The Donkey Booty Dispute: RHOA Episode 11 Recap
*sings* “How do you solve a problem like Kenya Moore? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?” My Sound of Music fans will appreciate that because Kenya needs some nuns somewhere to worry about her. Every episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta has revolved around her, so her plan is working. Being ridiculous, over the top and a bit nuts is totally working out in her favor.
This episode, the drama is around Phaedra’s Donkey Booty workout video, and she’s working with Kenya. Anyone with half a clue could see this working relationship turning sour from a thousand miles away. But let’s get into the episode.
New Money Nene in LA – Our girl, Nene, has temporarily moved to LA with her family to work on The New Normal. As the movers get there with their stuff, Nene and her ensemble of leggings, tank top and club makeup at high noon are directing them. Her neighborhood is nice and she said she’s surrounded by celebs. Check ut the nouveau riche! I ain’t mad!
Riley’s Large Request – Todd’s birthday is coming up and Riley wants to surprise him by baking a cake. As she and Kandi take on the baking, she asks if she can move to the guest house when she becomes a teenager. Her mama tells her a firm “NAWL” and realizes how easy it is for kids to get spoiled when given too much. Riley’s current room is big enough than some folks’ in New York studio apartment. She should be happy with it.
Kenya’s Kinfolk Visit – Kenya’s cousin Che and aunt, Lori, visit her at home. Our girl tells them she’s cooking, e’em though all she’s doing is cutting up watermelons. Just because it’s an activity in the kitchen doesn’t mean it’s cooking, ma’am. Anywho, the subject turns to Walter and Auntie Sisqo tells her that something ain’t right there. Then Che says Walter asked her out a long time ago too. Seems Moesha’s daddy has asked out every woman in Atlanta. Kenya seems to be the fool who said yeah. Womp. Che then says she thinks Walter is gay and wears a terrible toupee. This is why you need girlfriends. They come in handy when it’s time to bash your ex.

I love Aunty Sisqo’s faces.
Donkey Booty Practice – Kenya (and her producer Brandon) meet up with Apollo and Phaedra at the gym to get an idea of what moves they’ll be doing in the video. They show us the funky donkey and the booty drop. I am a believer. Where can I procure this yansh workout? Kenya then says she’s been pitching the video to distributors, and it gives Phaedra pause because they haven’t signed a contract. Our girl talmbout it’ll cost $100,00 to produce the video. First of all, why is she doing work without payment or a written agreement? This is how you know she ain’t bout that real business life.
Kenya’s Bad Business – Phaedra meets with her lawyer, who was in talks with Kenya. He tells her that Kenya was tryna use four cameras to shoot the workout video. FOR WHY COME WHAT? Why? Anywho, he steps out and Kenya arrives to speak with Phae and Apollo. She then asks for 10% of all the profits the video makes and Phae tells her “NAWL.” Homegirl then says she’s produced multi-million dollar films. Phaedra: “Unfortunately, I haven’t heard of any of them.” BASICALLY.
Kenya gets all mad because she’s been working and might not be compensated. Ain’t nobody tell her to work without a contract. How you gon make that rookie mistake after supposedly being in the industry for 20 years? Girl, BYE. She leaves with Brandon, and twirls with disappointment as she walks to her car.
Nene’s Officially Official – Nene shows up to work on the Universal Studios lot and enters her own trailer. That’s huge. Our girl don moved on up in the world and I’m proud. “I can honestly say that I was a series regular on a primetime show.” WERK, LENETHIA!
Todd’s Birthday Surprise – Todd turned 39 so Kandi planned a special day for him. While rocking too-bright makeup and a too-tight white dress, Kandi takes Todd on a helicopter ride over Atlanta to his surprise birthday dinner.
She says “Being with Todd. It’s like being with the teammate I’ve always wanted.” AAWWW!!! As the helicopter lands, she realizes that he can see into the building, so the surprise is ruined for an instant. Until they walk in and his mom shows up. Todd’s eyes lit up and he almost cried. Best. surprise. EVER.
