Introverts Are Also Struggling in the Quarantine
At this point, the days have all blurred into each other and today is March 31st but it’s really March 99th and nothing makes sense. I legit wished my cousin a Happy birthday, because he’s an April 1 baby. Imagine my SHOCK and AWE when I was told I was …

About Faith, Fear and Toxic Positivity in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
Everything and everyone is getting on my last nerves right now. It’s Day whothehellknows anymore of being quarantined in the house, trying to avoid a microscopic savage in the form of a virus and I’m side-eying EVERYTHING. My attitude is such trash right now and my usually low levels of …

Parents Are About to Put Their Little Broke Best Friends Out! – CoronaQuarantine Chronicles
These are some interesting times, ain’t they? COVID-19 has our whole underskirt showing out here. This Coronavirus got us hemmed up in the worst of ways, and now we’re having to social distance to try to get it under control. Not having to go to work sounds fun but for …

What I’m Learning From This Coronavirus Crisis So Far
My anxiety has been sky high for days, behind this Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis that we find ourselves in. I’ve been reading the news, and getting more and more scared of what’s happening and what could come. So I understand anyone who is feeling the weight of the world right now. …