Muhammad Ali. His Fight is Done, The Greatest Has Won
Muhammad Ali. The Greatest is gone. Unlike the other iconic deaths of 2016, Muhammad Ali’s doesn’t break my heart or render me unable to function, because he was older than most of the others, and his life was lived fully. Although he spent the last 32 years of his 74 …

Maya Angelou: Rise in Power After Living in Purpose
Maya Angelou is gone and I was not ready. I wasn’t ready because I just figured Mother Maya would stay to give us more words. I figured she’d stay forever and just continue to be magic. I’m so selfish because she’s given more than enough. I don’t think I have …

The Great Troublemaker for Peace: Nelson Mandela’s Legacy
Earlier this week, I wrote about how Yoruba people take names so seriously because we think it can determine your life’s path. As we honor the memory of the late, GREAT Nelson Mandela, I reflect on his middle name “Rolihlahla,” which is Xhosa for “troublemaker.” President Mandela was the troublemaker …

When He Said Goodbye, It WAS For Long: Remembering Luther Vandross
Today is the 8th anniversary of Luther Vandross passing, and chile… he is STILL missed. That man’s vocal chords were clearly coated with Heaven’s ambrosia and dusted with angel St. Michael’s wings because it was amazing. Luther Vandross took old songs and when he sang them, folks forgot the originals. …

Turn All the Lights of Heaven On for Sherman Hemsley
When I tell you that 2012 has NO chill, please believe me. My goodness! This year just won’t stop taking our icons. This is one streak I’d like to end because every day when another celebrity from the days of yore is said to be dead, my childhood light dims …

My Ideal Whitney Houston Tribute Show
Last night, the Grammy Awards basically dedicated the show to Whitney Houston by making sure her name was never far from the mouths of presenters. Beginning with an opening prayer from host, LL Cool J, and with random mentions throughout the night. I loved the thoughtfulness they showed, especially with …

A Letter to Michael: Moonwalking on the Clouds
My kids WILL know that “Billie Jean” was not your lover while “Jam”ming. We won’t “Stop Till We Get Enough”. Michael, you made “HIStory” and that is undeniable. Now that you’ve “Eased on Down the Road” to meet Him, I “Cry” because you’re “Gone Too Soon”. We thought “Heaven can wait” but it apparently couldn’t. Your music “Heal(ed) the World” and for that, you “Rock my World”. I “Never Can Say Goodbye” but I do I hope you’re resting in peace.