About Images of Black Death and the Groundhog Day of Police Brutality
Have you heard of the Black man named Eric who police had pinned to the concrete and he told them he can’t breathe and they didn’t give a shit and we watched his last moments on video because he shortly after he said that? Oh no, I’m not talking about …

Dear Nellie Andreeva and Deadline, About Your Piece on Too Much “Ethnic Casting” on TV
Yesterday, Deadline’s TV editor Nellie Andreeva posted a piece titled “Pilots 2015: The Year Of Ethnic Castings – About Time Or Too Much Of Good Thing?” This headline wasn’t click-bait because it captured exactly what the writer was trying to say: that TV is getting too Black and maybe it should …

About #BlackOutFriday and How Some People are Missing the Point
Today is Black Friday, the annual shopping gluttony day where we all bless each other with new things that are 50-70% cheaper than normal but not really because they made them 50% more expensive just to give us a 40% discount. Some of us go to WalMart to risk being trampled …

About Lena Dunham’s Memoir, Overshare and Lack of Boundaries
Lena Dunham is weird. That is her thing. I admit that her hype has always perplexed me, and the title of being the “voice of a generation” has certainly given me pause. I’ve seen GIRLS and I was bored to tears by it so I realized that maybe the generation …
About Renee Zellweger’s New Face, Our Shock, and Folks Telling Us to STFU
A woman got on the red carpet the other day, looking vaguely familiar. Or like the cousin of Robin Wright and Sarah Jessica Parker. Wait. WAYMENT. That’s Renee Zellweger! Shut my mouth wide open! WUT? What happened to her face? I mean, that’s kinda rhetorical because we know it’s plastic …

About This Grudge Folks Hold Against Michael Vick…
Michael Vick did a terrible thing. TERRIBLE. In 2007, he pleaded guilty to sponsoring a dogfighting ring, participating in many himself and being a part of the killing of dogs (pit bulls) by drowning or hanging. And he made money off this stuff. AWFUL stuff, really. He was convicted, went …

About the Relationship Between Africans and African Americans
Last night, @MisstoyaJ sent me a couple of tweets asking me to address the meaning of the word “akata” by Nigerians and other Africans because they had seen it on Twitter. It felt cheap to just talk about the word without talking about the larger dynamic behind it. This led …

About Yoruba Names and their Meanings
As some may know, I’m Nigerian, specifically Yoruba. We’re in the Southwest part of the country, but we’re global because our culture and our people are all over the world. We’re over 35 million strong and we are everything. Yes, I’m biased. Anywho, yesterday, I started tweeting about how important …

About This Whole Black Twitter Thing…
The phrase Black Twitter started as a joke when people realized the power of Black people who use Twitter. People started noticing that we were driving hashtags and trending topics. Then Nielsen did research and found out that African American women are the most active group on Twitter. Since then, …

About The Oscars, Quvenzhané Wallis and The Onion Debacle
This post took me a long time to write because I wasn’t even sure I was going to blog about this topic. I’ve been all up in arms for the past 20 hours. Literally. Like fighting the air at random intervals and everything. Because people have been TRYING it. It …