Denial of All Things Unseen is Caucasity at Work
I think that to not believe in a higher power or the universe being connected or energy or spirits or whatever science says it cannot prove, is truly an Anglo Saxon trait and privilege (?). It’s eurocentrism. It’s Westernized blindness. It’s Caucasity at work. I don’t think it is a …

About White Men’s Success, Nepotism and the Lie of Meritocracy
White men love to tell us to work harder cuz that’s what they did, and they’re wrong to do it. They should stop it immediately. On social media, everyday we’ll see white men in business, tech or thought leadership drop posts about what it takes to be successful. They will …

About Twitter, Elon Musk and the Mirage of Intelligence
Elon Musk is now the CEO of Twitter, and all hell has broken loose. In a week, he’s fired over 3,700 employees and is beginning an $8/month plan that will allow anyone to have a verified checkmark. And those who are already verified but don’t pay will lose their blue …

About Caucasity and the Difference Between a Becky, a Karen and a Susan
We must all start operating from the same page, to minimize confusion in this world. When it comes to the state of caucasity, we gotta get clear on the groups that exist. In case this is your first time hearing the word “Caucasity,” know that it speaks to whiteness, white …

Whose Idea Were These Terrible Birkenstock Boots?
First came the most expensive frock on the Oregon Trail. Then came the uglass skants (skirt pants). And now I’m convinced that fashion designers are just trolling us on purpose to entertain themselves, because look at this mess. What in the tacky ass caucasery hell is this?!? Birkenstock has gone TOO …

White Women Need to Get Their Shit Together
Yesterday was the much-anticipated (and dreaded) race for Alabama’s newest senator. One candidate was the run-of-the-mill Democrat. Nothing radical or life-altering about him. Doug Jones is the status quo in human form. And the other was a pedophile who stood boldly in his racist, confederacy values. Roy Moore would have …

Goldilocks was Criming While White
A lot of the stories we’ve heard since we were little are really insidious once you pick them apart and realize what was actually happening. As an adult, analyzing childhood lore can piss you off when you realize that the character you were supposed to love was actually a fuckboy. Or …