George Zimmerman Was Shot in the Face A Little. Because: Monday
George Zimmerman in another altercation that police were called to. We like to call this special occasion “Monday.” That man gets in more trouble than New York rats get on the subway and he doesn’t ever see lock up. His life is clearly on some “Final Destination: Prison For Life” shit. …

George Zimmerman Wants to be Superman And I’m Not Buying It
Man, look. Folks (ABC, CNN and ’em) are reporting that George Zimmerman saved a family last week when their truck overturned on a highway last week. Apparently, a family of four were trapped in their SUV when Porky Pig and another fella came outta nowhere to rescue them. DUN DUN …

The Daily Show’s Segment on the Zimmerman Verdict is Why I Love Them
The Daily Show is one of the smartest and funniest shows on TV, and they always prove to be one of the most needed ones too. You’ll get a better take on the news by watching it than CNN any day, in my book. Their news might be “fake” but …