Pennsylvania’s Tom Corbett Photoshops Auntie Black Lady into Campaign Pic
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is seeking re-election and he’s campaigning hard for it. Word on the streets is that he hasn’t done well with getting people of color and other minorities to vote for him so he came up with a grander idea. Good ol’ Uncle Tom photoshopped an older …

WTF, Senate?!? You Had One Job! ONE JOB!
The U.S. Senate basically DEADED the bill expanding background checks for guns. 54 YAYs and 46 NAYs. The bill lost by 6 votes. SIX. GAHTDAMB. VOTES. The message that was just sent to 90% of Americans who supported this bill is “WE’ONT GIVE A DAMB WHATCHU WANT!” and “NRA PAYPALED US …

Message From the Greatest Generation: Best Political Ad EVER
There’s a passion in this election season that’s different from the last. I think it’s partly because of how the Republican party has been showing OUT this time around. They aren’t even trying to act like they’re not a party of racist jackasses who are desperate to get THAT BLACK …

President Obama Came to Win and Mitt Romney Came to Whine: Debate Recap
The debates from last night was highly anticipated since the last one had President Barack Obama looking hella bored and Mitt Romney being loud but saying nothing of substance. Folks were ready to see Barack come through this time with more passion and he didn’t disappoint. It was a bit …

Joe Biden Shaded and Paul Ryan Drank Lotsa Water: VP Debate Recap
Anything that postpones Scandal for a week better be worth the while, and lemme tells ya… the vice-president debate was certainly worth it. Folks were looking forward to this showdown after the less-than-exciting Presidential one, and it didn’t disappoint. I missed the first 20 minutes of it though. I actually …

KitchenAid’s Tweeter Is Gonna Need to #OccupyLinkedIn
During the presidential debate, whoever was tweeting for KitchenAid accidentally sent this tweet out: This is the definition of an EPIC FAIL. It’s so bad that I read that and went “WELP that’s a wrap.” Whoever was tweeting for them made the biggest mistake of their career, and therefore, it …

Michelle Obama’s Hair was LAID Like ObamaCare at the DNC and I Am Here for Her!
First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, came to the Democratic National Convention to SLAY and she left many in her wake as she murked that speech she had to give effortlessly. And she had me eating out the palm of her hands. Many other places will talk about what …

Clint Eastwood Talks to an Invisible Obama and Barack’s Team Shades Him
The Republican National Convention that’s going on right now has had so many foolish moments that even the Onion couldn’t have made this stuff up. There’s no reason to write satirical stories about the RNC because the GOP is acting enough of a fool for life to be funnier than …

Dear Bristol Palin, Criticizing the President? Girl SHUT UP
I’ve been overdue for a sternly-worded letter, and there’s so much foolery in the world that this one could have been written to a plethora of people who don’t know how to act, or did the most with the least. However, the lucky winner is Bristol Palin. She had the …

Dear Donald Trump, You’re a Dusty Degenerate
This week’s sternly-worded letter is truly deserved. If you don’t know why, then either you’ve been hiding under a rock or you’re related to Sarah Palin. Either one is not a good look. Let’s get into it. Dear Donald Trump, When you decided that you might be running for presidency …