10 Reasons Why Michael Jackson is the GOAT (Greatest of All Time)
A year ago today, the world lost a bit of it’s awesome when Michael Jackson, the King of Pop passed away. I remember that I was in my office when I found out on TMZ at exactly 4:30pm CST. I was hoping TMZ made a mistake, so I refreshed my page every couple of minutes. No retraction was given. I finally exclaimed “OH MY GOD! Michael Jackson died!” WOW. I was in shock. I wrote THIS Letter to Michael Jackson the night he died. My thug was ALL murked.

He was living art…
I had NEVER seen this picture of Michael Jackson before until yesterday. Turns out it was gonna be used for the cover of the Invincible album. It was taken by a French photographer. Here’s the story behind the pic. Shoutout to Afrobella for introducing it to my life by making it her Twitter avatar.
Oh, Kang Miko!!! WHYYYYY?!?!?! iBlame Human Nature! You weren’t supposed to go! We called your name like you said but you weren’t there. *WALL SLIDE*
We took you for granted while you were here. We harped on ALL your flaws. We laughed at you. We played many bald-headed games and didn’t treat you right. Now you’ve been gone a year and we realize that history made just one of you. We won’t be having another Michael Jackson.
When I watched “This is It” in the theater, I was doing ALL TYPES of *chair slides* in that joint. That concert was going to be the BEST. THING. EVER. I can’t e’en watch that DVD again. My soulspace can’t take it. All I know is that a year has passed and it’s still hard to imagine that you’re gone.
Everyone has an instrumental moment in their life that has a Michael Jackson song tied to it.
Kang Miko was the greatest.
10 Reasons (out of a gabillion) Why Michael Jackson is the GOAT (greatest of all time)
10. He wore flooding pants and nobody asked him to “pull your shoes up, Michael.”
9. He told Billie Jean that STRAIGHT up that chile wasn’t even his. AND she ain’t take him on Maury. THAT is authority. He was SOOO bad ass!
8. He perfected the diagonal bankhead bounce before we all even knew what the bankhead bounce was. That Black and White vidjo was LIFE!
7. He made STRAIGHT grown men squeal like teenagers and FAINT at concerts. Everyone was gay for Kang Miko.
6. He decided he wanted to lean 45 degrees while dancing and he got shoes INVENTED and patented to allow you to do it. These jokers nowadays are telling us to “Lean Wit It” but he just said “Naw son. I’ma make my shoes LEAN for me.” WHAT?!? Who else can do that. Only the GOAT!
5. The Moonwalk. *drops mic* Nothing more needs to be said about that.
4. He won more awards than some people even know EXIST. 13 Guinness World Records, 19 Grammys, 26 American Music Awards, 12 World Music Awards. I’m sure Jesus has him as His favorite artist too.
3. He made mini movies, not videos. Storylines. Actors. THE WORKS! All we’re left with is… folks rapping into the camera with the girl at the mall dropping it low. This can’t be life.
2. He sold 780 million albums. #WaitWHAT?? Did folks make up that number up? I don’t even know how to count that high. Nope. 780 million. In REAL numbers that sound infinite. You might as well say GAJILLION and you’d still be accurate.
#1. He is the THRILLERMAKER!!! Always and FOREVER.
My kids WILL know that Billie Jean was not your lover while Jamming. We won’t Stop Till We Get Enough. Michael, you made HIStory and that is undeniable. Now that you’ve Eased on Down the Road to meet Him, I Cry because you’re Gone Too Soon. We thought Heaven can wait but it apparently couldn’t. Your music Heal the World and for that, you Rock my World. I Never Can Say Goodbye but I do hope you’re resting in peace.
I’m in a state of perpetual *WALL SLIDING* all day. Lemme just lay on this floor (I’m so dramatical). MICHAEL JACKSON IS THE GOAT!
loved it, consider your case made…..MJ is just……and no one else could EVER…..
Luvvie, get off the floor!! It’s time to celebrate! I thought I’d be wallsliding with you at this point, but I couldn’t go. This was too awesome of a presence. In 50 years, he changed music. He changed entertainment. He changed the world. While he is gone, we are still here. To further his legacy. To do some good. To make this world a better place.
*misty smile*
This made me have the teary face smile. This was beautiful.
Forever Michael.
Michael Jackson is and will always be the best. I love him forever & ever!! The King will NEVER DIE!!
I was doing great until I got to the bottom and read the tribute using his songs!
