My 10 Favorite Soulful Christmas Songs
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas season! I actually do think it’s the best time of the year. Everyone is in great spirits. Being jolly and ish. Plus, my favorite color is red, so I’m thoroughly enjoying rocking it on most days without folks’ judging eyes on me wondering why I’s so bright.
For a soulful Christmas, I enjoy these 10 tunes:
This Christmas – Donny Hathaway. It is not officially Christmastime until you hear this song. And no matter where folks are or what they are doing, when you hear “Hang on the mistletoe, I am gonna get to know you better…” people stop that they are doing to finish it with an enthusiastic “THIS CHRISTMAS!!” You could be in the midst of cussing your archenemy out, talm bout “F*ck you and everything you ever stand for. Don’t call me… “THIS CHRISTMAS” ever again!
Silent Night – The Temptations. There are infinite versions of “Silent Night”, but for a true soulful Christmas, this is the best choice. Besides, at the end when that bass voice comes through and says “Merry Christmas from The Temptations”, I swoon.
Let It Snow – Boyz II Men. The thoughts of the video with the men in their thick sweaters in fake snow makes me smile. They look mighty cozy, and they just make me think of sitting in front of the fireplace drinking hot cocoa with loves ones around.
Someday at Christmas – Stevie Wonder. I love just love this song. It gets me toe-tapping.
For Unto Us (A Child is Born) – Bebe & Cece Winans. The Holidays without the Winans singing about Jesus?? Surely you jest! YOU JEST!
Santa Baby – Eartha Kitt. She’s one BAD Mama Jamma, and she sure did add a lil bit of X-ratedness to the holiday with her purrs.
Every year, Every Christmas – Luther Vandross. Uncle Luffa’s voice was made for soothing carols as this.
Hallelujah! (Handel’s Messiah) – Quincy Jones & Others. It’s like a Black star version of “We Are the World”. Truly a jamming song.
Joy to the World – Whitney Houston & the Georgia Choir. Whitney SANG this song!!! And you know the rousing sound of a choir singing backup brings me joy!
Away in a Manger (Acapella) – Boyz II Men. Back when singers could SING, and do nothing else, acapella was a joy to listen to. Now I’d rather jump off a first floor balcony than hear most of these folks with record deals sing sans instrument.
Besides that, I wish EVERYONE a Happy Holidays filled with much laughter, joy and overall good cheer!!!

Happy Holidays!
What are your favorite holiday tunes that need to be added to this list?
Thanks for sharing that awesome list! I had 7 out of 10 on my list. Hope your Christmas is merry and bright. If you’re really lucky, you’ll get mistletoed!!
Love, love love each and every song on your list!!! My favorite Xmas album is the old Mariah Carey one with All I want for Christmas (is you)!!! Love that whole album.
I LOVE Christmas music no matter what time of year it is. Yes, you can catch me listening to and singing along to a Christmas song in any month
I love your list but some of my additions are
Mariah Carey’s O Holy Night
the Jackson 5’s Little Drummer Boy
Johnny Gill’s Give Love on Christmas Day
Kelly Price’s Ave Maria
I don’t really have a favorite Christmas song b/c I listen to a lot of it and it’s hard for me to a make a decision
My list would not be complete without “Happy Holidays” by the Ohio Players. Makes me dance!!
Has anyone heard ‘Zat You Santa Claus?’ Sorry it makes me laugh!
If you’re lonely, don’t listen to, What Do The Lonely Do At Christmas. It’s the lonely persons Krip-to-nite! It will break you down!
I Love the Jackson 5 Christmas album so much that you can catch me playing it well into April! *OHJOY*
A lot of what you have on your list is on mine but I’d have to include:
Sleigh Ride–TLC (something about that song takes me back to my childhood in the 90s. I can’t explain it).
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer–The Temptations
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town–Jackson 5
The Christmas Song–Tamia
and also the go go version of Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
I love the original version of “All I Want for Christmas is You,” and not the new child molestation version Mariah has with Justin Bieber. Eeeww
i like my christmases a little bit ratchet – and that is why i would add to this list sharon jones’ “ain’t no chimneys in the projects” and that fantastic carol of the bells remix of antoine dodson’s classic. tis the season!
The Jackson 5’s version of “Up on the Rooftop” “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” “Frosty the Snowman” Hell, the whole damn album.
Then I get sad bc they weren’t even allowed to celebrate Christmas, yet they recorded music for it.
Anyways, I agree with This Christmas (I don’t like any of the remakes) and The Temptations Silent Night, and I LOVE their Rudolph. Okay, I’m done.
Aww, girl! You put up that Quincy Jones Hallelujah! I love that thing! So epic. Great list!
I love this list…
And I’ve found some more Christmas tunes.
So glad I stumbled onto this gem. Love everything about the list but it’s not REALLY Christmas for me until I hear Xmas Blues about Bonquisha and Otis. When he start talmbout how he had to return the gifts because the alternator broke on his truck #done like the lost members of destinys child