15 Best Jokes From President Obama at His Final Nerd Prom
The 2016 White House Correspondent Dinner (aka Nerd Prom) was bittersweet because it was President Barack Obama’s final one. It’s definitely one event to look forward to every year because he lets loose and roasts the hell outta Washington DC’s finest: the media, Congress, and himself. My only regret in life …

10 Funniest Lines from President Obama’s 2015 Nerd Prom Set
The White House Correspondents Dinner (aka Nerd Prom) was last night, and as always, President Barack Obama came to roast. He’s fresh out of terms and fresh out of dambs to give too, so he came for everyone who sent for him in his 20 minute set. He even ended …

10 of President Obama’s Funniest Lines from Nerd Prom 2013
Last night was the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, nicknamed “Nerd Prom” for obvious reasons. Conan O’Brien hosted it but President Barack Obama stole the show. He actually walked up to it while DJ Khaled’s “All I Do is Win” was playing. It’s his 2nd term and BROBAMA is letting folks …