Being A College Freshman: A Short Manual of Do’s and Don’ts
It’s about that time of year. The weather isn’t getting hotter. Everyone has had a full 3 months of frolicking, ratchetness and nekkidness. September is almost here, which means one thing: SCHOOL’S BACK IN! Now, for those who just graduated from high school, it means you’re probably about to be …

Fall Heard ‘Round the World
Okay so I’m not the most graceful of people. It’s part of the reason I’m not a dancer (that and my lack of talent. But semantics). There are countless F My Life tales from high school of when my feets failed me. Picture it, Chicago 2001… A young Luvvie was …

5 Old TV Shows That Rocked My Socks
In my decrepitness, I got to watch some old TV, and lawd I ain’t know I missed it so. LAWD did I reminisce. I loved many old shows but these were the ones I watched these past coupla days being home. Stroll down memory lane with me. Golden Girls Picture …

Confessions of a Former Hooper
As I’ve mentioned before, I used to sit on the bench, chew on ice for 1.5 hrs, clean off my gymshoes, rock a cute uniform be a hooper. I played basketball in elementary school, and was on my high school team for 2 years until I quit from inactivity. I …

The Jordans that Got Away
If shoes were crack, lawd knows I’d need a Platinum Dental PPO to fix the inside of my moufs because I’d be allergic to teefs. My shoe addiction started my senior year of high school, when I started rocking all colors of the Nike Prestos. Well, technically, my shoe addiction …