About Colin Kaepernick’s Stance and the Chafed Compatriots
Colin Kaepernick is the starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, and he is in the middle of a public hailstorm right now. He decided to sit down as the national anthem played before a game, and he has been caught up in the rapture of hate ever since. When asked …

About Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech and the White House That Was Built by Slaves
Michelle Obama. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama the GAWDESS. First of Her Name. Sasha and Malia’s mama. Barack’s wife. Queen of my Heart. Slayer of Haters. Shader of Intellectually Inferior Walking Cheetos. She Who Shall Not Be Outdone. She stepped on the stage of the Democratic National Convention on day 1 and …

About Crowdfunding, How It’s Jumped the Shark and Why I Can’t Promote Your Campaign
Six years ago, after I got laid off my full time job, I was invited to speak at a conference that was respected in the nonprofit industry. I needed $700 to get there, and at the encouragement of a friend, I got a ChipIn (now defunct) page up at 10pm. When …

About Writing While Loving Blackness and Hurting White Feelings
Are you mad about this title? Keep reading. You’re probably the main one that needs to read this. It has been an interesting 5 days, since Beyonce dropped her Formation video and broke the internet. People (me included) have not been able to stop talking about it, and it has …

About Flint’s Water Crisis, the Human Rights Debacle and the Poster of Lies
What is happening in Flint, Michigan right now is systemic genocide, and the victims are people of color and poor people. The city’s population is 60% Black and 42% of the residents live below the poverty line. They are being poisoned with lead-tainted water that is coming out of their faucets, …

About Mizzou, White Supremacy and Freedom Fighting
The state of Missouri has been a racial hotbed in the last year and a half, starting in Ferguson with the killing of Michael Brown Jr., in August 2014. The Black students at the University of Missouri have been protesting the mishandling of incidents on campus, and the football team …

About that EBONY Magazine Cover and the Cosby Conundrum
Yesterday, EBONY dropped the mic on everyone when they released the cover of their November 2015 issue. It is a cover made to look like a cracked picture, featuring the Huxtables. The crack starts on the face of Heathcliff, which is mostly covered because of it, and it spreads throughout, …

About the Cocaine Apartment and the Tender Reporting of a White Victim
The media doesn’t even TRY to ACT like it isn’t engaging in shady ass biased practices anymore. We are all clear that press has never been objective, and outlets lean one way or another, based on who is behind them and the people they hire. They have set agendas and …

About Charleston, Forgiveness and Black Pain
Three days ago, a monster walked into bible study at Emanuel AME Church, the oldest Black church in the south. He sat with them for an hour before pulling his gun out and killing 9 of them. Their names need to be spoken. Susie Jackson (87). Reverent Clementa Pinkney (41). …

About Rachel Dolezal the Undercover Sista and Performing Blackness
Soooo about Rachel Dolezal… I am aware that I’m tardy for the party in throwing my hat in the ring but I’m just here so I don’t get fined. I might be a day late and a word count short but this lady has taken over our minds in the …