Not now, Kenya – Kenya is at the party, still obviously butthurt about the Donkey Booty video dispute. She corners Apollo, hoping that she can convince him to accept the deal, not realizing that anything he does needs to be approved to Phaedra. When that doesn’t work, she goes up to Todd to fake congratulate him on his birthday only to switch the topic to the video. Phaedra had called him to get insight on how video production works so Kenya wanted to find out what they discussed. Kandi, who is standing by them shuts Kenya down NICELY by telling her it’s his birthday so it’s not the place for the discussion. LOVE IT!
Casting Call Conflict – Phaedra has enlisted the help of the Bailey Agency to find folks for the workout video. Kenya is supposed to be a judge, so she shows up before Phaedra. She tells Cynthia that Phae and ‘Pollo don’t want to pay her for her work. Phaedra shows up and the Cyn tells her she cancelled the casting call because Phae put out an ask on Twitter, which undermined Cyn’s business, which includes casting for a fee! Then Kenya takes the opportunity to talk about how ridiculous it is that she isn’t getting paid for her work. “Kenya keeps insinuating that we’re asking her to do work for free. We are out of slavery.” YESSS, Phae! Kenya says she won’t be working on the video anymore and basically storms out.
Next week, we find out that Kenya is gonna be working on a video she calls “Stallion booty.” The girl got more than a coupla screws loose. This I know. Especially since I saw her performance of her new song “Gone with the Wind Fabulous” which she did on Andy Cohen’s “Watch What Happens Live.”
The fool spoke-sang, twirled for her life and then leyomi dropped at the end. She’s a walking caricature. But ummm… I’m getting what I need from the queens behind her. WERKKK!!!
Do you think what Kenya was asking for the Donkey Booty video was fair or do you think Phaedra was being stingy?
I agree with Phae, she was being presumptuous by going out and securing distribution deals and what not without discussing the terms first. She was not asked to get a distributor she was asked to do production so she should have stayed in her lane and did just that. She can’t be mad for not being compensated for work she wasn’t hired to do in the first place.
I don’t even watch this show, but thanks to these updates I feel I should. Plus Nene on Glee killed me.
No sir, No ma’am, and no Thank you..I don’t want a Stallion booty. People have been comparing women to stallions for a long time, and probably not even realizing a stallion is a Male horse that has not been gelded…so I will stick to the donkey booty (at least they have both sexes)
Kenya lost all negotiating power by doing work sans contract. She basically told Phae & Apollo what they needed to do and gave them the info they needed to shop elsewhere.
ican’t with that song or that performance on WWHL.
Kenya…yes Luvvie the whole night I wanted to tell her, if she was doing ALL that work without a contract, than yes, you do work for free. But I must say that Phaedra is apparently looking for some serious hook ups because she thought she could run game on Cynthia and was shut all the way down. Phae is about HER money and she’s not sharing it.
Now, that performance on WWHL…wait let’s start with how Kenya tried to imitate NeNe. Please tell me you caught her with NeNe’s finger wave and saying I Live…no Kenya, you don’t. And the song…it gave me drag queen teas. Yes. The queens will love it in the club, and since I don’t go to those clubs I should never have to hear it again. Please and thank you.
But you see how Cyn is a businesswoman? she didn’t wait till AFTER all the Twitter models showed up to say something- it was like “oh no, let’s nip this in the bud NOW.”
Kenya- i can’t believe after years of being in the industry, would not know this.
“Now, that performance on WWHL…wait let’s start with how Kenya tried to imitate NeNe. Please tell me you caught her with NeNe’s finger wave and saying I Live…no Kenya, you don’t. And the song…it gave me drag queen teas. Yes. The queens will love it in the club, and since I don’t go to those clubs I should never have to hear it again. Please and thank you.”
allahdis has me dying at my desk.
oh and props to Nene showing up on the Golden Globes red carpet.
Kenya has had beef with everyone but Kandi. I suppose Kandi’s turn is a’coming.
Phaedra is an attorney. Kenya should have realized that she should have slowed her roll. Attorneys know better. I knew she was stupid when Kendra said there was no “posterior” building workouts on the market. I own Brazilian Butt Lift. I’m not worried about it though, because Phaedra has a ladylike way of shutting folks down. Ask Shere’.
My question is why does Kendra think she can sway Apollo over to the dark side? Everything Apollo has and does is because Phaedra pushed him into that direction. If Apollo leaves Phaedra for Kenya, Kenya will send them back. At least Walter has a successful job. Apollo has only Phaedra and a stripper addiction…..
