate(his face and that hair hat). He actually used to be very handsome before he started boxing and had that awful plastic surgery. He is the male white equivalent of Lil Kim
This man is wearing a Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn NY, 90s throwback ‘do… His hairdresser’s name is Princess, she has a gold tooth and six inch nails. She gave him a Motions relaxer, followed by a Doobie wrap, then she bumped his mane to new heights with that six-inch barrel hot curler (she went to the three inch for that little curl by his cheek). You can’t see it in this picture, but she shaved the word “sexy” into his fade on the left side. A little spritz of Aquanet and spray of Pink Oil Moisturizer, and Mickey was ready for his comeback. #BOOM
I had to stifle this holla I was about let forth in my place of employment….thank you, you have made my day.
I know I should have stopped reading at “hairdresser’s name is Princess” but no I kept going so I don’t have anyone to blame but myself for being slain by your words. LOL!!!! I was getting ready to defend Mickey, because I am still trying to recover from Angel Heart. I have always felt like that movie messed me, him and Lisa Bonet up for realz. We are all still staggering away from the effects of Angel Heart, my favorite Mickey Roark film. I have not held him responsible for anything he has done since making that movie.
MissTish, TO THE CORNER! You kilt me DEAD! HILAR!
LMAO! Please bring roses to my funeral. They were always my fave.
Reminds me of Kat Williams.
I record Jimmy Fallon and watch the next day. I am just watching the Mickey Rourke interview and it is glorious! Apparently he was a fill in for Jessica Alba and had just gotten off a plane 20 minutes ago. The entire interview is full on crazy Mickey Rourke.
Mickey got that pre-Civil Rights hairline…it’s waaay at the back of the bus, honey. I’m gonna pray for the strength to eventually can…’cause right now, I can’t.
Back of the bus? He’s in LA and his hairline is in Memphis.
LOl, You all talking about this guy, so I supposed he was a big star back in the days. Personally, I’ve never his name. I may not know who he is, but I’ve got eyes and I can definitely see this hair of his and all I can say is TRAGIC! Someone, his agent, wife, his cat or a complete stranger should have told him that he should step outside his home looking like that unless he wants to be mistaken for a human sized pigeon.
He was a huge star in his time.. then he had a ton of plastic surgery and became obscure, he’s re-surged lately though with Iron Man, The Wrestler, The Expendables and the Sin City movies..
Self obsessed with his appearance, always has been .. but it hasn’t translated well with age..
Him before he butchered himself: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140310050100/sincity/images/e/e8/Mickey-rourke_young.jpg
There is no excuse for that hair or outfit, but he was filling in at the last minute for Jessica Alba who was supposed to be on the show but canceled due to illness.
Rourke said that he just came back from Russia,so I am going to blame Putin for that whole unfortunate look. You know Vladimir and them probably ration out the good hair, so poor Mickey had to take what he could get — he’s the victim here.
they RATION hair?! Nope…I will not…*cackles and chokes for breath* I will not play these bald headed games with you….speaking of bald headed somebody pray some clippers into Mickey’s life. Or at the very least a good finger wave to lay that mess to the side. I’m tired of these antics..*faints*
I want to give him a break, but he is on Seth Myer’s tonight with the same hair. In fact looking at it now I’mm pretty sure that’s a lace front.
Not to take away from his ridiculous hair but the 61 year old Mr. Rourke also had on the tightest skinny jeans I’ve ever seen.
This is the same hairstlye he wore in IronMan 2. I thought that was part of his villian costume. NOT his everyday look. LOL.
I thought the same thing. lol.
When I saw him in Iron Man I didn’t even know who he was. Just Googled for image of him and I’m devastated. Had a mild crush on him back in the day.
Perhaps he’s some kind of canopic jar for Phil Spector, who’s trying to astral project out of prison.
Not defending the hair, but he DID say he was called “20 minutes ago” .. he was a last minute replacement because of another guest cancelling the show.. he just flew back from Russia and was exhausted .. he had no plan to be on the show..
Which is why he said he gave himself a b12 shot, to give him energy
Yeah, he’d just raced over, but even so, why was this even a choice? That said, I fell in love with it. Couldn’t stop looking at it. It was mesmerizing. Don’t stare too long!!
These comments are a damn comedy show. Thank God I didn’t even TRY to read this at work. I would have been fired and on the unemployment line with Mickey’s real hair.
Can I just say, Luvvie that you and those who comment on your blog are some of the funniest people around? You kill me dead over many a so-called comic “star” on television.