Bernie Sanders at Joe Biden’s Inauguration Is a Forever Cantankerous #Mood
Yesterday was an exciting day! It is a new chapter for America. After 4 years filled with hate, racism, and bigotry fueled by Cheeto Satan in Chief, we are happily relieved to welcome a new chapter with President Joe Biden and Madam Vice President, Kamala Harris. And equally excited to be …

Uncle Bernie’s Hair was LAID at the DNC
Y’all know good and damb well that Bernie Sanders be leaving the house looking like he just got out from inside a dryer’s spin cycle. Hair be everywhichway and suit all wrinkled. He was on the campaign trail looking like you did after a particularly TURNT recess period. But last …

We Gotta Talk About Uncle Bernie’s Struggle Hair
Listen. Folks keep talking about issues and stances and policy, ignoring the real important thing about this whole election. When are we going to have a real conversation about Bernie Sanders’ struggle hair? When are we going to get down to the nitty gritty and get to the heart of the …

The Night of the 2016 Iowa Caucus Was Long and Treacherous
Yesterday was the highly-anticipated Iowa Caucus, where a small state with really white people somehow predict who the final nominees for the parties will be. And it’s the first caucus of the season and people try to win delegates and OMG I JUST FELL ASLEEP FROM TYPING THOSE SENTENCES. Long story short, …

So I Watched the Democratic Debate (#DemDebate)
It was the first Democratic candidate debates in what is sure to be a looonngggg, slow and torturous campaign season. The Republicans already showed their asses like twice and they’ve tried to out-offend each other. So this debate was long overdue. To be honest, I didn’t feel like watching TV …