Whose Ghost is This? Oh It’s Sammy Sosa
You know what is an everlasting bastard? When people fall from grace spectacularly. Y’all. A picture was circulating last week and I had to make sure it wasn’t photoshop. It was of baseball great, Sammy Sosa, standing on the streets of London and it scared the bejeez out of me. …

Love and Athletes America Needs to Happen and Here’s the Cast
Lately, the sports world has been giving us the best tea. They might have me caring about who shot what ball over who’s net soon. Or not. But still. You gotta admit that athletes have been in the news more than usual for their off-the-court activities and how it’s affected …

Dear Sammy Sosa, You Look Like A Vampire
I’m sure by now, you’ve seen a picture of the new and (not so) improved Sammy Sosa. It has more than earned this week’s sternly-worded letter. Dear Sammy Sosa, What in the name of all that is good, holy and sanctified are you doing? Who died and had you replicated …