All’s Unfair in Love and Kidneys
There’s a story going around today because some guy wrote into a website called NGTrends asking for advice: I am 32years old and my girlfriend is 31years old. We’ve been together for 5 years and now live together in a nice house. Things have been slowly fizzling out and I’ve …

Word on the Street is Chris Brown Dumped Karfuffle for Rihanna
In news that surprises NO ONE, Chris Brown has apparently dumped his girlfriend, Karrueche, for his ex Rihanna. According to WonderWall, Chris made a statement saying: “I have decided to be single to focus on my career. I love Karrueche very much, but I don’t want to see her hurt …

Topics That Need To Go Away: Black Women and Failing Relationships
Black women, relationships and singlehood. This topic has been EVERYWHERE (TV, newspapers, blogs). But I’ve just about had it up to HERE with it. We get it. Black women are lonely and downtrodden and don’t ever have men. We’re too independent. We’re golddiggers who depend on men too much. We …