But YES at your list… Just yes. http://thafeedback.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/patti3.gif
*wall slides*
*45 degree lean*
In your honor MJ…You Rock My World!
That Bille Jean poster pic is LIFE!! Uncle to Jermajesty!!
OMG… This was great. I miss Michael.
That MJ badass poster and the MJ cuties make my entire EXISTENCE. I fainted upwards, it is so awesome. *saving both for prosperity*
Ok LMAOOO @ fainting upwards. Your spirit just floating!
[…] The men in the smooth criminal lights doing the dances were UBER cool. Then CBrown came on stage and rocked it! He danced so well. CBreezy did it justice. All shade aside. And then “Man in the Mirror” came on and CB started WEEPING. I was like “Is he… HE IS CRYING!!!” I was touched. He couldn’t even sing from crying so hard. I know a lot of folks have different opinions about it but for ME, it was touching. It threw my thug on the floor a little bit. It just seemed so raw. *sigh* Aawww… them tears led to a lotta debate too. I may blog about it. Either way, I give him much kudos for the tribute to the GOAT, MJ. […]
Peace, Love and Chocolate
I really like this post. Michael Jackson was THE GOAT!!!!
And you’re soo funny lol
I can’t even be sentimental cuz you called blanket an aztec baby!
Tell me why this made me cry??? My inner thug is wrecked! LOL!
I’m a whole year late but I loved everything you said. In tears. Love your blog.
Thanks, Gwendella!!! Your support is appreciated!
I laughed at various posts from your archives all night last night and well into this morning, and this…made me cry. I was cool til I got down to number one. I love you for this.
Next up is your letter to MJ…I know that’s going to have me boo-hooing, too.
This was great 🙂 thanks for posting. Truly the greatest… How come so many people call him overrated and underestimate him? It’s not fair… Can hardly wait until I go to heaven and I am rid of all this competition and accusation against Mike. I know the truth
This was great 🙂 thanks for posting. Truly the greatest… How come so many people call him overrated and underestimate him? It’s not fair… Can hardly wait until I go to heaven and I am rid of all this competition and accusation against Mike. I know the truth. Thanks for sticking up for him
I must thank you for the pic of all the little MJs! SUPER adorable and now my desktop wall paper.
I’m a year or so late to this post, but I have to wholeheartedly agree on every single one of these! Love it!
Loved this post. I was at school about to take my Spanish 1 exam when I heard the news. I had to break it to my professor in spanish. He just looked at me like what??? I cried my eyes out when I heard. and even NOW sometimes it’s hard for me to hear his voice. He was the Great Of All Time.
you made me smile.
You are brilliant, Luvvie! Brilliant, 100% right, and funny as hell. I heart you!
I laughed while crying at this. It still hurts dammit! Q
I am so late to this post, but I’m so glad I found it! Thanks for this man, you literally made me laugh out loud when I read this and I couldn’t help but develop teary eyes. Michael’s death continues to affect me to this day. The world lost A WHOLE LOT of AWESOMENESS with his passing and I am saddened for those who did not have the good fortune of experiencing his magic in their lifetime. Such a profound loss. He was greatness and indeed the GOAT. Music just isn’t he same anymore
Oh, four years late but still DAMN!
[…] still believe that my 10 reasons why he’s the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) piece is as valid as when I wrote it. He is still the most award-winning musician ever. I just have no […]
i MUST have that pic as my FB profile pic for today!
*walls slides* with you. The GOAT was my first crush! My first concert was Jackson 5. I remember exactly where I was when they announced that he was gone. I pulled over and cried. RIP
[…] still believe thаt mу 10 reasons whу hе’s thе GOAT (Greatest οf AƖƖ Time) piece іѕ аѕ valid аѕ whеn I wrote іt. Hе іѕ still […]
When I read the news that Michael had passed. I immediately held my hands to my chest. I was in shock for hours and then grief hit me really hard. The tears started slowly, then the sobs took control. I cried and cried and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I cried for Michael like he was a family member (he was). I miss him and his musical legacy will live on forever.
[…] still believe that my 10 reasons why he’s the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) piece is as valid as when I wrote it. He is still the most award-winning musician ever. I just have no […]
Heck yeah! RIP Mike, you may be gone but your legend lives on.. Thank you for eveything.. ♥ We love you! Everybody loves you. You’re always in our hearts.. You are the *King Of Pop* Forever..
Sincerely, the die-hard, hard-core, super fans. *LONG LIVE THE KING!* *”Hee! Hee! ~ ♪”*