Whose Weave Did Hurricane Sandy Literally Snatch?
I’ve been watching reports of Hurricane Sandy’s damages and I’m praying for my East Coast friends and family. It looks so treacherous and terrible. This is no Hurricane “Sneeze a Lil” Irene. This storm is completely about that doing the most life and I’m not here for it. I hope …

Whose Stingy Ponytail is This?
Ok look. Everyone ain’t meant to have long flowing, luxurious hair. This is why Jesus invented weave. For those who want long hair without the hassle. Yes, He did. Look in the book of Yakiastes. It’s right there. But there’s nothing wrong with short hair. Especially when the person who …

Dear Everyone Hating on Gabby Douglas’ Hair, Have A Seat.
Three weeks ago, I didn’t know who Gabrielle Douglas was. I had never heard of the 4 foot 11 inches 16-year-old from Virginia with an infectious smile and a love for the Lord. Now, I know and love Gabby, as if she was a little sister or cousin. I root …

Whose Country Uncle is This? Oh. Hey, Charlie Wilson
I ran across this picture of Uncle Charlie Wilson at last night’s Grammy Awards and I just *facepalmed* *blinks slowly* Sooo… wut? O________O I have so many questions. * What is Uncle Charlie Wilson rocking on top of his head? * Did he shave a chia pet and gently place …

True Life: I Found A Gray Hair
In less than a month, I turn 27, and last week, I found my first gray hair. I was pinning up my locs, and I was looking in the mirror to make sure I got the style right. I was placing a pin in my hair when I saw something …

Whose Half Braids Are These???
Soooo one of my readers passed this along to me and I pretty much HOLLERED! There’s something wrong with some people. This colored individual has a caesar haircut in the front and jail braids in the back. O________O When I tell y’all the future is losing? I mean it with …

TypeF and YouTube Can Lead You Astray
In the case of Tyra Banks’ Type F YouTube Channel, which is related to her TypeF website, folks are going to be led all types of wrong ways. I’m not sure if Tyra just handed over the management of that YouTube page to someone she REALLY trusts so she never checks …

Whose Babyhair is This?
This was tweeted to me the other night and I sat in front of my computer looking like O_________O. Then I facepalmed and shook my head. Soooo… Lemme get this straight. This young sir got an old toothbrush, his finest jar of brown gel and GOT TO WORK in a …

Whose Braided Up Grandpa is This?
I was minding my own business when someone sent me the pic below on Tumblr. CHECK GRANDPA OUT!! Lol! Why is he so adorable? Sitting in a computer lab with his bookbag, jean jacket and… slicky ricky straight back BRAIDS (also referred to as jail braids). Chile iCackled. Sooo you …

Invisiwig Brows. NO MA’AM!
I was minding my own business when my girl @KindredSmile ambushed my gchats talmbout “Lacefront Eyebrows.” I told her to go away, but she didn’t listen. This fool sent me a link to: INVISIWIG EYEBROWS! LAWDDDDDD!!! So folks ain’t e’em going the old-fashioned 2001 route of using rogaine on their brows …