7 Reasons Why My College Entrance Essay Was the Worst
While being random and perusing my computer, I came across a folder labeled “College Papers.” It was a gold mine, if “gold mine” now means “painful reminder of my past inadequacies and immaturity.” There were about 25 documents from undergrad: essays, research papers and other things to let me know …

Sorority Girl Sends Her Sisters the Rudest (But Hilarious) Email Ever
One time while I was in undergrad, someone asked me “Is your roommate Greek?” And my dumbass replied with “No, she’s Puerto Rican.” I really didn’t know what they meant til they laughed at me. I’m slow. I never joined a sorority in college. Not because I didn’t like them …

Being A College Freshman: A Short Manual of Do’s and Don’ts
It’s about that time of year. The weather isn’t getting hotter. Everyone has had a full 3 months of frolicking, ratchetness and nekkidness. September is almost here, which means one thing: SCHOOL’S BACK IN! Now, for those who just graduated from high school, it means you’re probably about to be …