The Mess That Biden Must Clean Up Because of Trump – Cartoon Edition
The United States has just continuously shown its underskirt these last 4 years with Cheeto Satan in office, and the world has been watching. Now that we know he’s getting the fuck out the office, with this stressful ass history-making ass election that Joe Biden won, we can breathe a …

Announcement! COPE Has Placed a Moratorium on BLAXIT Passes
It’s been a month since the world began its’ quick crumble, with the election of Squirrelwig McRacistPants as the next President of the United States. We were all stunned, because WTF HOW THE FUCK WHO THE FUCK. Even though Hillary Clinton secured almost 3 million more votes than Cheeto Satan, …

I’m Not Playing Nice with Donald Trump
A week ago, the United States of America reminded the world that is has a lot of stupid people in it. And a lot of people who would put their race over their genders because they’ve internalized patriarchy. And a lot of people who are raging racists. And a lot …

About the Heartbreak of America’s Choice
I forced myself to go to sleep around 1am. I wanted to keep hope, even for 5 more hours. I can usually find bright spots in situations. There are none for me here. I feel doomed. I wanted to wake up this morning celebrating the first woman president. Instead, I …