Kenya is funny thinking she is going to get between Phaedra and Apollo. Phae said she don’t care if Kenya had a prayer circle around Apollo…he still had to consult her before making decisions. I LOVE Phaedra! Between the prayer circle and her gentle guidance to ditsy Porsha at the party she had me rolling all night.
…but really Porsha, why are you looking for Phaedra’s baby pictures on Todd’s party favors.
Sweet, child-like Porsha…you can’t help but to love her. That baby don’t know no better
and the Kenya GIFs in this post…iCant
Ok Luvvie, I need you to get out of my head. LOL. My sentiments exactly on just about everything you said. Kenya is an attention whore mess. I thought it was funny how quickly Cynthia just bought into everything Kenya told her without speaking to Phaedra first. Um, remember this woman is crazy?
And the Kandi white dress just disturbed me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, for someone whose had money for a while and has been successful, she dresses really cheap. The chick looked way better when she first started on this show, now she seems to have lost her way, well glad she got her man and her daughter has some sense.
I’m excited to see how the Kenya and Phaedra clash goes next week. Looks good!
After Kandi shut her down I was content for the night. She essentially said “bish come in here with drama and I’ll fix your problem quickly!!”
Your recap is on point! I realize that in order to make it Hollywood, you have to believe your own hype, but Kenya is beyond delusional. There’s a trade off to making yourself the villain on a reality show; since this is supposed to be about these women’s real lives doesn’t Kenya realize she has painted herself a lovely shade of bat shit crazy???
I kinda hope Phaedra sues her for ripping off her video idea.
Did anyone else hear Phaedra say that Kenya booty is lumpier than a bad bag of gravy???? I promise I died!!!!
Oh yes, I laughed with great delight! I was trying to find words to describe Kenya’s balloons, and Phaedra did it perfectly!
I think a contract before doing any work is the only way to go…I also didn’t hear Phaedra offer any money at any point…so it came off like she was going on a friend discount!!
I agree that Cynthia handled it best I’m not doing any work without money!!
Haven’t watched RHOA for at least two seasons. These recaps are hilarious to me. The immature child in me found your use of the word “yansh” extremely funny. I LOL’ed in a public place. Thanks for that!
Phaedra is an entertainment attorney…and Kenya Moore, clearly was ‘thirsty’ for work. The difference between Cynthia and Kenya? Class, Tact, Intelligence, and having a head for business. Phaedra tried to cleverly, underhandedly get over on Cynthia, but to much of her disappointment, Cynthia cancelled the casting call because the fees were never discussed or finalized. A smart move on Cynthia’s part. Ms Moore harassed every individual at Todd’s party, complaining that she felt cheated. Newsflash Kenya, never bring a knife to a gun fight. Cynthia was prepared. Why weren’t you, Kenya? Who begins work on a production for some low-rate exercise video without an attorney present, fees negotiated, or a signed contract? May this be a lesson learned!
and twirls with disappointment as she walks to her car….idied came back to life and died again
Can we please talk about how laidt Auntie Phae’s hair was during her meeting with Kenya (in the office). Child, iLived for her entire look!
Keny doesn’t deserve $ upfront and on the back end. Ain’t nobody trying to pay Kenya tithes for eternity of that video. That’s ridiculous. Talking bout she can’t even buy a pair of shoes with what she’s making. Where she shop at? Dude said she inflated the budget so she should be good.
Now, normally I don’t read your RHOA posts but this title inspired me to an unusaully low level of BAD humour. Sit down first.
You all saddown yet? Okay. So I read the title and say,”hmmmm Donkey Booty? Sounds like a Ghetto Miguel de Cervantes book! You know, Don Quixote! Instead of tilting at windmills ni99a be chasing all ass he knowed he can’t get. DON-KEY BOO-TEH!”. Give it time. You’ll gerrit eventually.
Peace 😉
This episode proves Kenya’s an idiot and Phaedra is winning. Remember last season when she represented Sheree in the divorce? She was unprepared in court because Sheree didn’t pay her until that day, meaning she didn’t do one damb bit of work until she got her check.
While Kenya was doing all this free work, Phaedra was comparison shopping and got Todd’s rates. Smart.