Because A Dildo With Your Bae’s Ashes is Now a Thing
I don’t understand humanity sometimes, and of course we’re heading for doom. Stephen Hawking said so and now I’m sure of it. I read an article yesterday about a dildo you can order, with your loved one’s ashes inside. Don’t let something like death preclude your boo from having a …

A Sex-Deficient Husband and the Salty Spreadsheet He Shouldn’t Have Sent
A woman took to Reddit to show folks that her husband sent her an email to her work address with a spreadsheet detailing how many times they’ve had sex when he initiated in the past 6 weeks. He also included the excuses she gave him when she said “NO” which …

A Tale of Two Peens: The Man Who Has Twice the Fun
In case you don’t know, the real Den of Iniquity online is Reddit. And for once, I am thankful because it is through that site that we now know that it’s possible for a man to have two penises. MMHMM. In real life. A guy with the screename of “DoubleDickDude” …

All Great Granny Wants for Her 100th Birthday is Her Thirst Quenched
One great grandmother turned 100 recently, and her local news station wanted to interview her on what it’s like to hit that century mark. Because it’s no small feat. Well, it didn’t go as anyone expected. Watch the NSFW video below: I. DON. DIE. The fact that the first thing …