I Thought Maleficent Was Magnificent (No Spoilers)
This past weekend, I went and watched Maleficent, which I’ve been excited to see since I saw the previews. I didn’t even try to act like I was going with one of the babies I love. I am perfectly overgrown and I am ok with it.
Starring Angelina Jolie as the vivacious villain, Disney’s Maleficent is a new spin on the story of Sleeping Beauty (aka Princess Aurora), played by Elle Fanning. The old fairy tale tells us that Aurora is cursed by the malevolent wench to fall into a deep sleep on her 16th birthday, only to be woken by a kiss from true love. In this film, we get to see Maleficent’s story, because there’s always two sides. And one doesn’t just do something to ridiculous just because they didn’t get invited to a christening. That would be so petty.
Anyway, this movie had me hyped because Angie J (mmhmm) seemed to be made to play the role of the mysterious, moody and magical Maleficent. I’ve secretly thought the lady had magical powers for years. She’s hella intense and she has this edge so this fits her really well. Then once I saw her in the costume, I KNEWED she was going to knock it out the park and she did.
First of all, I can’t go much further without talmbout Maleficent’s makeup and especially those cheekbones! They could cut GLASS! They contoured and highlighted Angelina FOR THE GAWDS and her face was snatched!
There’s a reason I tell makeup artists not to contour me too much. I might come out looking like Maleficent about the face. These cheekbones do enough by themselves! My face is outchea too close to being villainous because of all the angles. GOSTA be more careful!

She was stunning. Angelina knows she can rock a good LIP! Yessss! What color did they use on her? I spent the entire time wondering if I can rock this red. It is ferocious! MAC has a Maleficent collection out right now. I might have to cop one or two things from it.
Her costumes were also kick ass. She was all clad in sweeping capes and black leather alphets. Ma’am, you better werk! It was just so badass.
Beyond that though, what I loved the most about this movie was the story, which was a refreshing spin on the fairy tale. They really gave Maleficent the layers she’s been missing in other versions of the story and they gave her a heart. People aren’t born evil, and this is the story of Maleficent’s journey from a young fairy to how she became the monster with the thirst to bring pain to those who loved Aurora.
They brought us ever sinner has a future and every saint has a past realness and it was delicious. I won’t say too much because I don’t want to spoil anything but I actually fist-pumped in the theater while watching this film. Disney has a way of getting you in your feels with their films and this is no different.

Me during the movie.
Elle Fanning was a good enough Aurora, looking like the everyblonde. I did love seeing Vivienne Jolie-Pitt as little Aurora, though. That scenes was too cute! Angie has said in interviews that the reason her own daughter played the role was because other kids her age were petrified of her when she was in the Maleficent costume and Vivienne was the only one who wasn’t. Dddaaaawwww!
I thought the film was dope. It was Girl Power, it was complexity, it was visually appealling (mixture of live action and CGI). Kids will like it for the Disney-ness of it all (and the bright colors) and adults will like it for the action and fierceness.
I don’t ask for too much in films. Did the story make sense? Was I emotionally invested in the main character’s well-being? Did I feel feels (laugh, cry, cheer, jeer)? Did I have a good time watching it? Do I think others would enjoy it? The answer for all of this was YES in this one. I loved it!
SHOUTOUT to Angelina Jolie for carrying this film and owning this character. And shoutout to me for rhyming Maleficent with magnificent. You know I had to do it.
Have you seen Maleficent? Share your thoughts if so. If not, do you plan on going?
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YES!! It in fact was EVERYTHING! I have been waiting for Angelina to recover so she could come back and SLAY all these actresses once more. Let them know who in fact is queen. AND SHE DID! I fist pumped so heavy during this movie. It was everything and you are nothing if you haven’t seen it.
My husband & I saw it & loved it! Angelina was EVERYTHING. I also loved the storyline & how it made you understand why she did what she did. Disney has really stepped up their game.
