I’m in LA for the 2014 ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon!
Hey folks! I’m super excited to be in Los Angeles right now because I’ll be covering the ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon tomorrow (Thursday, February 27)! It’s such an amazing event and I was at the 2012 luncheon where Kerry Washington, Shonda Rhimes, Paula Patton and Pam Grier were honored for their work. It was two days before Afrobella and I went to the Academy Awards and covered the red carpet and backstage!

I met Pam Grier, Mara Brock Akil, Shaun Robinson, Jill Scott, Laila Ali and Kerry Washington at the 2012 ESSENCE luncheon. I also kicked it with my fellow blogger boos!
I met ALL of them and many more celebs that day. Yes, I even met my cousin AdeKerry! That was a month before Scandal premiered and she had on her Pope suit (it was white mesh leather). She’s just as beautiful in person. Oh AND she had on red pumps. I mentioned The Red Pump Project to her, even. Who knew that two years later, she’d be the IT lady on TV?
Chile… I LIVE!
I remember how the President of ABC presented Shonda with her award and said “We usually give people a seat at the table. We GAVE Shonda the table.” WELL DAMB! Now THAT is power.
This year, guess who’s gonna be honored? MY BOO LUPITA NYONG’O! WHOOOO! When I meet her, I will try my utter darndest to act like I have behavior. Her fellow honorees are fellow epic ladies Ava Duvernay (gifted filmmaker and storyteller) and Cheryl Boone Isaacs.
So yeah. I’ll be covering the arrivals and co-hosting Target’s #CelebrateSisterhood Twitter chat with Afrobella starting at 11:30 pst/1:30 cst/2:30 est. You can also catch my livetweets of the event on @Luvvie. My assistant Alyssa will be my other eyes and ears on the red carpet as my correspondent so she’ll have pics too.
I CANNOT WAIT! That room will be full of the most awesome brown/black folks in Hollywood and it’s such a privilege to be a part of it. Other amazing people coming: Sidney Poitier, Oprah Winfrey (MOTHER OPRAH! OMG I NEED TO MEET HER), Alfre Woodard and Spike Lee.
Follow along through my Twitter account, Instagram and the #CelebrateSisterhood hashtag. I’m even happier because I get to share these moments with one of my besties, Afrobella. The Dream Team is back!
What do yall want me to ask Lupita when I talk to her? What should I do when I see Oprah?
Your hustle is spectacular. I need to drink a Red Bull just to keep up with your updates, lol.
I think Idris Elba is supposed to be there too. Be sure to keep it together as best you can.
Lol! Can you imagine our LuvBug in a pic with Idrissa AND Lupita? She might expire. And if Mother Oprah is in there too… Let’s hope a team of (hot) paramedics are at hand.
I wanna be like you when I grow up
I’ve got my smelling salts and cold compress ready just in case you lose consciousness when meeting Lupita 😉
You will glide over to Big Sista All Evalasting Mighty Chocolate Princess Lupita, touch the hem of her garment and you will be whole.
All the answers of the universe will flood your brain at light speed while your skin is transformed into her godiva type of uniformity.
Then, and only then. Queen Mama Oprah will gaze at your beauty and caress you like the prodigal son. The gates of heaven will open, Prince begins to sing purple rain, Mama whitney ascends from on high and sings I will always love you, and the entire room wall slides in amazement.
… and all computerized snakes simultaneously combust into nothing!
P.S: Take home a Goldmember sized piece of Lupita’s skin for scientific analysis.
Love all the Lupistas of the world <3
Just YAAAAASSSSS for you and this comment…..
That was most awesome! ! Couldn’t have said it better even if I pulled an all nighter & crammed
Congrats Luvvie — my imaginary play cousin in my head! lol This is a great opportunity and you deserve it.
Girl if you meet Mother Oprah I don’t know what to tell you. She seems like a hugger, so be prepared for that.
I would ask Lupita if she was willing to loan out Ted Gibson to struggling naturalistas who need him to work his magic on their hair (namely me). Enjoy!
How do I hate you and love you at the same time?
I’m confused. NEWAYZ…. Have fun girl!!!
OOOooo and Can you take one picture of just Lupita by herself and send it to me so I can photoshop myself in and pretend like I was there? Thanks.
sounds wonderful. I hope you get to meet everyone, and you get pics of you and Lupita.
Dare I say how psyched I am for your Scandal recap tomorrow?
When you see Lupita, you must ask her “why are you everything and why is everything you?”
And you and Mother O need to collab on making a live show version of your blog for OWN because chile, the ratings!!!!!! I would buy cable just for that reason alone #speakthosethingsasthoughtheywere
Not to be off subject or ruin the flow of things BUT….. WHERE IN SAM HILL IS MY SCANDAL RECAP!!!!! :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:O:O:O:O:O
That is the one thing that gets me through Friday at work. (Fridays are not ALOHA at my job)
I’ve waited and waited forEVAH