Blogalicious and Miami: All TEN Everything!
I’m all tardy for the party, but better late than never, right? RIGHT??? Anyway, although Blogalicious 2010 was a full week ago, I’m just now getting to recapping it. It was awesome! It also ended on 10/10/10, so you know I have to do #AllTENeverything! Here are 10 reasons my …

All Blog Conference Everything
In the beginning of this year, I decided to set a lofty goal for myself. One I actually didn’t think I’d hit, but like they say, AIM FOR THE STARS blah blah blah fall blah blah moon. Or something. I wanted to attend the three blog conferences I attended last …

Blogalicious 2009 Was Great!
What it does, folks? So I’s back from Atlanta from Blogalicious (conference for Women of Color bloggers) and it was FANTAWESOME! I was mainly there to rep The Red Pump Project because my goal is to get 500 bloggers “Rocking the Red Pump” on their blogs to raise awareness about …