Becky Karen Susan
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About Caucasity and the Difference Between a Becky, a Karen and a Susan

We must all start operating from the same page, to minimize confusion in this world. When it comes to the state of caucasity, we gotta get clear on the groups that exist. In case this is your first time hearing the word “Caucasity,” know that it speaks to whiteness, white …

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About the Weary Weaponizing of White Women Tears

Picture it: a white woman feels challenged or uncomfortable about something a Black person said or did. Instead of using her words, she cries. Instantly, no matter what the initial catalyst of the situation is, she ends up being appeased, pacified and pampered. Lawd knows we’ve all seen virtual white …

Alabama Election Demographics
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White Women Need to Get Their Shit Together

Yesterday was the much-anticipated (and dreaded) race for Alabama’s newest senator. One candidate was the run-of-the-mill Democrat. Nothing radical or life-altering about him. Doug Jones is the status quo in human form. And the other was a pedophile who stood boldly in his racist, confederacy values. Roy Moore would have …