Felina Breaking Bad
TV and Movies

Felina: Breaking Bad’s Finale Was the Perfect Ending to an Amazing Show

It was the perfect ending. It was just right. And it makes this whole “finale” thing even more bittersweet. To know I just watched the last episode of one of the BEST TV shows of all time (Breaking Bad) is so wall-slide worthy. I felt this exact same way when …

Breaking Bad
TV and Movies

10 Thoughts About Breaking Bad Episode 512: Rabid Dog

I just caught up with last week’s episode of Breaking Bad last night, which is why my recap is coming just a few hours before the next episode airs. 1. There are few shows on TV that make you wanna lose your mind through pure silence and camera angles like …

Breaking Bad Family Showdown
TV and Movies

These Are Walt’s Confessions: Breaking Bad 511 Recap

I don’t know about you but watching every new episode of Breaking Bad gives me heart palpitations. I just feel like doom is round every corner so I can’t e’em chillax when it’s on. I’m expecting some sort of boogeyman to come and eat Walt or something. Chile… Anywho, in …

Breaking Bad Middle School Musical
TV and MoviesVideos

Breaking Bad is Back Tonight and this Middle School Musical Wins

Breaking Bad is coming back tonight for the first of its final 8 episodes. And I could not be more excited! One thing everyone is sure about is that Walter White is doomed in one way or another. What we’re waiting to see is who he brings down with him. …

Breaking Bad AMC Season 5
TV and Movies

Breaking Bad Season 5 Premiere Took NO Prisoners (No Spoilers)

One of the shows I just started watching in the past couple of months is AMC’s Breaking Bad because Afrobella told me it was awesome. So I went to Netflix, where they got seasons 1-4. I watched ALL the episodes in like 2 months, and I GOT MY LIFE. And the …