Scandal is Coming to BET. Rejoice, Gladiators!
BET is on a mission to get itself together in 2013 and I ain’t mad about it! It was announced that reruns of the first 2 seasons of Scandal will start airing on BET in August. And when season 3 kicks off, episodes will show on BET 8 days after …

The 2013 BET Awards Killed TURNUP and Charlie Wilson Brought the House Down
I never miss the BET Awards because even when it’s bad, the tweets make it afun to watch. But this year, it actually wasn’t that bad. And for BET, that means it was a good show. I missed the first hour of the show so I’m gonna act like those …

Mara Brock Akil’s ‘Being Mary Jane’ is a Good Look for BET
Yesterday, I attended the Chicago screening for Being Mary Jane, BET’s latest original series, written by Mara Brock Akil (Girlfriends). I was pleasantly surprised at the good time I had, so lemme tell ya about it. I won’t give away any plot points you can’t find out in the show …

The 2012 BET Awards Was Surprisingly Good. They Did Whitney RIGHT
I can truly say that BET did a good job with one of their programs. This is high praise, seeing as how I’ve wanted to just fight during past award shows. This year’s was actually really good and I enjoyed it, so kudos to the folks over at BET for …

So I Watched “Reed Between the Lines” Last Night
Last night, BET decided they wanted to be about that life and put on some quality programming. First was the BET Hip Hop Awards, which I actually ended up missing most of because itis got me. I took an accidental extended blink (read: nap) and woke up with only 40 …

“The Game” Premiere Played Bald-headed Games! I Have Questions
So last night was the highly anticipated premiere of the TV show “The Game.” You know, the one that’s been off air for 2 years because CW kicked it to the curb. So fans lobbied for it like our health insurance depended on it. Yes, that one. BET picked it …

BET Awards Was Actually Good
So I went into the BET Awards expecting much fail, like in the previous year. Expectations CANNOT be placed low enough BET. Let me definitely say that. How bad has BET been in previous years? Well, last year, it was so bad that my recap was in TWO parts. First …