Geraldo Rivera’s Shirtless Selfie is the Anti-Thirst Trap
Yesterday morning, Geraldo Rivera, he of epic moustache and soldier coordinate reporter, woke up and decided he was proud of what he looked like. He tweeted “70 is the new 50 (Erica and family are going to be so pissed…but at my age…)” and included a selfie of himself shirtless …

The 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010
Twitter: A place for people to share their thoughts. A place for celebrities and public figures to connect with their fans and supporters. An English major’s nightmare. I want to forget these tweets. So with a heavy heart and deep sigh, I present to you: The Top 25 Dumbest Tweets of the Year.

The Library of Congress Got Your Tweets
So this happened: After I finished saying a really drawn out “WOWWWW.” I realized that with THAT tweet, a lot of folks’ chances of ever running for public office just spiraled down the drain of life. That tweet just murked some hopes and dreams. Yes, yall. the Library of Congress, …

Twitterholics Unite!
There are a certain group of people in life, who can outwit, outroast and outtalk you in less than a paragraph. These great people are known as “Twitterers.” However, there are those who can’t imagine waking up and not saying “Good Morning” to 1,000 of their closest friends they’ve never …