Angelina did what Charlize Theron did in Snow White and the Huntsman. She OWNED it. Elle Fanning was ok but having this as her debut made her unmemorable… I can’t blame her though. I mean, anyone would look like small grits trying to act next to Ms. Jolie. And I guess I digress since the movie IS called “Malificent” and not “Sleeping Beauty.” I’m not sure why the critics had mixed reviews but that’s what usually happens… The audience loves it and they usually don’t know wth they’re talmbout. I loved her in this role. She nailed it.
Debut? How’s that?
I loved the definition of true love. The film is a great story of redemption
Took my girls (1-14) to see this move and it held their attention. Now what they dont know is that hubby and I went to go see itSaturday night for our date night. It was the best and worth every penny we spent on us seeing it twice.
I thought it was okay. I’ve been waiting for a live-action retelling of Maleficent’s story for like 15 years so I was HYPED..but it kinda left me a bit underwhelmed at parts? I personally thought the storyline was kinda weak and cheesy in parts.
I will say though. Angelina slayed. She looked BEAUTIFUL. That red lip?! Is it Riri Woo? Gorgeous!
I don’t know if anyone else noticed but during the christening scene Angie’s other children have a cameo. If you look closely you can see Zahara at least. That gave me life. I ALSO need that lipstick. She slayed. I’m here for her at all times.
Now I’m ready to see it.
I loved it! Angie was born for this part! I believe Zahara and Pax were in the party scene. The scene between her and Vivianne was sweet and you could see the attraction between them. I always believed there was more to Maleficient and I am glad someone took this on. I went with my daughter and neice and I was over giddy with excitement throughout! I even applauded when it was over. No bootleg for me when it’s released!
It was visually amazing but I felt kinda underwhelmed. Angelina (cheekbones and leather included) was worth my both tickets though. Elle was boring considering she already been in the biz for 12 years but I guess that’s what an “innocent” person would be like.
Welp, reading all the reviews here… is enough for me! I’ll be going this week. I don’t have any little girls in my family to take and my son is 25. I can’t help that I’m a big kid and have my own personal collection of Disney movies…Rio 1 & 2, Happy Feet 1 & 2, Lion King & more. And yes, I’m an Angelina fan!
I’m going to see this movie just to get some of Angelina Jolie’s fierceness. Those lips and cheekbones are slaying me!
I gotta go see this.
” And one doesn’t just do something to ridiculous just because they didn’t get invited to a christening. That would be so petty.” I actually liked that she was that petty, it made the character more bad ass. The fact that she waged war on an infant puts her on my list as the second evilest Disney villain. Next to Scar of course, he killed his brother and tried to kill his nephew.
I did see it the weekend it was released and I loved it too! Just like you, I was HERE for Angelina’s permanent face beat. Check out my take here: http://www.theoptimisticdivorcees.com/maleficent-movie-review/
I will def go see it. Luvvie, did you see The Fault in our Stars? The whole theater was in tears. I’d love to hear what you thought about it.
I haven’t seen it and I never really intended to, but your review has given me pause. I’m not a fan of Angelina. I think she’s beyond crazy/creepy. I think people forget she used to walk around with a vial of Billy Bob’s blood around her neck. But I guess that’s why she’s perfect for this role! As for her cheekbones, they had a bit more than just contorting. Her makeup artist explained they put small prosthetics on her cheekbones to make them that prominent. So don’t worry you will never look that angled! And people are paying good money to get your cheekbones! Look at Jada Pinkets new face!!
Btw… Love your blog! I’ve been reading since I found one of your “Scandal” recaps this past season. I died when you said something about RiRi singing acapella. Thanks for the laughs!
Life got! that is all…
I saw it today. I loved it.
I finally saw Maleficent on a Disney cruise last month. I LOVED it! I’m liking the last few Disney movies more and more for adding some complexity and taking away the whole ‘I need a man to rescue me’ thing. I loved how the ladies solved these problems in Maleficent, and Angelina Jolie was fierce! Great special fx too.