Dear New York Knicks, Reconsider the Tyrese Takeover
I woke up to folks’ tweets about Tyrese taking over the New York Knicks’ Twitter handle later today during their game. I am here to ask the Knicks to think twice. Because. For reasons. I hope this makes it to their management before it’s too late. Do your part. Share …

iCan’t With Tyrese’s Father’s Day Poem. Nawl.
Oh Tyrese. I gotta start this post like this because the man just makes me hit my facepalm often. I mean, first it’s because of his love-hate relationship with the English language. He loves to hate on rules of grammar and syntax. So much so that he has his own …

The 20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets of 2011
So, as I promised after Part 1 & 2 of the 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2011, here’s the final list of the year: 20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets. Some celebrities have really cheapened their stardom by acting out constantly on Twitter. Every time a celebrity tweets, a publicist quits his/her job …

If Tupac Met Malcolm X, They’d Side-Eye This Painting Together
At this point in time, y’all already know I spend WAY too much of my time and days loitering on the Den of Iniquity that is Twitter. Yesterday was no different. I was minding my own business (O__o) when someone posted a link to a twitpic by Tyrese. It was… …