New MySpace is Almost Here and I’m Not Here For It
A sneak peek of the new MySpace is out and I did a “It’s cute but meh.” Watch the vid below and see for yourself. The new Myspace from Myspace on Vimeo. Ummm… it looks like a fancy ass Tumblr that will come in handy for musicians and folks with …

Tom Anderson from MySpace is… NOT the Father!
So I had a completely different post ready to go until I saw this video: *CRIES* *REAL TEARS* I am holding my stomach and trying not to fall out the chair. This man thinks Tom Anderson of MySpace is the father of his girlfriend’s child because the kid has blue …

If the Social Networks Were in High School
High school is a microcosm of the real world. Folks think when they graduate, the dynamics they had to deal with then end. WRONG! Life is high school on a larger scale. So I thought about what would happen if the social networks where we spend our eLives were high …