On ROOTS Reimagined and Retelling This Classic Story
When I first heard that they wanted to remake ROOTS, I legit was like “Bhet why?” The mini-series from 1977, based on Alex Haley‘s book of the same name is one of those classics that everyone knows about even if they haven’t seen. Why touch it? Why do we need …
Inauguration Ball was a Hoot
I was watching the Neighborhood Inauguration ball, and it was a GOOD TIME, even through the TV. The star power was ridiculous! But y’all know I got some things to say. The GREAT *My President has rhythm. Y’all saw him and Shelly (yes, we have given her a nickname) getting …
Celebration Playlist
I am loving the positivity that is omnipresent with our new President-Elect Barack Obama. I swear I woke up on November 5th and the world was clearer and sunnier. My allergies miraculously cleared up and my terrible cold seemed to have subsided. Birds were singing, and I think people were …
Celebrate Good Times for Obama!
I was on YBF.com a couple of days ago, and she put a list up of ways for Black folks to celebrate if Obama wins to keep folks from getting nervous, at least for the first few days. I already broke ALL them rules and it has only been an …